some nostalgia


2012-02-18 04:28:55

was cleaning out my old desktop and found this lying around and since this game doesn't have anything left in it anymore i guess i might as well share with those who still browse these forums



2012-02-18 04:42:48

The aiming in this video makes me insecure.


2012-02-25 20:20:51

somehow I get the feeling I've already seen this video. Not sure if it's because I have heard those songs in other vids, or if I really had seen it.
Was it ever made public before? Anyway, nice old video, enjoyed it.


2012-02-26 00:29:09

Lol, classic frag vid songs.


2012-02-27 08:32:28

Thanks for sharing, i believe I have this one in my library, but good to see again.
I always like looking at the names and seeing who I remember. Good times, too bad I came around a little late.


2012-02-27 09:25:22

I loved how they did replays of shots/frags that are now, and have been for the last 3 years of the game, considered to be routine and mundane.

Shitty game was even shittier back then I suppose.

EDIT: Then again, with only shitty, linear, and cramped maps such as zeta - LD - and aim to choose from, you can't really blame them.
Overpowered headshots are even more boring when you're shooting fish in a barrel on those dinosaur maps.


2012-02-28 00:20:08

srslyNOTnewguy wrote:I loved how they did replays of shots/frags that are now, and have been for the last 3 years of the game, considered to be routine and mundane.

Shitty game was even shittier back then I suppose.

EDIT: Then again, with only shitty, linear, and cramped maps such as zeta - LD - and aim to choose from, you can't really blame them.
Overpowered headshots are even more boring when you're shooting fish in a barrel on those dinosaur maps.
you're gay


2012-02-28 03:24:42

Hah, Phanty, Love you too honey-muffin.

... come to daddy and lemme put some love nectar in you ...

That's good eatin'



2012-04-04 03:26:52

HL2DM editors.............. smh.


2012-04-04 23:40:55



2012-04-05 01:57:17

Nutri-Grain wrote:
zeiken wrote:HL2DM editors.............. smh.
Lol. Because you're so pro, right?
I mean, putting clips together with no sync and adding music isnt editing.
Btw read my sig, get it?


2012-04-05 20:34:38



2012-04-05 20:50:19

Nutri-Grain wrote:Your sig with a 7 second quake edit of one kill, slo-mo, and the worst song ever created? Yeah, I think I get it.

EDIT: 17 second. My bad.
You obviously cannot read.
Good job on ur video btw, clips after clips with songs , with no effects what so ever.
It's funny cause you have a really good computer, and i got trash and i still edit better than you.


2012-04-05 23:57:46

Nutri grains video was better then your 10 sec clips because it has character and he is known for being a great player.....Zeiken you can be creative with some of your clips but you have never put them all together in a way to really show you're a great editor....If you had a video out there with 10k hits because you really made a great video ....then you can take a shit on Nutri....But until then you have no right to impose your greatness.

I'm not sticking up for nutri, i still think the guy is a piece of shit. But you can't dog on him for making a video that was more entertaining then your little clips. ZEIKEN.

Make something like this and i'll pat your back.



2012-04-06 04:50:29

I am better than all you fucks combined.

yeah, scroll much?

you fucks.


2012-04-06 10:02:57

Heart1ess wrote:Nutri grains video was better then your 10 sec clips because it has character and he is known for being a great player.....Zeiken you can be creative with some of your clips but you have never put them all together in a way to really show you're a great editor....If you had a video out there with 10k hits because you really made a great video ....then you can take a shit on Nutri....But until then you have no right to impose your greatness.

I'm not sticking up for nutri, i still think the guy is a piece of shit. But you can't dog on him for making a video that was more entertaining then your little clips. ZEIKEN.

Make something like this and i'll pat your back.

agree with you, this is why im working on a project.

EDIT: Saw the video, again i dont qualify this as a good editing video, more like a good montage.
But trust me, the movie that im gonna release will be pretty sick. Im gonna show everyone that i can edit with a piece of shit computer.


2012-04-06 23:05:59


Uncle Rico

2012-04-07 00:22:24

Let's all take a timeout to read a few quotes from some of comments on zeik's vids.
man i can't believe you want people to view your stuff because everyone who sees it is going to say "bleh"
roastybeer 2 weeks ago in playlist Uploaded videos
wow op, you's a bitch!!
Kurrency21 4 months ago
Griffold 4 months ago
ZaxIntel 4 months ago
Wtf, you killed one guy twice. This is retarded, and a retarded game, and I'm going to downvote all of your shit now because you are retarded.
brianmarini 4 months ago
freaghill94 4 months ago

dreamlozt 4 months ago in playlist Uploaded videos
awesome team fume ftw
98maxime 4 months ago
Or maybe some...
Ds = Aim_Bot
Zeik = Speed_hax
this is an amazing amount of undetectable hax
1214sos 7 months ago
Goddamm PogoJumps Undetectable Haxxx
1214sos 6 months ago
And in conclusion...
woah this sucks.
Communic315 4 months ago
dinmorfar 4 months ago
RandomGuy43 4 months ago
bramieb 4 months ago


2012-04-07 10:40:49

Rico, you really must have no life to take all those comments and quote them, you have too much time on your hands.
Also 1214sos is a friend of mine, and all those "faggot, yawn, fag" are nerds from 4 chan, yes my channel gets 4channed by nolifes likes you.

Im the best editor of all hl2dm players of all time and you cant do shit about it :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:


2012-04-07 11:31:48

zeiken wrote:
Im the best editor of all hl2dm players of all time and you cant do shit about it :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
What the fuck is wrong with you...since i'm ace and i always speak my mind's what i think about you.

#1 the faggot that talks the loudest is usually the faggot that has done least. (ex. valiums and a louder!)

#2 you have small man syndrome

#3 since human beings usually regurgitate what has been done to them, you are lashing out like a nancy who has been abused.

Fuck you're worse than valiums with this shit. So here's what you do since you're a shady piece of go make a steam download you're hacks (since you're incapable of being great at a game without em) and make that "Amazing" video we are so waiting to see. (o wait you already did that)... I thought about being nice to you...but fuck it. i can't stand people like you so why try when its easier to hate. fuck you.


2012-04-07 17:38:01

unnn why the fuck did zeik come into a thread and claim he is awesome at editing lol, wat hl2dm player really gives a fuck?



2012-04-07 22:26:25

Heart1ess wrote:
zeiken wrote:
Im the best editor of all hl2dm players of all time and you cant do shit about it :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
What the fuck is wrong with you...since i'm ace and i always speak my mind's what i think about you.

#1 the faggot that talks the loudest is usually the faggot that has done least. (ex. valiums and a louder!)

#2 you have small man syndrome

#3 since human beings usually regurgitate what has been done to them, you are lashing out like a nancy who has been abused.

Fuck you're worse than valiums with this shit. So here's what you do since you're a shady piece of go make a steam download you're hacks (since you're incapable of being great at a game without em) and make that "Amazing" video we are so waiting to see. (o wait you already did that)... I thought about being nice to you...but fuck it. i can't stand people like you so why try when its easier to hate. fuck you.
And this kids, is how you troll somebody.

Successful trolling is successful.


2012-04-08 00:03:18

Not really, and I am the best troll that ever lived, so ... nah kid.
You're just bad at everything, except when it comes to being really bad at things.

Now go fetch your fucking shinebox.

I did lol @ *ace* mentioning "litlle man syndrome."
Fucking ace.



2012-04-08 00:25:36

srslyNOTnewguy wrote:Not really, and I am the best troll that ever lived, so ... nah kid.
You're just bad at everything, except when it comes to being really bad at things.

Now go fetch your fucking shinebox.

I did lol @ *ace* mentioning "litlle man syndrome."
Fucking ace.

I really hope you die next time a crackhead attacks you, i really do.
Next time you won't be so lucky.


2012-04-08 05:48:24

Such are experiences that define our lives. Luck is an overture, but not a real part in life.
"A true man says what he mean and means what he says" ~ Thaddeus Hughes.
What matters for a man - when he actually heads out into the world and sees for what it is - would be what that man can do vs. what he cannot.
You have not even shook off the stewing phlegm your mother coated you with when you entered this world, much less moved, shook, and acted in said world and earn the right to call yourself a man.
Disregarding that tidbit for a moment, what you can do in this thread is bitch about creative works done by other men, and what you cannot do is back that cynical-attitude up with some of your own work.

Hence, you can't do shit son - including troll.

Overcoming life's obstacles (such as losing one's roof, sleeping in a jetta, leaving moonroof open, and having a homeless person try to enter said moonroof and kill/rob you) and the actions to take in doing so define who you are.

So far you have sat in your parent's house masturbating and bitching on dead video game forums about video editing when you have not completed a whole video work yourself.
Good stuff. Clearly.

As silly Big Cheese would say "put up or shut up."
Stop saying, start doing.


2012-04-08 08:40:06
