5v5 fun


2012-01-04 09:43:55


im giving a demo if any1 would pls make a vid of it and post on yt, cus i've had fps issues with vdub before and i don't even have vdub and sony installed atm.. i know someone's gonna do a better job at this anywayz, if they think demo is worth watching lol (skip the intro)
it's a 5v5, a first for us all on that server (Tm|The Slaughter House), the Tm clan vs a bunch of other players (me, carlos, jaded, nate and henry) on caverns :P us rebels won and too bad we didn't finish it in the initial formation but we tried to keep it balanced nonetheless. i rewatched and still laughed every 30 seconds or so
sry bout bad quality, i had high ping and despite being first person view, my movement is actually different lol, prolly cus diff tick rate?
tldr kthxbye :D


2012-01-05 00:55:53



2012-01-05 03:10:28

Ade wrote:tldr kthxbye :D
aklsduhaklj klahsj uasdhal?


1) asd alksjölal
2) aiocmnmdk kds
3) sdfjhsjdkfh iqi wj!!

ps, asdkasldkjasdkl j1bnk 1kl bkljk lsjk aljh1!)!;d.,sd.

The Argumentalizer

2012-02-05 09:23:08

lololol Jaxbadka!!!


2012-02-06 05:13:22

Zadrot ebaniy.