my first child is here!!!


2011-08-01 03:11:38

after 18 hours of labor Morgan Renae Laramee was born July 30 2011 at 0626(6:26am). she weighs 8 lbs 7 ounces (3.83 kg). my wife, {EE}hyp, did absolutely amazing. she is tough as nails. we are still at the hospital and will be here until monday. here's some pictures...more to come for sure





The Argumentalizer

2011-08-01 04:30:07

Congratulations!!!! :D


2011-08-01 04:42:55

Congrats. Your first Im guessing?


2011-08-01 05:36:45

Nice, congrats bro.

Uncle Rico

2011-08-01 05:45:29

{EE}chEmicalbuRn wrote:after 18 hours of labor
Turn down sv_friction next time.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2011-08-01 08:00:58



2011-08-01 10:33:33

One day she will beat you at HL5DM, and when it happens don't get too angry ^^


2011-08-01 12:32:35



2011-08-01 15:44:55

You created life.


2011-08-01 17:25:16

congrats chem and hype!


2011-08-01 18:10:16

Congrats, man!


2011-08-02 01:07:43

glhf dc


2011-08-02 05:28:23

have you eaten her yet? I heard they roast well but boiling is also an excellent choice


2011-08-02 07:29:30

alt.424 wrote:have you eaten her yet? I heard they roast well but boiling is also an excellent choice


2011-08-02 07:55:35

alt.424 wrote:have you eaten her yet? I heard they roast well but boiling is also an excellent choice
mmK. how fuckin lame are you?


2011-08-02 07:57:26

Uncle Rico wrote:
{EE}chEmicalbuRn wrote:after 18 hours of labor
Turn down sv_friction next time.
damn it, should have thought of that


2011-08-02 08:39:18

alt.424 wrote:have you eaten her yet? I heard they roast well but boiling is also an excellent choice
Are you above the legal age limit to be on this board? Your post begs the question.


2011-08-02 10:58:40

Alt is chinee, they eat everything.


2011-08-02 21:42:04

I guess this is proof someone on this board knows what a vagina looks like....

But in all seriousness congratulations, and much love and thoughts.


2011-08-02 22:45:42

{EE}chEmicalbuRn wrote:
alt.424 wrote:have you eaten her yet? I heard they roast well but boiling is also an excellent choice
mmK. how fuckin lame are you?
ahh sir, you must prefer the grilling method. Understand that too. Good luck with your preparation choice, and congratulations!

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2011-08-02 22:52:49

Garb troll.


2011-08-03 03:15:43

Here is my first son and my preparation of choice, he was a sweet little thing



2011-08-03 06:17:24

douche, where i come from we dont eat our young, we are past that stage of evolution. if you are trying to prove that you live among bottom feeding knuckle draggers, we got it. you dont have to carry on degrading yourself. if you are attempting to formulate a joke, you might wanna try it on some mentally challenged 2nd graders, they might be at your level of simple humor.


2011-08-03 09:17:01

{EE}chEmicalbuRn wrote:if you are attempting to formulate a joke, you might wanna try itsome mentally challenged 2nd graders, they might be at your level of simple humor.
I will in about 7-8 years. probably to a girl too

also about me being knuckle dragging and what not, you sir got you're clans tag tattooed on your body. I am an idiot and shouldnt have procreated.



2011-08-03 09:35:41

{EE}chEmicalbuRn wrote:douche, where i come from we dont eat our young, we are past that stage of evolution. if you are trying to prove that you live among bottom feeding knuckle draggers, we got it. you dont have to carry on degrading yourself. if you are attempting to formulate a joke, you might wanna try it on some mentally challenged 2nd graders, they might be at your level of simple humor.
The goal of trolling is to try to elicite an angry response, should probably just let it go and stop biting the bait.


2011-08-03 12:09:37

alt.424 wrote:
{EE}chEmicalbuRn wrote:if you are attempting to formulate a joke, you might wanna try itsome mentally challenged 2nd graders, they might be at your level of simple humor.
I will in about 7-8 years. probably to a girl too

also about me being knuckle dragging and what not, you sir got you're clans tag tattooed on your body. youre an idiot and shouldnt have procreated.



2011-08-03 12:11:48

Nothing can top this.



2011-08-03 18:50:45

alt.424 wrote:
{EE}chEmicalbuRn wrote:if you are attempting to formulate a joke, you might wanna try itsome mentally challenged 2nd graders, they might be at your level of simple humor.
I will in about 7-8 years. probably to a girl too

also about me being knuckle dragging and what not, you sir got you're clans tag tattooed on your body. youre an idiot and shouldnt have procreated.
if EE were just a "clan" that would be true. i owe you no explanation of how tight the EE family is. further, the purpose of that tattoo is to show my devotion to my loved ones, a sentiment that will be bestowed exponentally on to my daughter. i started this thread to show this community, which i have become extremely close with over the years, my beautiful new born daughter. why you chose to troll it is beyond me. i was going to have ghost delete your posts but i think having them there is a good way to show us how pathetic and meaningless your existance is. man up, appologize, and move on.


2011-08-03 19:01:40

You got to love it when someone w/ a spam-bot's name gets all of their panties in a wad when someone else has irrefutable proof that he got his dick wet.
Jelly much?
So much so that this transvestite had to bust out lurker pics.

God I hope blast comes back with some hawt-ass futa pics now.

Why do west coast people (asians) call them futa's anyhow?
I first learned the term from Ko-Tao.

Let us discuss.


2011-08-03 19:03:17

Va|iums wrote:The goal of trolling is to try to elicite an angry response, should probably just let it go and stop biting the bait.

Yeah, but I am bored. I always win tug-o-war anyhow.

Damn right, you know what I'm saying.


2011-08-03 19:27:30

{EE}chEmicalbuRn wrote:
alt.424 wrote:
{EE}chEmicalbuRn wrote:if you are attempting to formulate a joke, you might wanna try itsome mentally challenged 2nd graders, they might be at your level of simple humor.
I will in about 7-8 years. probably to a girl too

also about me being knuckle dragging and what not, you sir got you're clans tag tattooed on your body. youre an idiot and shouldnt have procreated.
if EE were just a "clan" that would be true. i owe you no explanation of how tight the EE family is. further, the purpose of that tattoo is to show my devotion to my loved ones, a sentiment that will be bestowed exponentally on to my daughter. i started this thread to show this community, which i have become extremely close with over the years, my beautiful new born daughter. why you chose to troll it is beyond me. i was going to have ghost delete your posts but i think having them there is a good way to show us how pathetic and meaningless your existance is. man up, appologize, and move on.
exponentially, existence, and apologize, and sorry. glhf. Clearly I am mad i have never seen a vagina. And I also still think dead baby jokes from 2002 are still funny. My bad

The Argumentalizer

2011-08-04 00:35:16

Hey, if you didn't pop in here and say Awesome, Congratulations and leave it at that, you are just plain wrong. There is a time and place for most everything, except eating babies. And New Guy.


2011-08-04 01:40:07

Dude ignore the trolls, CONGRATS YOU CREATED A BABY! :)

Enjoy the upcoming years. Just remember, happiness is the best revenge. XD


2011-08-04 06:45:02

Congratulations Man!


2011-08-04 19:06:26

Congratulations, that's great news! It's an amazing life changing event for sure. My boy will be 2 years old on August 13th, I'm just hoping the "dreaded terrible 2's" is just a myth!


2011-08-04 19:56:25

dbanimal wrote:Congratulations, that's great news! It's an amazing life changing event for sure. My boy will be 2 years old on August 13th, I'm just hoping the "dreaded terrible 2's" is just a myth!

False mine is now 2 1/4. Only good thing is I don't have to worry about if she is 17 months or 19 months anymore.
Have fun Chem. I remember being able to put mind on a blanket on the floor and she couldn't escape. Now she is learning to jump out of the crib.


2011-08-05 20:02:42

well, sleep has become i thing i faintly remember. but she's worth every minute.


2011-08-05 21:35:23

{EE}chEmicalbuRn wrote:well, sleep has become i thing i faintly remember. but she's worth every minute.
Get used to the lack of sleep, even after almost 2 years my boy still likes to get me up at least twice a night and more! I think in all that time he may have had 2 nights where he didn't wake up at some point, then I woke up in fear there was something wrong with him, but he was fine!


2011-08-11 03:31:19



2011-08-11 07:23:01

dbanimal wrote:
{EE}chEmicalbuRn wrote:well, sleep has become i thing i faintly remember. but she's worth every minute.
Get used to the lack of sleep, even after almost 2 years my boy still likes to get me up at least twice a night and more! I think in all that time he may have had 2 nights where he didn't wake up at some point, then I woke up in fear there was something wrong with him, but he was fine!
i have that too. i wake up making sure she is still breathing all the time. having a child is something that cant truly be explained until you experience it.


2011-08-11 09:42:53

congrats chem.


2011-08-18 04:59:40

Congratz mate! I also have a daugther born this year :D Gl to you and hyp!


2011-08-18 07:50:08

hey shoob. thanks man. long time bro, hope you and your family are well, and congrats to you too.


2011-08-19 04:07:18

belated congrats m8 who's she like then?


2011-08-19 04:32:26

{EE}chEmicalbuRn wrote:
dbanimal wrote:
{EE}chEmicalbuRn wrote:well, sleep has become i thing i faintly remember. but she's worth every minute.
Get used to the lack of sleep, even after almost 2 years my boy still likes to get me up at least twice a night and more! I think in all that time he may have had 2 nights where he didn't wake up at some point, then I woke up in fear there was something wrong with him, but he was fine!
i have that too. i wake up making sure she is still breathing all the time. having a child is something that cant truly be explained until you experience it.
No doubt there. My 2nd is just hitting the terrible 2s and its not a myth. This one is much much more evil than my first one too lmao. He is my little nooblet though :)