Network Cards vs. Wireless USB Adapters


2012-06-18 21:43:30

Sup y'all,

My desktop computer doesn't have any way to access wireless internet at the moment. I know that wired is the way to go, but I will be forced to use wireless come next school year. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions regarding the best way to access wireless internet without sacrificing the quality and the speed of the connection. Would a network card be a good investment? If so, which ones? Or would a USB wireless network adapter be just as good? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


2012-06-19 17:16:54

Raw power - PCI card
Convenience - USB

If you don't mind installing a PCI card just to ensure you're getting the most speed then go for it. If it pisses you off then I suggest you get the speed you'll be getting at school, then see if there's that much of a speed difference between picking USB or PCI.

If not, i'd go USB, but that's a personnal thing.


2012-06-19 21:05:27


2012-06-20 02:09:56

My internet connection will be between 32mbps download speed and 1mpbs upload speed and 75mpbs DL and 2mbps UL.

Probably closer to 32mbps, so I don't think buying a network card is even worth it.

I was looking into this adapter, but it's definitely overkill: ... CatId=2688