1 2 3 4


2008-01-15 21:13:40

one time is great

two times is fine

three times is a little weird

and four times is goddamn stupid imo


you admins are allways talking about that there isnt enough people who care enough to do anything about it blah blah blah the community blah blah

but start a single thread to see what people want isnt going to do it!

we need to have like a... draft night community thing and have people vote on this kind stuff.....


2008-01-15 21:16:18



2008-01-15 21:16:57

It seems like it's something besides r3 or lostvillage :roll: so I for one am happy to play something different...


2008-01-15 21:58:47

what are you talking about? CAL?
If so yeah... 3 should be the most, not 4.


2008-01-15 22:19:25

no lostarena or drift? not enough spam er 'Team strats"

old time no.7

2008-01-15 23:16:49

i thought this topic was going to be about b33r...so now after reading the above Bahlk i don't understand what it's about.

can you give me the readers digest version? thanks


2008-01-15 23:40:21

[GoTg] old time no.7 wrote: can you give me the readers digest version? thanks
amplitude is listed 4 times each for both 2v2 and 4v4 in cal this season

old time no.7

2008-01-15 23:57:44

Ok thanks. I didn't even look.


2008-01-16 00:33:51

Yeah I think maybe IMO that all 3 of the top maps from the contest featured should be in the CAL league?


2008-01-16 00:42:18

cyber_clash wrote:Yeah I think maybe IMO that all 3 of the top maps from the contest featured should be in the CAL league?
all three maps are featured as a week 2 map this season for cal !

dm_lostarena for 1v1
dm_caverns for 2v2
dm_aftermath for 4v4


2008-01-16 02:54:16

It's preseason as well, so it's only really 3 times.


2008-01-16 03:20:14

my solution/idea is to use one of the contest maps in the playoffs instead of amplitude twice. while i think it's retarded to have amplitude even once in the playoffs considering ya know amplitude is a dreadful map, it's overkill to have it twice. heck, i mean is there anyone who actually likes that map? i sure don't, and judging by the fact this topic exists i don't think i'm alone in thinking that

granted i haven't actually played any of the the contest maps but if they won how bad can they be


2008-01-16 03:56:42

Well, I do like amplitude, but 4 times is way too much.
There are other maps listed to play only once. Why can't those repeat one time, while decreasing the number of times amplitude has to be played?


2008-01-16 04:14:07

I like every map. :D


2008-01-16 20:37:09

Is dm lost arena big enough for 2 v 2 also? so we can use 2 new maps to replace one of the amplitudes?


2008-01-16 23:51:15

Yea I think lost arena would be fine for 2v2. I played it yesterday with a 2v2 and it seemed perfectly able to handle that. It might (hmmm) be a bit small for 4v4, Id have to try it out.


2008-01-17 12:24:20

Ah it's so disappointing you guys don't think we put any thought into map picking.

This season brings some changes, First of all for the first time ever Lockdown revised will not be at the top of the upper bracket. That means a major match will take place on amplitude. So you get to play it in the pre season and regular season so that you have plenty of chances to see it in competitive play. IE no excuses about not knowing the map. (which I still get from people IE the thread starter now days). Also by playing it in the first round you can't get knocked out by the map until later, and only 1 team can be knocked out by it.

Second in order to keep the season moving so teams who do not make the play offs or are knocked out early can start the next season again we have shortened the play offs. 6 matches take place in 3 weeks. This is a very short time frame and it was very purposeful to not have more then 4 maps played in that time frame, and I was considering only 3 but certainly not bumping it up to 5 or 6 maps.

The new maps were not released until after we had scheduled. There was no time to give them some real scrutiny in competitive play. Under normal circumstances there is no way I would have even allowed such maps to pass by with my admins. But due to them being built for the U and many competitive players having input on their revisions I did allow them 1 spot in the regular season. Of course early in the regular season. If they prove to be good maps and fit a niche not yet occupied, or even displace another map then they will see further seasons.

As for amplitude this is quite frankly the best map there is out there for competitive play to date. If you want to discuss why I believe that or you might not we can do that in another thread in the mapping forum. Heck it might even teach people something about how to make maps.


2008-01-17 14:58:07

Fearsome* wrote:As for amplitude this is quite frankly the best map there is out there for competitive play to date.
I have to agree whole heartedly with Fearsome* on this. Amplitude has the same domination factor as Lockdown and Lostvillage. Dominating, or controlling a map in a match is crucial. The weapon placement is excellent, ect ect. If more mappers spent more time with strategic weapon placement , as they did with the level building, alot of map's would be more fun. Example: you may spend from 2-6+ month's building a map, then throw the weapon's in, in one day.

As for the repetition of the map, I'm sure it was well thought out, and infact this season's map list is more relaxed then any other season. Several new map's were included, that quite frankly, aren't up to snuff.

Dm_lostarena is probably one of the best map's I've seen for DM in a long time. Swot did an excellent job on that map. I'm glad it's included, and seeing it on pub's. ;D


2008-01-17 19:54:14

Under normal circumstances there is no way I would have even allowed such maps to pass by with my admins.
I hope by that you mean the LACK of admins since there really were only 2 up until about 2 weeks ago and it really made no sense for the new person to review them so late in the process. This of course is in addition to the fact that the maps were not able to be reviewed extensively prior to release.

I also have to agree that Amplitude is a great map. The more I play it in scrim situations the more Iike it for scrims. The weapons layout is top notch and even though the RPG area is still a major control point, it can be overcome by the other team. It makes the play very dynamic and interesting. Unlike some of the other maps (LV, Zeta) which, once one team becomes entrenched it is very difficult for the other team to change the situation.

Also think the new maps are awesome. But they need more testing. Lostarena is great map and will be fun to play either in 1v1 or 2v2 imo. The more I play Caverns, the more I like it for competitive play or even just for fun bacause of the layout of the different areas (high and low) the switchbacks and the awesome jumps. I need to play Aftermath more to be sure how it is going to be in competitive play.


2008-01-19 02:54:54

I thought about this post some more (long drive home from work, lots of time to think so it might as well be about DM...lol).

Last night was the first night in over a month (except for maybe Christmas) that I did not see Fearsome idling on the DM IRC channel. Ko-Tau is there almost as much if not as much. I dont see them playing so they must be doing something related to DM at least part of that time. If thats not dedication I dont know what is. I think they must have had at least one conversation regarding the maps for this season. Fearsome and I play tested one on my server one night (I wont name it). Frankly the map sucks and should not be a map for competitive play. I have found Fearsome to have quite and extensive knowledge of a vast number of DM maps (he should hes been playing long enough). I dont know all the reasoning behind the choices but I am sure there was quite a bit of thought put into it.


2008-01-19 03:12:28

Paradox wrote: Fearsome and I play tested one on my server one night (I wont name it). Frankly the map sucks and should not be a map for competitive play.
referring to dm_amplitude_r1?


2008-01-19 03:28:15

biotau wrote:Example: you may spend from 2-6+ month's building a map, then throw the weapon's in, in one day.
I am guilty with this for my maps.


2008-01-19 13:35:41

no it wasnt Amplitude_r1

It was another map that they were thinking of putting into the list.

Trust me most of you would have hated it.