15 minute bioshock infinite gameplay demo from e3


2011-07-15 04:00:46

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2011-07-15 08:18:56

Best looking walking simulator to date.



2011-07-15 09:01:36

I think this looks absolutely amazing.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2011-07-16 00:15:46

The man gives a good thumbs up what can I say.


2011-07-16 22:59:11

yep looks creamy


2011-07-17 15:46:27


Looks awesome, love the bioshock series. I'm glad they shook things up the 3rd time around. I was kinda bored with being underwater in the 2nd game, but the story is what blew me away.

This just takes it to a Whole 'Nother Level!

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2011-07-17 23:21:22

This has gone well.

Let us depart then reflect.


2011-07-21 21:15:54

Will it like mice though? The first one sure didn't.