The Epic of Uncle Rico.


2011-06-07 05:47:40

It all started with a feature film, a feature film that changed the life of one very special individual. That individual, an enigma to some, an awesome friend to others, was Uncle Fucking Rico. It all started in the year 2006, some would call this "The Beginning of the end of HL2:DM", others would call this the year 2006, in any case this was the starting point for Uncle Rico in Half-Life 2: Deathmatch. At first, like many others, he joined one of the first public server's on his list, which I assume had something along the lines of "dm_lockdown" or "dm_sonic_mario_land" running, we can't be sure. Scholars maintain that the link to our past was lost with the end of the Cyber Athlete Amateur League, but we'll get into that in a bit.

It is now March of 2006, and Uncle Rico doesn't wanna be playing by himself anymore. A quick glance at his internet games list showed a server called "THE EVIL EMPIRE - WELCOME TO HELL!!", being a devout Catholic, Uncle Rico had to get in there and address these heathens for their wrongdoings. He connected to the server and found himself in a very familiar place, where he spent most of his high school career working to earn enough money to buy his steak dinners, he connected and was playing Half-Life Two: Deathmatch at Wal-Mart. Something changed within Uncle Rico, maybe the spirit of the lord gave out in him, or maybe he felt some kind of fondness for the map he was playing, but he decided to stick around, and eventually was recruited to the clan Evil Empire. He spent months playing with his new clan, and eventually found another game to step into.

It is now late 2006, a time of great confusion for Uncle Rico. He started playing a new game called Guild Wars with Evil Empire, and became the most well male succubus in all of GW, he used his skills as a mesmer to lure the younger players into his carriage with no windows. One month and many incarcerated nights later, Uncle Rico was released from in-game prison. Wanting to turn his life around, he decided to devote his life to becoming a monk, and went to the Famous Dong Brothers Monastary because he heard they had good noodles. After much tom-foolery within the monastery, to Uncle Rico's surprise the Evil Empire he came to know and love, was falling apart.

This did not sit well with Uncle Rico, and he had to do something about it. JoeyNova was in the process of rebuilding the Evil Empire, and Uncle Rico took notice of this and hung up his monksrobes, for good. It is now 2007 and Uncle Rico is back within the grasp of Half-Life Two: Deathmatch. While helping JoeyNova rebuild the Evil Empire, Uncle Rico took notice of how well one of his teammates was progressing, a cereal bar by the name of Nutri-Grain. This packaged bar of strawberry or cinnimon apple filling had lots of ideas, and one of those ideas was breaking out of the breakfast industry and into the world of E-Sports. Unsure of what to make of this, Uncle Rico reluctantly agreed, and signed the Evil Empire up for the Cyber Athlete Amateur League.

Being that the members of Evil Empire had never done an official match of any sort, they joined the server where their first game was located, and got ready to face their first ever opponents, a team by the name of Sanctuary of Wimps, er Warriors excuse me. They had no idea wat do, so they asked their opponents a few question pre-game, to which one of their members by the name of LukeGeoMetro6969 replied "shut up noobs". Suffice it to say, they still played their match and lost. During round two one of the cast members from the popular TV Show Rocky and Bullwinkle Moose on the Lose, who was a member of team SW, stated that their server sucked. The warm welcome to the E-Sports world set Evil Empire's names in stone forever more. They placed third after a couple months of waiting so some fat kids could finish their TF2 Games, and started to get ready for the next season.

During the wait period in between seasons, Evil Empire's four versus four team was faltering, Uncle Rico was having trouble finding new objects/movie stars/nouns to play on his team. He ended up playing a random two versus two against Nino J Man, the only average everyday human in HL2:DM, and a person by the name of Timoz, which is a cafe located in Amsterdam. Uncle Rico saw great potential in this cafe, we're unsure of whether the plumes of smoke within said cafe had something to do with this, but he ended up making a great decision in teaming up with Timoz and Nino J Man. The four started playing eachother, and it is written in the old scrolls that Nutri-Grain and Timoz (who was now going by the name Poor_Billy, and had gone through a radical change from a Cafe in Amsterdam, to a 550 pound black guy with a football helmet) would bring light to the darkest of the servers. Along the way they picked up a lost little boy named Kyle, who was indeed the father of John Conner, and had a complete team, which they named Evil War Room.

Now that they had their complete team, it was time for them to stop only winning the 2vs2 league, and start winning all the leagues. They played all their games using the most highly regarded strategies, such as calling each other racial slurs during the game, showing up drunk to matches and still winning, or using Kyle as bait. Uncle Rico admits that Kyle provided him with some of the mightiest luls he's ever had during his long stories of the war against the Machines. During one of their matches Uncle Rico let Kyle take his place during the match, the game was once again against their old pal's SW. Needless to say, they won the match, which scared SW so bad they resorted to recruiting a fat red haired kid dressed up in a bird outfit to their team. Something was wrong, Uncle Rico just heard the news that one of the members of SW by the name of Fearsome, who wasn't fooling anyone, and was Rudolf the Red Nosed Dickbag in disguise. Oh my apologies, reindeer. Needless to say, Nutri-Grain fought this dispute by submitting his demos of the matches, to which he was told he had to submit every demo from every game he played. They waited two months, eventually to the point where they all lost interest, and went about their lives. Everyone knew it was physically impossible for a cereal bar to perpetrate the act of hacking, but no one wanted to stand up for whats right. No one really cared much, and Uncle Rico went on to play the first season of a new tournament called Warzone with Poor_Billy and Nutri-Grain, this time playing for the Evil Empire. They won the tournament, and Uncle Rico began to despise Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, because in his mind it was a waste of time at that point, and was never heard from again within the community.

Uncle Rico may not have been the best player, or the funniest player, but I think we can all agree on one thing, he's cooler than your dumbass. This, is the story of Uncle Rico, nay the Legend, of Uncle Rico, a man who single-handedly started the team that became the bane of 90% of the Competitive Half-Life Two: Deathmatches Lives, and we can all thank him for that. Good night, sweet prince.


2011-06-07 06:04:24



2011-06-07 06:14:14

would read again

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2011-06-07 06:26:11

You forgot the part where he recruited me at dennys.


2011-06-07 07:15:23

Ghost Dog_TSGK wrote:You forgot the part where he recruited me at dennys.
Your tale is next, if you wanna tl;dr me your HL2DM career on steamchat like Rico did that is, haha.

Uncle Rico

2011-06-07 07:18:34

Panic wrote:
Ghost Dog_TSGK wrote:You forgot the part where he recruited me at dennys.
Your tale is next, if you wanna tl;dr me your HL2DM career on steamchat like Rico did that is, haha.
Make sure to include the peyote trips with the naked Native American.


2011-06-07 07:21:33

hey guys


2011-06-07 07:52:18

10/10 thread, will read one more time just to soak it in


2011-06-07 08:04:00

PoorBilly wrote:hey guys

Uncle Rico

2011-06-07 08:04:50

PoorBilly wrote:hey guys


2011-06-07 08:05:55

PoorBilly wrote:hey guys


2011-06-07 10:03:00



Starcraft II RealID

It all makes sense now.


2011-06-07 22:47:02

"Poor_Billy" was the name of a gay-porn portal from the late 90's/turn on the Millennium.
I used it much as an adolescent, as did lil'Timmy-Tim.
:cry: :twisted:

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2011-06-07 23:07:36

Panics sig basically describes my hl2dm career to the last detail.


2011-06-07 23:23:50

Ghost Dog_TSGK wrote:Panics sig basically describes my hl2dm career to the last detail.
I dress to impress.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2011-06-08 01:48:52

I'll take it from here.

I started gaming in the arcade, fighting games exclusively. couldn't be beat at home nor at crossroads mall and certainly not the late Fun Factory. One Saturday a 13 year old me strutted up to virtua fighter 2 to delegate ass beatings accordingly, a new challenger appeared.

Couldn't have been under the age of 25 and while the holes in his shirt seemed to hint toward dedication to the game, only the stains confirmed it. I found my every move being countered as his greased palms stormed a flurry of joystick and button molestation each followed by a unique scent of discarded foodstuffs.

Swiftly defeating me was no chore and immediately after my loss, the challenger reached to insert the mandatory 2 coin continue fee seemingly demanding my return to the field with honor. As his hand came uncomfortably close to my genitals I couldn't help but read the graphic off the back of his t shirt, the holes in his shirt made interpretation difficult, I read it as "If yo can re d this, my bich fell of" words of wisdom we can all live by I thought, *clink *clink* the 2 coins inserted and a free rematch pending I wondered if this might be my finest hour.

Those thoughts soon dwindled upon the arrival of my challengers significant other, she entered the arcade as gracefully as a recently bludgeoned steer and seemed to use the glow of the machines as a beacon for transverse orientation which inevitably led to directly to her spouse after causing irreparable damage to the 4 player X-Men display. I soon realized upon witnessing this that clearly his "bich never fell of" she eyed me up and down before belching a string of seemingly pre-rehearsed commands describing an extinction level event at their native trailer park under the condition she did not receive a bounty of "Boones farm" estimated to stretch 20 cubits no less.

Following my opponents provoked attack I knew I needed to distance myself from gaming.

Seven years later a man by the name of Andrew owed me some money, after informing him I would not call him "drew" due to charter rule 45 stating self induced nicknames are unconstitutional he proceeded to repay his debt to me with a slightly used PC. New found money and free time lead me to purchase a game and take this thing for a spin.

I arrived at my destination and set out to find a title worthy of christening this newly acquired time killer. After being unwillingly informed by a seemingly intoxicated monotone clerk that "halo is for gays" I ventured to the PC gaming isle, the outlook was bleak. I had not played a PC game since delta force, "is this what gaming has become" I thought to myself. Then I noticed half life 2 episode 1 on the bottom shelf, some say Alyx even winked as I reached for the box, truth be told they were all baked out of their gourd and had been huffing industrial floor cleaner for some hours.

Before departing I navigated the home office section and spotted a glass top computer desk priced @ $159 marked down to $90, such savings demand reaction, so I turned to high five my fellow shopper whom didn't exist since it's midnight and accidentaly high fived the $225 glass top computer desk which came crashing to the floor.

After a hasty departure from my former favorite store the notion of my videotaped unintentional vandalism was but an afterthought! I charged through my domain quickly assembling a faux computer desk out of my boxed computer desk, a self induced irony that was sure to blow the minds of all potential opponents the night could offer. Quick installation followed by a steam activation and the doors were opened.

The games started out innocently, dm_runoff followed by dm_snipe_haus_pwn_r382763, dabbling in the occasional star wars with snipeit. Then just before I got bored of the base game I met plasmo_TSGK and meekmeekle_TSGK, they showed me how to bhop and what overly stupid decisions I was making. Little did they know I was a beast back in the day just rusty, soon beast mode slightly set in and I was back to making shots people would never try. I've said it before and I'll say it again my reaction time alone will half ass me through any game ever created.

Soon after I joined the TSGK crew and made their non competitive friendly clan matches severely lopsided even with a 130 ping, I was never bored with that either despite what other gamers might lead you to believe. Then came the hl2dmu map contest, I was already familiar with the competitive side of hl2dm, tlc was always a regular and lukegt and I always randomly ended up in the same server., same with modal, conflict knew from the time I told drunk kandyman over the mic "I disagree" while we were all playing biohazard (conflict knows), and I always showed up to play with team hax and durden whenever they were testing a new CTF gimmick.

But meekle showed me that everyone was here doing the talking and since he was making a map for the contest I joined him here, after caverns won said contest meekle felt compelled to try league play because his map was now in rotation. We formed a 2v2 team that only played two real matches against HE (dm_vault fuck that) then onti and dark soul. We got our asses handed to us but we weren't bitter, league play just wasn't meekles thing.

I stuck around the scene doing 1v1 scrims with $W and spent the better part of my gaming time playing with nino and timoz just playing pub server style with random scrims in between. I still wanted to play league but needed an "in". Then nino mentions ewR needed another and one PM plus two lengthy thorough pat downs later I was back.

I was a nino associate already and I knew poor_billy because he beat me so many times before, I was familiar with the EE side of the team because meekmeekle played with them for a short time in CAL, after the official ass-less chaps were delivered I knew we had a hell of a team.

During our league stint nino also ran draft night like a boss, I popped in a few times and my first time I remember "oh great we're playing against kandyman watch this nigga troll" though he never said anything but gg, pretty big on his part after I went off like I did.

Second draft night was a fun team, me, zman and phantom. We smoked the first couple of teams but then ace carried his team x10 and they managed to beat us, eventually we all decided to come up with new strats and locked ourselves in lost village's crossbow room accordingly, Ace seemed perplexed by this.

I was already on the 2v2 ewR team and the 4v4, I still attempted the 1v1 division no idea why, probably because plasmo joined it. What a load of shit that was at least for me, 5 forfeits later I had a real match, it was against mulekick one of the most chill dudes you'll ever meet, Mark my words league play brings out a different player than the one you scrim against, mulekick had never played better than that day he matched against me, he was a man possessed. You may have played someone but you have never truly matched against them until it's official, you have seen nothing yet.

4 more forfeits later I was getting pretty pissed, I had showed up for countless matches on time and managed to play one match against a guy that would have scrimmed me any time I wanted to anyway. Next and final match was against divinity, he took map 1 with force and I took the lockdown match accordingly because I WIN LOCKDOWN, up until then the match was everything you want, we were both pretty much equal in skill back then but he had more league experience, then I found out the league forced the tiebreaker map and it stuck both of us on some trash map, console was filled with red error messages and I didn't play well either,

I was fed up to the point I left the match in progress and quti CAL 1v1 division for good, almost unwillingly costing Div a victory that he deserved, he won the match as soon as chose to quti but me not thinking went to the CAL page and removed myself from the division before the scores were reported. No harm no foul though he did get the point. The thing that got me was the showing up for matches against CSS fags that were never going to show, that irked me I always said we needed to kick those kids as soon as they signed up, even though some did actually play it was laughable, trying to use the 9mm like a deagle etc.

For those of you that weren't playing then, CAL league had separate divisions for CSS, open, intermediate, main and invite. Having CAL main experience on your steam ID was an easy way to get on a CSS team, for some fucktard reason these kids thought if they joined CAL hl2dm main division (the only hl2dm division at the time) that an actual established team would pick them up due to that... Solid logic I know but it fucked us over a lot regardless.

The team as a whole was flourishing, we had stormed 2v2 and 4v4 using zero strategies and zero practice, it was in the bag, 911 usually put up the best fight but one day poor_billy decided to get 60 kills by himself on dm_cannon which was good because I don't think any of us knew that map 911 or ewR, it was a fucking mess even though it was one of the bigger games of the season, not even a week later dm_canplitude was removed from rotation aka the dm_vault treatment aka why the fuck did we ever put this in rotation?.

Toward the end of the season the hype train pulled into station boasting about the ewR vs SW match being the place to be, I didn't think too much of it but things got going when SW decided to pull seagull out of toy story just to play us. I fully intended to play this match in Kyles spot because I knew how SW worked and I was always the one to make a beautiful mess of these things. Controlled chaos was my thing, all my lost wrenches are in other peoples gears.

but arguments and disagreements caused the match to be rescheduled beyond my reach, and Kyle not only filled in but also brought home bacon. Secretly I have always been pretty hyped about that.

I was also secretly hyped to see guys grains age with skill and not playing the easy mode trash being developed these days but that's another story.

ewR won, the end.


2011-06-08 02:44:58

Ghost Dog_TSGK wrote:I'll take it from here
Way to steal my thunder you dick, also, how can you possibly forget to mention Spicy 6.


2011-06-08 03:41:42

Hot damn this is a good thread.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2011-06-08 03:50:38

Panic wrote:
Ghost Dog_TSGK wrote:I'll take it from here
Way to steal my thunder you dick, also, how can you possibly forget to mention Spicy 6.

Forgetting rule #1 of spicy 6 clearly.


2011-06-08 05:56:18

Don't make me give ya a whollopin with my Tom John-SON ye

Uncle Rico

2011-06-08 06:16:34

Nutri-Grain wrote:Hot damn this is a good thread.


2011-06-09 23:20:03

classy thread, sir.

happy now, loserface?

The Argumentalizer

2011-06-10 02:03:22

I want Nino's story.


2011-06-10 05:03:53

my a/c is dead. it's 85 degrees in my house

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2011-06-10 07:10:11

ninojman wrote:my a/c is dead. it's 85 degrees in my house

Refrigerator + fan.



2011-06-10 07:33:42
