2011-12-30 21:58:06
Panic = Jake Garvey
Location = West Chester Pennsylvania
Although he gave me the name "Stephen Garvey" which is his brothers name. Claimed he had no license, etc. But come to find out they are both in on the money scheme he is doing. As he always gets the money sent to CVS. Why you ask? Because he buys a crap load of pills and gets high off them with his brother. Sad but yes it is true. He first gave me a sad story on May 24th 2011. So yes I fell for it and loaned him some money. Come to find out he didn't need money for paying rent, lights and groceries. He needed it to buy pills, weed, etc. So months pass on and I'm talking to others.
Well seems he has gave them the same excuse and gotten money from them also. Well time rolls by and the same happens again, he needs money. So being the good person I am. I loaned him a little more money. As this time he said he was going to go to jail, if he didn't have the money. {Note this is before I learn what he is really doing.} Time passes on and one lie after another keeps coming. He finally gets a guy on reddit to paypal some some of the money back. And I quickly explain to the guy what is going on and I thanked him for the money. But after talking and explaining to the guy what panic was doing. He then figured out the deal.
Panic would borrow money from someone until they wouldn't give him anymore money. Then he would hit up reddit with a sad post, etc and get them to pay the guy some of the money back. So he could get more money from the guy with the honey hole. Time rocks on and it is now 7 months into the money load deal. I get about 6 lies back to back. Then it is I sent your money to you in a envelope. That is right cash in a envelope. I said fine, give me the tracking number. He didn't get a tracking number, nor was it the correct amount. This was on 11/14/2011. As you see I haven't got nothing from him. But who honestly sends cash and doesn't track it right? Either way it is 4 days max to get from his location to mine. So bottom line is he didn't send nothing and it was another excuse to get me off his back.
He is supposedly in college, for what I have no clue. Either way it is sad and uncalled for what he did over the 7 months of not paying me and others back the money him and his brother got. And he also claimed to have gotten $9,00 bucks and was broke also. Not sure what he did with that money also. But again he is broke and looking to get money off some poor person that doesn't know any better. But hopefully between here and reddit, I've stopped his money getting scheme. And hopefully no one else will get sucked into his lies now.
Bottom line is when he replied back on the other thread. that he had paid me some of my money back. It was a lie, as he got others to pay me back. So nothing has came from panic at this point but lies. I didn't use the others name, as I'm respectful about them and I know what happened to them. If they would like to post, then that is their business. If anyone else would like to post about this issue and have loaned panic money. Please post here and share the information. So I can pass it along to others. If you need the information on panic and chat-logs, etc. I have them available for anyone that needs them for future purposes.
I'm not going to give them out just because someone not involved wants to read them though. But like I stated this is to stop others from getting scammed by panic. The reason I removed the other post in the x-box section. Was because he promised me he would pay if I removed that info. And you see how well that went. And I'm sure some of you thought ii was just posting random stuff. I assure you I'm not doing this to just be posting. But it seems panic rather buy games and play games then to pay back people he owes.