2011-09-08 14:35:44
General eFPS 1v1 tournament rules:
Matches will be 10 minutes.
13 Maps will be in the pool.
Once matches are set, each team will communicate either via steam chat or match comm to set up their matches as usual.
Matches will be best of 3.
You win the match when you win two rounds.
If one of the first two rounds is a tie, the tiebreaker will be played.
If both of the first two rounds are ties, the tiebreaker will be played at least twice.
If the tiebreaker match is tied, it is to be replayed until a player finishes with 2 total rounds won.
Now that that is out of the way, the way the map system will work:
Teams will each be able to select 5 maps to remove from the map pool for their weekly matches.
This can be communicated via steam chat or match comm.
The home team (listed higher on the bracket) gets the choice of removing the first map.
Players go back and forth removing maps until 3 remain.
The home team then chooses what map he/she would like to play, then the away team gets choice.
The remaining map is the tiebreaker map for the week.
This process is repeated weekly with each round.
Once you have the maps set for the week, (the remaining 3) they must be posted in the match comm for your match and also in the match comment after the match is reported along with who chose what map.
If this is confusing for anyone talk to me on steam and I'll try to explain it better.
If there are any questions post away.
If you don't like it, I don't care.
Tournament dates and more information will be posted on the 17th.