2012-04-10 02:06:28
So here's my problem...i got people messaging and inviting me to this fucking side show event ran by this transvestite we call kigha. Now any rational and logical human being would see that this is a sham. He has already shown to be a shady individual.....as seen with the exposing of the lukegt/kigha relationship and other shady dealings.....
I see red flags everywhere. The amount of you guys going bonkers over the possibility of winning 2 grand is beyond me. Does logic not come into play or does the pursuit of monies blind that.
Don't be a sucker!
6-12 months away, what the fuck is that shit.
2012-04-10 02:47:58
Most you lose from this if he doesn't come through is maybe an hours worth of 1v1's.
Doesn't seem like a huge deal.
2012-04-10 03:20:03
It isn't a huge deal, just a waste of time. When i got people spewing this bullshit to me when i already know how it is going to turn out, that's when i share my opinions.
Some people must think its a big deal if they spread it like wildfire.
2012-04-10 05:46:01
Funny as, only in hl2dm would such a thing happen, i mean considering the history on this guy u would think he would at least have the decency to change alias first.
2012-04-10 22:33:27
Yea i mean really... even the name of the tournament has downs..... But i guess this is exactly the world in a nut shell.. ignorant people following ignorant people. there's over 50 people thus far...how much you want to bet this freaks page reaches hundreds.
The Argumentalizer
2012-04-14 10:00:40
I don't even like the nick Kigha. It's icky.
Kigha sounds like a Midget Argentinian Prostitute.
Jeezus my Avatar is fucking HUGE!
2012-04-15 12:09:52
Yea your avatar is huge, but it wont do a damn thing. Obama will win again like i said before, better start listening to me.
The Argumentalizer
2012-04-16 08:01:59
I hope wild pigs dig up your grave, you pusillanimous insolent titmouse!
Oh sorry, gotta go. The Bilderburg-Tri-Lateral Commission-Prison Planet-guy is at the door.
The Argumentalizer
2012-04-17 06:10:42
So, there was this little town and there lived Margaret the church lady. Margaret was a real busybody, always snooping around in other people's business and making accusations.
One day, she approached the local electrician Dave and accused him of being an alcoholic.
"I saw your truck at the Bar all day! You have a drinking problem, sir. You are an Alcoholic Bum!"
Dave looked at her without saying a word, turned, and left.
Later that night, Dave parked his truck in front of Margaret's house and walked home.
2012-04-17 07:03:08
Sure he didnt park his car in front of her house and walk to the bar?
2012-04-17 12:08:00
So, there was this little town in fucktardia and there lived impala the christian prostitute. Impala was a real busybody, always snooping around the U looking for little boys to convert to his ideologies.
One day, he approached the local aristocrat Ace and accused him of being a jerk that lacked the intelligence to ever see the truth of god and politics.
"Hey you ignorant jerk, you are too young to even begin to understand what i know! jesus loves me and gives me the power to touch little boys hearts"
Ace took it all in , looked at his bearded picture and wondered why this man would be interested in touching so many...
Later that night, Ace went to sleep while Impala dreamed of a brighter world full of young men who he could share this burden with.
The Argumentalizer
2012-04-17 14:56:37
I never accused you of lacking intelligence. I would never do that.
That was Zeiken.
The Argumentalizer
2012-04-24 07:38:31
Yeah, i lived in a Comfort Suites in Fairfax Virginia for several months, while hiring and training and leading a reset/remodel merchandising team of 14 people.
My ping was outrageous, topping 400 sometimes.
And i do drink on occasion. There is that. I admit it.
At least i'm not a dumbass like some folks.