Petition to remove HL2DM:OB From EFPS AND THE INTERNET


2011-06-16 20:32:22

So I started a petition and have gotten a lot of support so far to end HL2DM:OB once and for all the mod is shit only thing it has going for it is the fixed bonnyhooping.

- It sounds like shit; the g-gun and xbow sounds are amplified like 500% over all other sounds
- New models are uselessly shitty
- Has a permanent gray box in the bottom center of your screen for some dumb fucking reason.
- The orbs are about the size of The New Guy's balls IRL.
- No one fucking plays it and it doesn't have a 24/7 DM_KILLBOX_KBH_2P LIKE WARFARE ARENA 2
- The New Guy promotes it and has to be the gayest HL2:DM player who has ever lived.
- Ummm that's all so far

But ya support my cause guys Ive already got written signatures from various people like suspected cheater Phantom, long time dm and pill-popping expert Blastphemy Squad, 1v1 whore and Acapulco gold junkie Bahlk, and 1-hit kill shotgun pro, dirt bike enthusiast, and nickname buff vap0riZeR.

Every1 has gotten used to the nerfed bonnyhupping those of you who didn't suck my dick and 1v1?


2011-06-16 20:49:40

I dont even know where to download it from so I cant play it even if I wanted to.

[EYE] Valar

2011-06-16 21:13:58

Why don't we simply open a steam group for fixing that small bit of code in dm thats causing the bhop issue and i could have Valve know about it.
You need to understand Valve is not going to FULLY support the game however we might get just this small bit fixes if they see its triggering enogh interest within the community.
To answer obvious arguments; Save HL2DM and its kind were basically calling for renewed support which will never happen. This is different since the group will only focus on one thing only.


2011-06-16 21:41:23

Obviously there are some things that need to be fixed in ob... however ob mod is headed in a better direction then valve dm...

[EYE] Valar

2011-06-16 21:53:44

I said it a very long time ago...regardless of how good a mod is ppl tend to avoid dling mods as a rule and thats where the problem lies


2011-06-16 23:33:15

bAhLK! : ima go lay downnnn
Phantom : lul
bAhLK! : go be like bahlk is fine with ob mod
bAhLK! : in divs forum post lol
bAhLK! : i never said ne thing about ob mod


2011-06-16 23:43:03

Divinity wrote: CONS:
- It sounds like shit; the g-gun and xbow sounds are amplified like 500% over all other sounds
- New models are uselessly shitty
- Has a permanent gray box in the bottom center of your screen for some dumb fucking reason.
- The orbs are about the size of The New Guy's balls IRL.
- No one fucking plays it and it doesn't have a 24/7 DM_KILLBOX_KBH_2P LIKE WARFARE ARENA 2
- The New Guy promotes it and has to be the gayest HL2:DM player who has ever lived.
1. Will be fixed.
2. Wont be used in competitive play.
3. Will be fixed. Get that word permanent the fuck out of there.
4. Orbs seem fine to me, wear some fucking glasses.
5. Who cares.
6. True story, but again, who cares.


2011-06-16 23:46:23

keefy wrote:I dont even know where to download it from so I cant play it even if I wanted to. ... =10&t=5722


2011-06-17 00:01:31

Divinity wrote:So I started a petition and have gotten a lot of support so far to end HL2DM:OB once and for all the mod is shit only thing it has going for it is the fixed bonnyhooping.

- It sounds like shit; the g-gun and xbow sounds are amplified like 500% over all other sounds
- New models are uselessly shitty
- Has a permanent gray box in the bottom center of your screen for some dumb fucking reason.
- The orbs are about the size of The New Guy's balls IRL.
- No one fucking plays it and it doesn't have a 24/7 DM_KILLBOX_KBH_2P LIKE WARFARE ARENA 2
- The New Guy promotes it and has to be the gayest HL2:DM player who has ever lived.
- Ummm that's all so far

But ya support my cause guys Ive already got written signatures from various people like suspected cheater Phantom, long time dm and pill-popping expert Blastphemy Squad, 1v1 whore and Acapulco gold junkie Bahlk, and 1-hit kill shotgun pro, dirt bike enthusiast, and nickname buff vap0riZeR.

Every1 has gotten used to the nerfed bonnyhupping those of you who didn't suck my dick and 1v1?
Get back to me when you get pos/get good/stop smelling like curry


2011-06-17 00:06:57

Da1 wrote:
keefy wrote:I dont even know where to download it from so I cant play it even if I wanted to. ... =10&t=5722

I tested it and it seems liek all the bullshit things were "fixed" and the more important annoyign things were not.

RPG is still not gay. New guy lies.
Weapons still switch when picking up ammo
Footsteps are awfully loud.


2011-06-17 00:27:22

So I started a petition and have gotten a lot of support so far to end HL2DM:OB once and for all
You can't end Hl2dm:OB once and for all, it will continue to exist as James updates it (which Valve doesn't do) and better people will continue to play it.

Also, four people isn't "a lot of support" despite how good they are, not that Bahlk or Phantom seem to be in support of removing OB anymore, leaving two.


2011-06-17 01:27:10

Divinity wrote:-1 OB sux get good at bhop timing you mofoz.
Nutri-Grain wrote:Phantom: who would defend reg hl2
[+E-(\/\/)r=]}^*_smoth: idiots
[+E-(\/\/)r=]}^*_smoth: people who have shitty movement
[+E-(\/\/)r=]}^*_smoth: people who believe that OB mod has shitty hitreg

[EYE] Valar

2011-06-17 02:20:40

Ha! This is looking well :lol:
The community is already down to 2 ppl. Dont split it further lol

q for dal: could there be a way to cater for both? Finals being decided by vote or admin w/e...? makes sense?


2011-06-17 02:25:13

make the shotty in ob the fucking same as hl2ctf low damage and high spread


2011-06-17 03:13:32

Divinity wrote:So I started a petition and have gotten a lot of support so far to end HL2DM:OB once and for all the mod is shit only thing it has going for it is the fixed bonnyhooping.

- It sounds like shit; the g-gun and xbow sounds are amplified like 500% over all other sounds
- New models are uselessly shitty
- Has a permanent gray box in the bottom center of your screen for some dumb fucking reason.
- The orbs are about the size of The New Guy's balls IRL.
- No one fucking plays it and it doesn't have a 24/7 DM_KILLBOX_KBH_2P LIKE WARFARE ARENA 2
- The New Guy promotes it and has to be the gayest HL2:DM player who has ever lived.
- Ummm that's all so far

But ya support my cause guys Ive already got written signatures from various people like suspected cheater Phantom, long time dm and pill-popping expert Blastphemy Squad, 1v1 whore and Acapulco gold junkie Bahlk, and 1-hit kill shotgun pro, dirt bike enthusiast, and nickname buff vap0riZeR.

Every1 has gotten used to the nerfed bonnyhupping those of you who didn't suck my dick and 1v1?
1) Sounds seem fine to me.
2) Don't use them.
3) I don't even notice the minuscule box since my net_graph 1 is there, and how often do you look down at the very bottom of the screen? Idiot.
4) Orbs are exactly the same--open your eyes.
5) People will be playing it in eFPS, so I guess that counts for something.
6) He's better than you.

We all know that you're only complaining about OB mod because you can't shoot people who have good movement and you can't bunny hop at all.
And if all those people supported this petition, how come all of them supported OB mod to be used in eFPS over regular DM? I have personally talked to blas, bahlk, phantom, and vaporizer and they are all in favour of OB mod. Maybe you could sign that petition 100 times over and see what happens. Switch up the colour of your pens too, and then fax it to Valve and Fearsome's designated HL2DM fax machine. That will probably work.


2011-06-17 03:14:16

Choco wrote:make the shotty in ob the fucking same as hl2ctf low damage and high spread

No wait, then everyone but me, phantom, new guy, and blas will suck and stop playing.


2011-06-17 03:18:55

Going down to ctf levels is a bit drastic. Does the shotty need a nerf? Fuck yes.

Just as the magnum clearly needed a nerf (although valve over did it back then) the shotty needs one now, lower it by 10-20% and I'll donate $30 towards eFPS, promise.


2011-06-17 03:45:55



Uncle Rico

2011-06-17 06:30:23

Divinity wrote:So I started a petition and disregard all the rest; I suck cock.



2011-06-17 08:29:51

phantom wrote:
Divinity wrote:-1 OB sux get good at bhop timing you mofoz.
Nutri-Grain wrote:Phantom: who would defend reg hl2
[+E-(\/\/)r=]}^*_smoth: idiots
[+E-(\/\/)r=]}^*_smoth: people who have shitty movement
[+E-(\/\/)r=]}^*_smoth: people who believe that OB mod has shitty hitreg
Phantom: almost dropped a 50 bomb but div rq


2011-06-17 09:11:19

Divinity wrote:
- It sounds like shit; the g-gun and xbow sounds are amplified like 500% over all other sounds
- New models are uselessly shitty
- Has a permanent gray box in the bottom center of your screen for some dumb fucking reason.
- The orbs are about the size of The New Guy's balls IRL.
- No one fucking plays it and it doesn't have a 24/7 DM_KILLBOX_KBH_2P LIKE WARFARE ARENA 2
- The New Guy promotes it and has to be the gayest HL2:DM player who has ever lived.
- Ummm that's all so far
1. Will be fixed next release, turn your sound down a tad if it bothers you.
2. New models won't be used.
3. I have no gray box on my screen, never have. You must have copied over some hud from broken dm.
4. Orbs exactly the same.
5. I just happened to put up a 24/7 dm_killbox_kbh2_2p server a few days ago, glad you wanted one.
6. New guy is funny and has done a hell of a lot more than you for hl2dm.

I personally think people who complain about obmod, only do so because there opponents don't come to a complete standstill every few seconds thus making kills harder to come by.
I'm sure you prefer the sitting duck version that regular dm is because its easy to get stationary kills, but hey regular dm had obmod movement for like 6 years before the update
and most people prefer the "real" movement. I more or less quti playing regular dm because the update broke the very reason I played the game in the first place, the movement.

And to panic I've played tons of hours of obmod and I have never seen a dropped frame, dunno what you are talking about.


2011-06-17 14:29:02

Look at you people. Defending a shit mod like it was your little brother. Punk, who doesn't play this game and always was terrible at this game, why r u talking bra? Are you planning on playing in eFPS? Probably not EH? :/....:\ I recommend you be quiet til you're spoken to, ect.

You are still able to hop if you know how to time and it is only a second delay BIG FUCKING DEAL.

HL2:DM Vanilla is already established, has servers, a huge base(not saying much), and like i've said people have gotten used to the slight bhop nerf and yes I use space bar so it doesn't affect me much only u homo scroll jumpers are crying ur ass off.

Oh and Phantom I talked to bahlk and he changed his stance:

bAhLK! :man smoking dope and masturbating at the same time is niceeee
|911| Divinity : LOL
bAhLK! : dude ob mod is shit idk why ppl play it
bAhLK! : post for me that i support getting rid of it plzzzzzzz
bAhLK! : aradffd fjdfkjds fkdjf d.......*passes out*


2011-06-17 14:43:37

When valve broke hl2dm before that is what pushed everyone to use hl2dm pro for league play. Slight differences but the game play and match setup was there. Not to mention support....although they wanted pppl to drop vanilla and play the pro mod.

Now we have a guy that is putting in lots of work to fix all the bugs and the like in hl2dm and you cry and mock him? Guess I did the same in 05 cal when it was a vote to switch to pro. But at least pro had some game breaking bugs at the time. Guess what it wasn't a big deal for the entire competitive community to download a mod to play. And ppro to a lot longer to download.

Ob has no game breaking bugs atm (if it does let me know)
while hl2dm does have a game breaking bug. And valve will not fix it anytime soon. Maybe when they do switch back. But I don’t see why ppl would want to come back and play a broken version of hl2dm


2011-06-17 18:18:28

It seems really silly to not support the OB mod. The chances of Valve fixing dm are done and over. OB mod has someone that will listen to your complaints and will fix issues that come up. You can also get subzero to add "league specific" things to the mod so league play would be better. You will never get this crap from Valve's hl2dm. If there are things that are not right in the OB mod, Im sure they will be fixed.



2011-06-17 19:08:22

Sacrifist wrote:It seems really silly to not support the OB mod. The chances of Valve fixing dm are done and over. OB mod has someone that will listen to your complaints and will fix issues that come up. You can also get subzero to add "league specific" things to the mod so league play would be better. You will never get this crap from Valve's hl2dm. If there are things that are not right in the OB mod, Im sure they will be fixed.



2011-06-17 19:32:36

The best multiplayer game but also the most fucked up game, hl2dm :)


2011-06-17 21:13:18

Divinity wrote:yes I use space bar so it doesn't affect me much
This ruins all your credibility. Fuck, you're bad.


2011-06-17 22:09:17

Sacrifist wrote:It seems really silly to not support the OB mod. The chances of Valve fixing dm are done and over. OB mod has someone that will listen to your complaints and will fix issues that come up. You can also get subzero to add "league specific" things to the mod so league play would be better. You will never get this crap from Valve's hl2dm. If there are things that are not right in the OB mod, Im sure they will be fixed.

The hl2 community seems less reluctant in general to download and install mods for competition, it might be the way they are handled i.e we have to source them amnually then install to a specific folder burried insider other folders whereas Quake/doom/.. basically idtech mods can be downloaded from the game upon jopining the server via fast downloads.


2011-06-17 22:28:07

Nutri-Grain wrote:
Divinity wrote:yes I use space bar so it doesn't affect me much
This ruins all your credibility. Fuck, you're bad.
I was spectating him in a match, he misses some jumps ending up crouching on the floor, yeah he uses space bar.
Why is he bad, i guess he prefer the space bar more than the wheel.

[EYE] Valar

2011-06-17 22:57:18

Source code is not available outside the SDK. In Quake you can create game mods WITHIN the game. In Source however a mod created using the SDK needs to either have an installer or be manually placed into folders. The VPK system used in L4D onwards made it easier to handle user made content but still...these are not game modifications but maps.
This is just how Source works.
Valve will not release Source as open code because they fear their games will be heavily hacked and damage the different games communities.
Now on the flipside. ..Ive seen too many cases where community efforts where rewarded and eknowledged by Valve to, much like many here, say: "Valve will never fix the game". Sorry, this is just not how it works.
I swear to god the comp hl2dm community must be the most missinformed group in all Source games. Here's the deal
HL2DM has only just recently begun to be a source of revenue for Valve.
Obviously they will not just go in and fix game issues that affect an invisible portion of the community - end of story!!
BUT!!! If that small group will get together and get BIGGER, recruiting others to the cause: it WILL become extremely large in a short period of time and only then your voices will be heard and updates and fixes concerning YOU will once again become possible.
Those who whine about Valve simply don't know the first thing about this company let alone how business works.
Companies' Support and Response are direct results of CUSTOMERS DEMAND.

Join the HL2DM Bhop group and help me recruit as many people as possible and i guaranty you it will be a fruitfull effort.

[EYE] Valar

2011-06-17 23:03:59

In the meantime and regardless of your decision:
Stop splitting the community further and instead of fighting eachother try to find a way to get the other on board with your own ideas. Save the competition for matches.
Im sure there has to be a resolution to the whole OB mod debate.


2011-06-17 23:06:29

There is, it's being used in eFPS. Problem solved.


2011-06-17 23:47:16

Nutri-Grain wrote:There is, it's being used in eFPS. Problem solved.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2011-06-17 23:52:44

LOL punk was always bad at the game?

Div you need to simmer down. Getting a big head with a little neck,

[EYE] Valar

2011-06-17 23:59:29

Da1 wrote:
Nutri-Grain wrote:There is, it's being used in eFPS. Problem solved.
ya haven't joined yet sir :wink:

The Argumentalizer

2011-06-18 00:20:15

Using OB mod for eFps matches is huge mistake.

You'll have trouble just launching vanilla. Why make things more difficult.

Really, what difference does it make if Bunnyhop is janked?
It's the same for everyone and even gives advantages to really good hoppers.

The advantage of OB is overshadowed by the disadvantage of people actually playing it, or even liking it.


2011-06-18 00:22:32

The Argumentalizer wrote:Using OB mod for eFps matches is huge mistake.

You'll have trouble just launching vanilla. Why make things more difficult.

Really, what difference does it make if Bunnyhop is janked?
It's the same for everyone and even gives advantages to really good hoppers.

The advantage of OB is overshadowed by the disadvantage of people actually playing it, or even liking it.


2011-06-18 00:36:04

can't believe this thread hasn't been edited yet ;D


2011-06-18 01:26:18

Well I'm going to download it over the day today while I go out for the night, I reserve my right to withdraw my previous stance about supporting it if it turns out to be trash like some claim.


2011-06-18 01:48:50

phantom wrote:
Divinity wrote:-1 OB sux get good at bhop timing you mofoz.
Nutri-Grain wrote:Phantom: who would defend reg hl2
[+E-(\/\/)r=]}^*_smoth: idiots
phantom wrote:
Divinity wrote:-1 OB sux get good at bhop timing you mofoz.
Nutri-Grain wrote:Phantom: who would defend reg hl2
[+E-(\/\/)r=]}^*_smoth: one idiot


2011-06-18 04:38:36

What the fuck does the above post mean?
The Argumentalizer wrote:Using OB mod for eFps matches is huge mistake.

You'll have trouble just launching vanilla. Why make things more difficult.

Really, what difference does it make if Bunnyhop is janked?
It's the same for everyone and even gives advantages to really good hoppers.

The advantage of OB is overshadowed by the disadvantage of people actually playing it, or even liking it.
The hop is the only thing worth while it fixes there are other things that are just as annoying that need fixing which I mentioned months amonths and months ago.

If you ask me you are better off using AG2 which has rocket bug and reload bug and alot more things that are fixed that are annoying about HL2DM plus it has map votes includng next map, abiltity to change FOV or restrict it, built in match functions, hitsound, rebel footsteps for all players even if combine and supports sv_pure
So what if you think the movement isnt the same as old HL2DM the new HL2DM isnt either.


2011-06-18 05:06:42

there should be a tl;dr on Div's post and it should just say "I'm dumb"

The Argumentalizer

2011-06-18 05:07:05

It is my opinion that using a Mod for DM comp in EFPS or anywhere else is a mistake.

A group wants to be rid of OB because it itself has flaws.
Some want OB because it fixes some things.

My point deals with neither points.

My point is that basing Comp on a Mod nobody plays is wishful thinking.
You can agree or not.
I don't care.

If there was a modicum of reason in the using of the fucking English, if folks learned in school what fucking words actually mean beyond LOL, then there is no problem understanding a simple concept in English.

"The hop is the only thing worth while it fixes there are other things that are just as annoying that need fixing which I mentioned months amonths and months ago."

WTF does this nonsense mean? "The hop is the only thing worth while it fixes there are other things that are just as annoying"

Try some punctuation and forming actual sentences. Then, people might understand. My post was easy compared to this clusterfuck.

I mean, is Keefy trying to tell me there are BUGS IN DM!!!! OMG, really?!


2011-06-18 05:18:04

VitaminG wrote:there should be a tl;dr on Div's post and it should just say "I'm dumb"
You cant detect troll at all?


2011-06-18 05:20:00

zeiken wrote:
VitaminG wrote:there should be a tl;dr on Div's post and it should just say "I'm dumb"
You cant detect troll at all?
Um, clearly not since this thread has 2 pages of legitimate discussion regarding the OB mod and it's flaws. Also, you're pretty dumb. Sorry.


2011-06-18 05:21:33

Why vitaming why???? Why insults???????????????

Seriously Div was joking btw. L2detecttroll.


2011-06-18 05:37:01

The Argumentalizer wrote:It is my opinion that using a Mod for DM comp in EFPS or anywhere else is a mistake.

A group wants to be rid of OB because it itself has flaws.
Some want OB because it fixes some things.

My point deals with neither points.

My point is that basing Comp on a Mod nobody plays is wishful thinking.
You can agree or not.
I don't care.

If there was a modicum of reason in the using of the fucking English, if folks learned in school what fucking words actually mean beyond LOL, then there is no problem understanding a simple concept in English.

"The hop is the only thing worth while it fixes there are other things that are just as annoying that need fixing which I mentioned months amonths and months ago."

WTF does this nonsense mean? "The hop is the only thing worth while it fixes there are other things that are just as annoying"

Try some punctuation and forming actual sentences. Then, people might understand. My post was easy compared to this clusterfuck.

I mean, is Keefy trying to tell me there are BUGS IN DM!!!! OMG, really?!
No I am telling you there are less in AG2 than bth HL2 adn OB mod #

They cabn use it dont use it, I dont care but AG2 would be my choice because its has more options and fixes more.

Forgive the pseilling its late and I am drunk.


2011-06-18 05:38:08

[EYE] Valar wrote:Source code is not available outside the SDK. In Quake you can create game mods WITHIN the game. In Source however a mod created using the SDK needs to either have an installer or be manually placed into folders. The VPK system used in L4D onwards made it easier to handle user made content but still...these are not game modifications but maps.
This is just how Source works.
Valve will not release Source as open code because they fear their games will be heavily hacked and damage the different games communities.
Now on the flipside. ..Ive seen too many cases where community efforts where rewarded and eknowledged by Valve to, much like many here, say: "Valve will never fix the game". Sorry, this is just not how it works.
I swear to god the comp hl2dm community must be the most missinformed group in all Source games. Here's the deal
HL2DM has only just recently begun to be a source of revenue for Valve.
Obviously they will not just go in and fix game issues that affect an invisible portion of the community - end of story!!
BUT!!! If that small group will get together and get BIGGER, recruiting others to the cause: it WILL become extremely large in a short period of time and only then your voices will be heard and updates and fixes concerning YOU will once again become possible.
Those who whine about Valve simply don't know the first thing about this company let alone how business works.
Companies' Support and Response are direct results of CUSTOMERS DEMAND.

Join the HL2DM Bhop group and help me recruit as many people as possible and i guaranty you it will be a fruitfull effort.
I once thought as you did right after Valve updated dm. Unfortunately, it isnt going to happen. The OB mod is the best route to take as there is a developer on hand to fix things if need be and to improve things for leagues. It has been obvious for YEARS that Valve does not care about hl2dm, otherwise they would actually update it on occasion. The update to OB doesnt count as an update because they wouldnt had done it if not for them moving stuff to Mac. This community has been crying out to Valve forever with zero results.

The Argumentalizer

2011-06-18 06:26:41

Maybe you can tell me how many people play AG?

My point is any Mod probably brings 50% less chance of a league success.

If anyone thinks that is crazy, we shall see, won't we?!


2011-06-18 06:51:36

[EYE] Valar wrote:Source code is not available outside the SDK. In Quake you can create game mods WITHIN the game. In Source however a mod created using the SDK needs to either have an installer or be manually placed into folders. The VPK system used in L4D onwards made it easier to handle user made content but still...these are not game modifications but maps.
This is just how Source works.
Valve will not release Source as open code because they fear their games will be heavily hacked and damage the different games communities.
Now on the flipside. ..Ive seen too many cases where community efforts where rewarded and eknowledged by Valve to, much like many here, say: "Valve will never fix the game". Sorry, this is just not how it works.
I swear to god the comp hl2dm community must be the most missinformed group in all Source games. Here's the deal
HL2DM has only just recently begun to be a source of revenue for Valve.
Obviously they will not just go in and fix game issues that affect an invisible portion of the community - end of story!!
BUT!!! If that small group will get together and get BIGGER, recruiting others to the cause: it WILL become extremely large in a short period of time and only then your voices will be heard and updates and fixes concerning YOU will once again become possible.
Those who whine about Valve simply don't know the first thing about this company let alone how business works.
Companies' Support and Response are direct results of CUSTOMERS DEMAND.

Join the HL2DM Bhop group and help me recruit as many people as possible and i guaranty you it will be a fruitfull effort.
The at most 500 people who still care about this game/aren't noobs who prefer people to be slower won't grab Valve's attention to tend to a dead game from over five years ago.

Also Dallas already decided that eFPS would be played in OB and there is therefore no reason to continue arguing about it.
Summary of this thread: OB has someone tending to it. Hl2dm does not.


2011-06-18 09:34:58

The Argumentalizer wrote:Maybe you can tell me how many people play AG?

My point is any Mod probably brings 50% less chance of a league success.

If anyone thinks that is crazy, we shall see, won't we?!
It really doesnt matter though when its a league. League play is a select group of players that will get whatever is needed to play in the league if they wanna play. If you go the mod route and stick to it the outcome will probably be better then going the default route imo. You gotta remember that it makes a big difference when there is a developer handy to fix anything that is needed. Now getting random noobs to download and play a mod for pubbing is a whole different animal. Most people dont even know where to download mods or even that they exist. When HL2:CTF made steam news back in the day (5 yrs ago lol) it gained 500 players because of it. So, some mods can do well under the right situations. Efps is going to run a hl2ctf tourny after we get the thing released, so its not like the OB mod would be the only mod efps would be dealing with ;).


2011-06-18 09:52:14

Sacrifist wrote:
The Argumentalizer wrote:Maybe you can tell me how many people play AG?

My point is any Mod probably brings 50% less chance of a league success.

If anyone thinks that is crazy, we shall see, won't we?!
It really doesnt matter though when its a league. League play is a select group of players that will get whatever is needed to play in the league if they wanna play. If you go the mod route and stick to it the outcome will probably be better then going the default route imo. You gotta remember that it makes a big difference when there is a developer handy to fix anything that is needed. Now getting random noobs to download and play a mod for pubbing is a whole different animal. Most people dont even know where to download mods or even that they exist. When HL2:CTF made steam news back in the day (5 yrs ago lol) it gained 500 players because of it. So, some mods can do well under the right situations. Efps is going to run a hl2ctf tourny after we get the thing released, so its not like the OB mod would be the only mod efps would be dealing with ;).
This says it all.

The Argumentalizer

2011-06-18 10:31:47

Well, i hope the choice of OB is a big success. Don't believe it's the same situation as CTF.

Anyways, wtf difference does it make!?

[EYE] Valar

2011-06-18 11:49:48

Batter wrote:
[EYE] Valar wrote:Source code is not available outside the SDK. In Quake you can create game mods WITHIN the game. In Source however a mod created using the SDK needs to either have an installer or be manually placed into folders. The VPK system used in L4D onwards made it easier to handle user made content but still...these are not game modifications but maps.
This is just how Source works.
Valve will not release Source as open code because they fear their games will be heavily hacked and damage the different games communities.
Now on the flipside. ..Ive seen too many cases where community efforts where rewarded and eknowledged by Valve to, much like many here, say: "Valve will never fix the game". Sorry, this is just not how it works.
I swear to god the comp hl2dm community must be the most missinformed group in all Source games. Here's the deal
HL2DM has only just recently begun to be a source of revenue for Valve.
Obviously they will not just go in and fix game issues that affect an invisible portion of the community - end of story!!
BUT!!! If that small group will get together and get BIGGER, recruiting others to the cause: it WILL become extremely large in a short period of time and only then your voices will be heard and updates and fixes concerning YOU will once again become possible.
Those who whine about Valve simply don't know the first thing about this company let alone how business works.
Companies' Support and Response are direct results of CUSTOMERS DEMAND.

Join the HL2DM Bhop group and help me recruit as many people as possible and i guaranty you it will be a fruitfull effort.
The at most 500 people who still care about this game/aren't noobs who prefer people to be slower won't grab Valve's attention to tend to a dead game from over five years ago.

Also Dallas already decided that eFPS would be played in OB and there is therefore no reason to continue arguing about it.
Summary of this thread: OB has someone tending to it. Hl2dm does not.
If you actually read the post you'd realize it's not speaking againt using ob mod in efps. It's taking a far larger pov on things.

@sac: there was never a united- one voice community in hl2dm to be able to test whether valve responds or not.
And another thing; have't you notice dm is receiving updates again?
The game is not dead - the comp scene is. It's getting a chance for new life now with efps and ppl coming together around it - whether you'll use ob or not - join the group and once enough ppl join we have a chance of getting something done.
Worse case - you've joined a group with a cool icon.

I for one don't see a broblem with using a mod for league play. Ive pointed out some concerns but im against it. Ive supported efps since its inception mind you.

[EYE] Valar

2011-06-18 11:54:09

Meant to say NOT against it. Can't freaking edit posts using my phone to post lol


2011-06-18 18:57:59

I've not seen any actual hl2dm game code updates since the move to OB. Ive seen engine updates that are global to all the games on the OB engine, which is not the same thing. Since it is on the same engine code as tf2, css, and dod, it gets the same engine updates as them, but Im pretty sure those updates are not being made because of hl2dm lol. It's just the redheaded stepchild that gets an ice cream cone cause the others get one.

[EYE] Valar

2011-06-18 19:02:18

no bra there are game specific as well as engine updates


2011-06-18 19:31:03

[EYE] Valar wrote:no bra there are game specific as well as engine updates
Ok, I just checked steam news going all the way back to dm being updated to the OB engine. There isnt one single hl2dm specific update. Not one. There have been engine updates, which are not the same thing because they are global. This is an example of that.
Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Updates Released
Product Update - Valve
Updates to Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Source Engine Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM)
Fixed a client crash when disconnecting from servers with sv_pure set to 1
Fixed a client crash in the material system
Fixed a client crash caused by using alt-tab while playing

Team Fortress 2
Added the Concheror and the Fishcake to the list of weapons allowed in Medieval mode
Fixed a few server crashes caused by the replay system
Fixed a server crash caused by the vote system
Fixed the notification text being clipped when you receive items
Updated the localization files
Those to me do not count because Valve isnt doing it to help dm, it is for the TF2 and CSS. Also note the order Valve puts their titles in on their updates lol. That is their "order of importance" list. Now, to give you an idea of how much Valve really cares about hl2dm, here was the steam news post for the big HL2dm OB update. Tell me what you think of this.
Team Fortress 2 Update Released
Product Update - Valve
Updates to Team Fortress 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Team Fortress 2
Added the Mann-conomy.
Added 65 new items (hats, weapons, tools, minigames, gifts, crates).
Added the Mann Co. Store & Catalog.
Added Trading.
Added Item customization.
Additional TF2 features
Added new auto-team-scramble system:
Set mp_scrambleteams_auto to 1 (default) to automatically scramble the teams if the criteria is met
Set mp_scrambleteams_auto_windifference to set the number of round wins a team must lead by in order to trigger an auto scramble (default is 2)
Updated how Spy disguise targets are selected to more randomly distribute the selections
Fixed the FreezePanel background not using the correct color if you were killed by a player or building on your own team
Server browser tweaks
It will now encourage you to add servers to Favorites or Blacklists after you have a good/bad experience on them.
The Server Browser now automatically closes after successfully connecting to a server (opt-out via the Options-Multiplayer->Advanced dialog)
Achievement tuning
Demoman achievement "The Stickening" changed to 3 from 5.
Heavy achievement "Krazy Ivan" changed to 50 from 100.
Medic achievement "Consultation" changed to 3 from 5.
Medic achievement "Peer Review" changed to 10 from 50.
Medic achievement "Placebo Effect" changed to 2 from from 5.
Medic achievement "FYI I am A Medic" changed to 1 from 5.
Medic achievement "Family Practice" changed to 5 from 10.
Soldier achievement "Geneva Contravention" changed to 3 from 5.
Scout achievement "Strike Zone" now counts assists.
Scout achievements "Fall Classic" and "Foul Territory" are fixed.

Engine (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM)
Added sv_alltalk to the list of convars that are checked for the sv_tags list.
Fixed a model instance crash.
Removed engine ConVar "r_ForceRestore"

Other Games
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
Updated to run on the Orange Box engine with CS:S, DoD:S, and TF2
So you tell me, does Valve care about dm and will they actually update it? You be the judge.


2011-06-18 21:58:24

They care about tf2, its the game that gives them the most money, with all the trading shit and the ingame store.

You can take advantage of it, had a really rare hat, they are called unusuals, i sold it for 300 bucks straight up to some nerd.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2011-06-18 23:11:19

keefy wrote:Forgive the pseilling its late and I am drunk.

[EYE] Valar

2011-06-18 23:13:08

"They don't care about HL2DM" is rather dramatic. has nothing to do with Caring. It's about money and time constraints. FPS shooters are not grossing and that's all there is to it. Here's a fun fact - EP3 hasn't been out or announced or received any news or media updates whatsoever for over FOUR YEARS. How come?
Those who dramatize Valve, i think, should read about them a bit more. Check out Portal 2 - The final hours for example. You should get a good sense how this company works and why.
Having that said, there is still strength in numbers and the lot of you disapproving the attempt are spending more time posting against it than it would take you to hit "Join".
You're not risking anything lol. what's the story. hit Join and move on. We're up to 209 Members in less than 2 days!

And Sac, i've emailed Valve and if i get a reply i'll post back the answer about the game specific updates. Prioritizing their updates list doesn't bother me - it only makes sense to place the best sellers at the top.


2011-06-18 23:24:36

[EYE] Valar wrote:"They don't care about HL2DM" is rather dramatic. has nothing to do with Caring. It's about money and time constraints. FPS shooters are not grossing and that's all there is to it. Here's a fun fact - EP3 hasn't been out or announced or received any news or media updates whatsoever for over FOUR YEARS. How come?
Those who dramatize Valve, i think, should read about them a bit more. Check out Portal 2 - The final hours for example. You should get a good sense how this company works and why.
Having that said, there is still strength in numbers and the lot of you disapproving the attempt are spending more time posting against it than it would take you to hit "Join".
You're not risking anything lol. what's the story. hit Join and move on. We're up to 209 Members in less than 2 days!

And Sac, i've emailed Valve and if i get a reply i'll post back the answer about the game specific updates. Prioritizing their updates list doesn't bother me - it only makes sense to place the best sellers at the top.
Actually, EP3 was at this years E3. So it will be coming out.

[EYE] Valar

2011-06-19 00:33:02

Nutri-Grain wrote: Actually, EP3 was at this years E3. So it will be coming out.
link or it didn't happen
BTW, i never said EP3 is not going to come out. I gave it as an example for time constraints and community's misinformation.


2011-06-19 01:06:08

[EYE] Valar wrote:
Nutri-Grain wrote: Actually, EP3 was at this years E3. So it will be coming out.
link or it didn't happen
BTW, i never said EP3 is not going to come out. I gave it as an example for time constraints and community's misinformation.
Lol nevermind. I heard the audio from my brother watching the following video and I thought that they were being srs. Guessed I didn't hear the "shortest line at E3 part" ... ideo_title

[EYE] Valar

2011-06-19 01:23:51



2011-06-19 01:52:18

[EYE] Valar wrote:"They don't care about HL2DM" is rather dramatic. has nothing to do with Caring. It's about money and time constraints. FPS shooters are not grossing and that's all there is to it. Here's a fun fact - EP3 hasn't been out or announced or received any news or media updates whatsoever for over FOUR YEARS. How come?
Those who dramatize Valve, i think, should read about them a bit more. Check out Portal 2 - The final hours for example. You should get a good sense how this company works and why.
Having that said, there is still strength in numbers and the lot of you disapproving the attempt are spending more time posting against it than it would take you to hit "Join".
You're not risking anything lol. what's the story. hit Join and move on. We're up to 209 Members in less than 2 days!

And Sac, i've emailed Valve and if i get a reply i'll post back the answer about the game specific updates. Prioritizing their updates list doesn't bother me - it only makes sense to place the best sellers at the top.
All Im saying is someone from this community seems to set up some steam group for something related to updating dm every year (I usually join them all) and it ends up being a waste of time and a big let down. Time would be better spent promoting the ob mod imo.


2011-06-19 04:10:58

Trading Raincatcher w/ hearts. promo or unusual offers please.


2011-06-19 04:51:37

Divinity wrote:You are still able to hop if you know how to time and it is only a second delay BIG FUCKING DEAL.
lol i can tell by this statement, and this statement alone, that u are bad.

Uncle Rico

2011-06-19 05:44:44

Sacrifist wrote:All Im saying is someone from this community seems to set up some steam group for something related to updating dm every year (I usually join them all) and it ends up being a waste of time and a big let down. Time would be better spent promoting the ob mod imo.

Every time Valve "fixes" something for HL2DM they break six other things. Put your effort and support behind the mod. At least it has someone actively making it better according to what the community wants. Valve will only fuck the game up more.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2011-06-19 08:41:19

The fact I can no longer do the 180 instant strafe jump is a pretty big deal regarding movement.


2011-06-19 09:16:50

People complaining about movement are people who suck at bhop anyways

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2011-06-19 10:41:49



2011-06-19 22:23:45

MrScootz wrote:People complaining about movement are people who suck at bhop anyways
You're fucking retarded.


2011-06-19 23:43:32

yo im high as fuck right now

[EYE] Valar

2011-06-20 03:05:19