Panic Warning


2011-12-30 21:58:06

Well as most of you know, me and panic had issues about some money he borrowed. And now since I have to ask where my money is he has blocked all communication from me. So I would like to refresh this warning to everyone here and at reddit forums also.

Panic = Jake Garvey
Location = West Chester Pennsylvania

Although he gave me the name "Stephen Garvey" which is his brothers name. Claimed he had no license, etc. But come to find out they are both in on the money scheme he is doing. As he always gets the money sent to CVS. Why you ask? Because he buys a crap load of pills and gets high off them with his brother. Sad but yes it is true. He first gave me a sad story on May 24th 2011. So yes I fell for it and loaned him some money. Come to find out he didn't need money for paying rent, lights and groceries. He needed it to buy pills, weed, etc. So months pass on and I'm talking to others.

Well seems he has gave them the same excuse and gotten money from them also. Well time rolls by and the same happens again, he needs money. So being the good person I am. I loaned him a little more money. As this time he said he was going to go to jail, if he didn't have the money. {Note this is before I learn what he is really doing.} Time passes on and one lie after another keeps coming. He finally gets a guy on reddit to paypal some some of the money back. And I quickly explain to the guy what is going on and I thanked him for the money. But after talking and explaining to the guy what panic was doing. He then figured out the deal.

Panic would borrow money from someone until they wouldn't give him anymore money. Then he would hit up reddit with a sad post, etc and get them to pay the guy some of the money back. So he could get more money from the guy with the honey hole. Time rocks on and it is now 7 months into the money load deal. I get about 6 lies back to back. Then it is I sent your money to you in a envelope. That is right cash in a envelope. I said fine, give me the tracking number. He didn't get a tracking number, nor was it the correct amount. This was on 11/14/2011. As you see I haven't got nothing from him. But who honestly sends cash and doesn't track it right? Either way it is 4 days max to get from his location to mine. So bottom line is he didn't send nothing and it was another excuse to get me off his back.

He is supposedly in college, for what I have no clue. Either way it is sad and uncalled for what he did over the 7 months of not paying me and others back the money him and his brother got. And he also claimed to have gotten $9,00 bucks and was broke also. Not sure what he did with that money also. But again he is broke and looking to get money off some poor person that doesn't know any better. But hopefully between here and reddit, I've stopped his money getting scheme. And hopefully no one else will get sucked into his lies now.

Bottom line is when he replied back on the other thread. that he had paid me some of my money back. It was a lie, as he got others to pay me back. So nothing has came from panic at this point but lies. I didn't use the others name, as I'm respectful about them and I know what happened to them. If they would like to post, then that is their business. If anyone else would like to post about this issue and have loaned panic money. Please post here and share the information. So I can pass it along to others. If you need the information on panic and chat-logs, etc. I have them available for anyone that needs them for future purposes.

I'm not going to give them out just because someone not involved wants to read them though. But like I stated this is to stop others from getting scammed by panic. The reason I removed the other post in the x-box section. Was because he promised me he would pay if I removed that info. And you see how well that went. And I'm sure some of you thought ii was just posting random stuff. I assure you I'm not doing this to just be posting. But it seems panic rather buy games and play games then to pay back people he owes.



2011-12-31 00:05:16

Shifty nįģģers are Shifty.

I suspected all of that, but had no proof nor did I want to deal with the panic issue at all.
To you skeptics and trolls, I assure you that Killer_K has legit info on all of this, as I have seen most of it; EDIT: but It is not my place to provide anything specific on this public forum.

Good post for legit nice people like Chemicalburn who has been know to support people falling on hard times, including myself.

I will still play in a league that this guy is apart of, but I never have and never will have any more dealings with him.

Happy holidays.


2011-12-31 06:09:15

I sent you the money via USPS, you said you never got it. What am I supposed to do about this other than take your word for it?

If you're honestly willing to go this far just to make yourself an extra $50, then by all means, if you need $50 more dollars that bad I'll send it to you. Just kinda confused as to why I'm now paying it back twice.


2011-12-31 06:26:42


2011-12-31 07:58:48

Panic wrote:I sent you the money via USPS, you said you never got it. What am I supposed to do about this other than take your word for it?

If you're honestly willing to go this far just to make yourself an extra $50, then by all means, if you need $50 more dollars that bad I'll send it to you. Just kinda confused as to why I'm now paying it back twice.

Do you honestly think I would still be talking to you and trying to get money from you if you paid me? That doesn't even make sense does it? If you sent money and wanted to be sure why not use paypal, western union ,moneygram. Why because you haven't sent nothing period. Then you want to block someone when they ask where the money is. We have been through this same crap for 7 months. Honestly you would think if you was going to pay someone back it would be before 7 months. You know what you did and everyone else does here also. Stop hiding and pay what you owe. It is as simple as that. I want the money you owe me. Nothing more and nothing less.


2011-12-31 18:34:43



2012-01-01 00:33:41

sounds to me like killer_k owes Panic some money


2012-01-01 03:06:46

Cash in an envelope via USPS. xD

Don't forget to pay the interest rate, panic. :P


2012-01-01 04:32:03


Uncle Rico

2012-01-01 06:51:50

Nutri-Grain wrote:I like you Killer_K, but please stop using double negatives.

No offense, but it makes want to throw toddlers off bridges when people do that.


2012-01-02 09:49:48

Nice guy = sucker.

Lesson learned. Time to move on. Bye!


2012-01-03 02:31:45

Beef wrote:Nice & Under-informed guy = sucker.

Lesson learned. Time to move on. Bye!



2012-01-10 04:14:59



2012-01-12 16:17:12

You're acting like this guy stole 10,000 from you. 50 bucks? Cut your losses and move on.


2012-01-13 01:05:47

Blasphemy wrote:You're acting like this guy stole 10,000 from you. 50 bucks? Cut your losses and move on.
Thank you for completely missing the point of posting this thread. Thanks.


2012-01-13 06:04:06

Panic was gunna pay u back, but then he got high.


2012-01-15 07:43:59

KILLER_K™ wrote:
Blasphemy wrote:You're acting like this guy stole 10,000 from you. 50 bucks? Cut your losses and move on.
Thank you for completely missing the point of posting this thread. Thanks.
If he can scam people stupid enough to give him money on reddit or hl2dm then he deserves the money.


2012-01-17 03:14:02

I understand what you mean blast, but K is just posting to warn other well-minded (nice guys) like chemicalburn, valar, etc. to stay away from panic.
The info about the money he lost is just a way of presenting evidence of how shifty a negroid panic is.

K did not play/talk with panic much, anyone who did would see how his moronic ass would get all his lies tripping on one another and feel the sheer depth of the shiftyness.
And panic has paid back his "earned" money to K by scamming other people on reddit.

deadbeat shitty is deadbeat shitty.


2012-01-17 03:22:39


The Argumentalizer

2012-02-05 09:12:09

Both of you pay me 100 each or i will come out there and murder you.


2012-02-17 17:38:55

srslyNOTnewguy wrote:I understand what you mean blast, but K is just posting to warn other well-minded (nice guys) like chemicalburn, valar, etc. to stay away from panic.
The info about the money he lost is just a way of presenting evidence of how shifty a negroid panic is.

K did not play/talk with panic much, anyone who did would see how his moronic ass would get all his lies tripping on one another and feel the sheer depth of the shiftyness.
And panic has paid back his "earned" money to K by scamming other people on reddit.

deadbeat shitty is deadbeat shitty.
Didn't you try killing yourself over a girl you were never going to meet in real life? Like really man? A girl from hl2dm?

Seems like a good judge of character to me.

Oh that botnet thing on the hl2dmu too, that doesn't have any validity either.

Nevermind my bad, carry on.

btw hey everyone!


2012-02-19 03:43:30

I was going to kill myself over either the depravity of my intelligence never being able to garner any real, tangible, success or the fact that since the age of 19 my manic outbursts have been harder and harder to control. So the former reason would relate to hopelessness, the latter was me viewing myself as a potential "Virginia Tech" (even before that shooting spree happened) and feeling that I should kill myself right then as to prevent innocent people from getting hurt.

Since I am bipolar, the two extreme forms of behavior and suicidal reasoning are indicative of my own being.

That's me. Honestly, it is. Do you know what honesty is?
Sometimes I would be too manic online and over-the-top, but it was all honestly me; and considering how I didn't use the internet for anything other than academic research, a library basically, until April 19th, 2007 (My first day playing DM) I would say I have come a long way in learning how to behave and adapting to the social, unspoken, rules of the internet.

As for the garbage you overheard or were exposed to between myself and Gina, that had to deal with an ex ladyfriend of mine in real life in which I thought a pregnancy was involved.
There was no baby, or so I was told, but something much worse happened. Gina was giving me support and advice at the time, but then - as it common happens with Italian women - she had a mood swing and became very detrimental to my mental state. Like throwing oil on a pile of embers and small flames; I was already burnt out by the time she became vicious and mean, but she certainly wasn't helping in putting the situation "out" towards the end of the ordeal.

She then apologized and blah blah, crazy women are crazy. Life went on.

See what I did there? Told honest shit about myself?
I don't think you some horrible child-molester, but you are a nįgger. Rather than earn a living the right way, you stoop lies and petty thievery of unsuspecting charitable people on the interwebz and reddit and whatnot.
You are less than a real human, a real man, hence: a fucking nįgger. Has nothing to do with skin complexion.
Does not mean you will stay that way. You can get clean in rehab and move up - for this is still America; if you're willing to work hard you can live and grow.

As blasphemy said, you earned the cash you got.
It was prolly quite a bit of work to get that money with the managing of lies and shit, but it was underhanded and douchey and you will be treated as such.
Now stop with your foolish pride and get back to being apart of the under-belly scrotum of society.

You are what you are, enough said.


2012-02-19 04:14:16



2012-02-19 06:36:36

srslyNOTnewguy wrote:
Since I am bi-winning, the two extreme forms of behavior and suicidal reasoning are indicative of my own being.


2012-02-19 07:20:26



2012-02-19 10:15:43

Damn i was gonna reply with ''inb4 newguy writes a short story"


The Argumentalizer

2012-02-20 06:31:13

Where is my fucking money? My patience is running short!

I wonder. Did you borrow money and not pay it back?
Seems to me it is your responsibility to make sure that money gets back.
So why is this guy starting this thread?

It's like peeling back an onion and you smell like one of those really huge White onions.
Something stinks.
I'm gonna step in here with some reality and rule Illegal Procedure.

Pay him back his money motherfucker.


2012-02-20 11:16:39

The Argumentalizer wrote:
Pay him back his money motherfucker.

One day you might be in so deep where you actually need help and no one will be there for you.

There was this guy from my province who went around stealing old ladies watches and jewelry while they were sick in a hospital. That's almost as low as that. If you're a thief, go get some nuts and try robbing a drug dealer.


2012-02-22 03:04:08

The Argumentalizer

2012-02-23 05:28:01

What do you mean by "no one will be there for you"?

I'm not Ted Kaczinsky, bitch.


2012-02-23 06:44:44

I'm talking about panic and his petty shit. I quoted you because i agreed with you, fool.

The Argumentalizer

2012-02-23 15:50:20

You quoted me and then addressed me.

Make it clearer next time, boy.


2012-02-23 22:27:46

Should i have to make it clearer?

How could any of that be remotely directed at you. I don't see how stealing old ladies watches would have anything to do with you. Doesn't make sense how you could take it personal.


2012-02-24 11:42:14

let me just say something lol, honestly could care less about the whole situation at this point.

It's not like I just went around 'ripping people off', this post makes no mention of the money I borrowed from Dallas, and while I may have taken a bit longer than I said, I still paid him, and I apologize for bringing any dealings we had into the public Dallas but I thought that just should be said at least. Had you not made this post at all I would've paid you the fifty bucks.


2012-02-24 20:20:03

Panic wrote:let me just say something lol, honestly could care less about the whole situation at this point.

It's not like I just went around 'ripping people off', this post makes no mention of the money I borrowed from Dallas, and while I may have taken a bit longer than I said, I still paid him, and I apologize for bringing any dealings we had into the public Dallas but I thought that just should be said at least. Had you not made this post at all I would've paid you the fifty bucks.
Dallas wasn't brought up or any of the other ones you also borrowed money from. Because I felt like if they felt like posting they could. That was their dealings with you. But since you had to bring this up.

The only reason you paid back dallas, was because if you didn't he was going to ban you from all his servers, etc.

Since you are trying to lie about paying someone back. You borrowed money on the May 24, 2011. You couldn't pay me back than and surely you aren't capable of doing it now. Like I stated you had to get others here and other places to send me some cash to spot you. So honestly if YOU was going to do something you would have done it on your own. But I'm sure here and everywhere else they all know you will not do anything you say. If you are not worried and everything seems to be correct then just don't post. You know what you did and nothing you say on here will change that. And from all of your responses, you will never change. Thanks


2012-02-24 21:51:21

So wait I'm confused, I'm lying about paying Dallas back, but I'm not? According to you the only reason I paid back Dallas was so I could play on his gameservers, but then in your next sentence (according to you, of course) I'm lying about paying someone back?

Pretty confused.


2012-02-24 22:27:03

Blasphemy wrote:You're acting like this guy stole 10,000 from you. 50 bucks? Cut your losses and move on.


2012-02-24 23:07:13

So what's the truth about panic? Is he someone who actually needs help and hopes to pay the person back (but doesn't) or is he someone who pretends to be in trouble and cons people out of money for personal gain? They are both bad.... but one's alot worse than the other.


2012-02-24 23:39:43

On the other hand, who cares?



2012-02-25 00:23:32

Panic wrote:Pretty confused.

Most uneducated n!ggers are.
I have no doubt you "got around" to paying Dallas, but the bullshit circumstances and methods are what your fucking lying or insinuating about.

Let me explain for your "confused" ass

I don't really know or care if you paid Dallas back, but I do know he was surprised when he found out you had OTHER people paying you money, like KILLER_K.
That was of course based on what-the-fuck-ever story you game him. To be fair, bullshit does not really have a strong scent on the interwebz.
As for the circumstances of paying KILLER_K, you never paid him directly - save for *maybe* a one-time and very-small amount - you always got other "friends" you met on some site like reddit to do it for you.

Therefore, you never really resolved your debt on your own. You just shuffled it around and were adding more lies and sad stories along the way.
Conmen work this way, but at least REAL ones do it in REAL life and as such must be talented at acting and researching their marks.
Just like in hl2dm, you're not very talented at anything it seems, so I can't even give you much respect in regard to this unethical n!gger stuff

With all the information I have seen, you seemed to fucking need a lot of "help" a lot of the time from a lot of strangers on the internet.
So it is likely you and your brother just do this to get some extra cash - what you spend it on is pure conjecture - but based how how Miloz, vitaminG, and I have heard you fucking dumbass stores in-game - like you being engaged, then having a just GF, then having some relative who had cancer, then more BS about your "car" - I can and always have said that your just a shifty n!gger that people should aviod.

Killer_K was unaware of this and did not ask me about you all that time ago. If he did, this thread would not exist.
Heart1ess wrote:So what's the truth about panic? Is he someone who actually needs help and hopes to pay the person back (but doesn't) or is he someone who pretends to be in trouble and cons people out of money for personal gain? They are both bad.... but one's alot worse than the other.

I firmly believe that is a combination of both.
Provided it is the former classification you mentioned and he was "honest" with killer K and just said he is a loser who makes no money, this thread would not exist; but considering the pages and pages of lies I have seen first hand, and the way he has treated this thread, I do believe that panic has a bunch of illegal bills to pay and resorts to said n!gger behavior to stay above water.

He needs help, no shit, and he cons.

As for the people saying this thread is pointless - how many fucking threads have been as such on these forums?
Wake up and realize what fucking site you are at.
This is not about seagull eating doughnuts. This is about a real n!gger spreading lies and dealing with real money.
I'd say this is more valid than 97% of the other drama I have seen on this site.

My dick is small.


2012-02-25 00:27:32

srslyNOTnewguy wrote: ... like you being engaged, then having a just GF, then having some relative who had cancer, then more BS about your "car" ...

As soon as you try posting some lame explanation for those things I listed, I will have another 10 more conflicting sad stories you have spewed to a number of hl2dm people.

Just swallow you lame ass scrotum pride and either not post or just apologize and move on.

I'm tired of this.


2012-02-25 07:22:17


2012-02-25 10:29:17

Phantom found a video of poorbilly!


2012-02-25 10:39:25

srslyNOTnewguy wrote: As for the people saying this thread is pointless - how many fucking threads have been as such on these forums?
Wake up and realize what fucking site you are at.
This is not about seagull eating doughnuts. This is about a real bum looker spreading lies and dealing with real money.
I'd say this is more valid than 97% of the other drama I have seen on this site.

My dick is small.
this is the one part of your latest post i read, and i'm glad i did.

-edit, apologize? i never went around posting anyones personal information on the big bad interwebz, as i said before had he not made such a lame petty fiasco out of this shit, he would've got his fifty dollars.

fifty dollars

brb i gotta actually read the entire first post now i guess


2012-02-26 01:17:18

You "borrowed" considerably more that just 50 dollars. 50 dollars was simply the final amount you needed to fucking pay and claimed to have "sent" to KILLER_K.

You had other people pay KILLER_K other chunks of your debt on separate and spread-out occasions, and you were lying your ass of with numerous other excuses as to why you could not pay him the debt on dozens of agreed upon deadlines all the while.

You made KILLER_K believe that he was the only person you were taking money from, a clear lie from the start as you had already hit Dallas up and who-knows the fuck else.
After all the bullshit was sifted through, KILLER_K felt like an idiot for supporting some lying shifty n!gger - who may in fact just not be in trouble at all and be a interwebz con-cunt.

Because of the lies and bullshit you threw at KILLER_K is why you should consider "apologizing" you ignorant fucktard.

Anyone who provides money to someone they believe is in trouble will make a "fiasco" when the person taking it spews numerous conflicting lies; because it means you're hiding a detail you didn't want KILLER_K to know.
Be it drugs on just an illegitimate way of "earning" extra cash is not the point, for you provided pages and pages of bullshit conflicting stories and that will make anyone feel they were taken advantage of by a shifty fuck.

You said you'd pay him back the first payment in like a month, then said you needed more which he paid, then he started to notice the shifty n!gger pattern.
KILLER_K's actions after the mistake of paying you any amount of money were not petty, they were understandable.

I hate wading through this fucking sewage.


2012-02-27 16:43:28


2012-02-27 23:16:39

Panic wrote:
Link... & nothing about the real shit in thread
srslyNOTnewguy wrote:You are less than a real human, a real man, hence: a fucking nįgger. Has nothing to do with skin complexion
