
The Argumentalizer

2012-02-27 01:42:14

It's truly sad. There is not one good Pub server on the east coast that has a decent rotation of the best maps, that aren't roleplay/SpawnPro/Kilbox/NOOBS...

Once fun servers by recognizable clan names like %%, $@&, $$ are ran by noobs and have horrible maps.
The west coast servers are nothing but lag for Eastern players. Just horrible. Worse than Europe.

So, i'm trying to scrape up some money for an East Coast Windows server.

Any Recommends on name and map rotation, addons, time limits...

So far, it WILL have Lockdown, Caverns, Amplitude, Octagon, Airfusion, Bio, Lost Arena, Lost Village and maybe Aim.


2012-02-27 02:50:29

27/7 dm_lockdown

Anything else and you won't get any traffic.


2012-02-27 04:21:26

Or have a dm_overwatch only server, so instead of a SoCal you *could* do EcVa (ekk-vah) or East-Vag for east coast and Virginia hosted server.
Come to think of it, Fatpipe was the only server provider that had a data center in VA...
Sadly, the king of hosting, fatpipeservers, went out of business and was sold to ultimategamerservers, and they fucking suck ass.

For the eFPS tourney, the REAL one in ag2, we rented from nuclear fallout, because they had a great deal on getting a whole single-core gameserver that you could do with what you will.
So you would get a computer that could run linux or WindowsServer all to yourself, but you had to know what you were doing because the reason its so cheap is due to there being NO technical support from NFO; so you have to know what your doing.
Still, it was solid hosting and the PC all to yourself - with the assurance of no over-packing - was a huge plus, but the cheapest deal was 30$ a month.

Probably not what your looking for, and NFO data-centers are only in Atlanta and NY on the East Coast.

I, myself, currently rent from Hyperina Gameservers because of their easy support for AG2, and I have been pleased with the server quality thus far.

If I were you, I would get the NFO deal and run two servers; one for pubbing and pointless crap in hl2dm, and then have one in a real man's game of AG2.
With the latter, you can show how huge your testicles are to everyone - you musclely man you.



2012-02-27 05:51:34


Anything not stock will receive 0 traffic.

The Argumentalizer

2012-02-27 08:59:42

Everything will be stock but i don't understand why 24/7 Lockdown would draw good players.

I'm thinking a good pub with great maps to attract better players from the Noob servers everywhere.
I could give a shit about AG2. "Pros" have their exclusive closed servers.
My main problem is 120 pings everywhere west that are laggy, like you can't even move properly.


2012-02-27 09:16:41

Blast just means that the one map servers keep traffic in and then you have a real pub when other players join.
ie. Edge does not idle the Warfare Area (99% of time) and waits for a game. Instead, he joins a fairly full pub that comes from the "noob" traffic that is out there.
The Argumentalizer wrote:I could give a shit about AG2. "Pros" have their exclusive closed servers.

Did thou mean "couldn't?" Anyways, as it states in my server's hostname, the pw is: efps - at all times; you are welcome to come lose anytime gramps :P
The Argumentalizer wrote:My main problem is 120 pings everywhere west that are laggy, like you can't even move properly.
That's not the ping and the lag, Valve broke the game in October of 2010 when they moved all source games to the 2009 engine.
You can move good and proper in AG2, however.

The Argumentalizer

2012-02-29 05:18:53

Well, that ain't true because some servers feel free and easy to speedskate while others feel like you can barely strafejump. Some servers feel like you have lead boots in game.
Maybe it isn't ping but there are huge differences in some servers and not special settings either.

I meant i could give a shit about AG2.

Thanks for all the advice.

"Blast just means that the one map servers keep traffic in and then you have a real pub when other players join.
ie. Edge does not idle the Warfare Area (99% of time) and waits for a game. Instead, he joins a fairly full pub that comes from the "noob" traffic that is out there."

This doesn't make any sense whatsoever. It's like you are speaking some obtuse other language.
One map servers keep the traffic IN and THEN you have a real pub...on one map!?
Edge does not idle the Warfare Arena and WAITS for a game!?!? WTF!?! Instead he joins a fairly full pub that comes from the NooB Traffic?!?!
WTF does this mean?
What does any of this mean. He does, he doesn't idle...noob traffic...Keeps the traffic in...

If Blas thinks a well rounded clean server won't make it, that is what he means.
And of course, the reason for this thread is I DON'T WANT a fricking one map server!
Did you read the opening?

Thank You Professor Death Match.


2012-02-29 07:06:42

My apologies, I simply regard random noobs as not real people, when they are not. At least not to me.
I didn't make that clear, and I should have.

As good old conflict would say, pubs start when random CS noobs realize they own hl2dm and play it - or what-ever-the-fuck reason they do. The one map servers make shit simpler; noobs slowly learn where shit is when its the same shitty map over and over, and are more inclined to stay after a real hl2dm player joins and beings the pubbing. At this moment, the player base you are attempting to cater too will look in their friends list and see a legit pub, and then the process grows to a more-or-less full server in a broken game.

It is these noobs that are the trigger for the bacterial growth that is a disgusting hl2dm pub, and they are so dumb that they will not like non-stock maps, such has caverns or lostarena, because they don't look familiar (hl2 single player ports) and generally allow for more noob-rape.


2012-03-01 18:22:41

If anyone has a good map rotation they want to try i'll put it on server 1 and see how it does. It doesn't get any traffic now and would like to get it used.