Cook Frags

Travis Bickle

2008-01-27 20:42:50

HI me again,could anyone tell me when im playing HL2DM how some players can cook frags so quickly,it seems to me that they must have so kind of macro recording software on thier pc .?
Or is it the keyboard ie logitech g15 or a razer they have macro recording bottons,but they cannot record mouse clicks or am i wronge i don't know.
I would really like to know, also can anyone recommend a good gaming keyboard for playing HL2DM with,i don't know which one to go for.
Thank all Travis :D

Walking Target

2008-01-27 20:49:57

No, you don't need a macro, just lots of practice. You can put the nade into your grav gun almost instantly with the correct timing.

Here is the breakdown...

I plan to add videos to each section one day lol.

Also check out icbats tutorial here:

If you are really struggling, you may need to adjust your config. Post your config here and we can give you pointers.

When I was learning to cook, I set nades as the default weapon and then shot two off every time I spawned for about a month. Yeah, I didn't kill much with them, but I got it down fast.

Travis Bickle

2008-01-27 22:09:24

Thanks for that,practice makes perfect thats what they say, any idea which gaming ketboard i should go for? thanks Travis


2008-01-27 22:47:01

go for any keyboard that allows more than like 3 simultaneous key presses, most dont.

Walking Target

2008-01-27 22:56:25

I have the G15, and few complaints. I don't know about others as I haven't tried them.


2008-01-28 00:20:03

A script cannot make something like cooking a grenade faster. It is more a timing issue.

There are a couple things that can allow you to do it faster. One is if you "toss" the grenade with right click try holding the button down before you do that and then just release it when you are ready to cook. Everything will happen faster. Second is using primary fire to throw it as that happens faster then tossing. Also when players have higher ping they seem to do things faster because you do not see what they are doing till later.

Travis Bickle

2008-01-28 01:35:00

Thanks people


2008-01-28 03:27:31

all they said (=P)
Plus....I believe razer tarantula is a good keyboard...but haven't been able to use it yet. =/
Maybe someone else here can enlighten us?

nade maeggs

2008-01-28 04:12:15

I have one but never could get the macro keys to work xD tryed it few times (even if i set a programm to such a key it doesnt work. :? ).
And no you cant set mouseklicks to them. But as i dont play wow i dont need them anyway :lol:


2008-01-28 05:43:17

well, I don't really plan to use the macro function, so.... It seems to be a good option =P


2008-02-20 21:08:08

When I was first learning I would load up dm_magnum. This map has explosive barrels set in different locations and would respawn. I learned aiming and timing quite well by tossing nades at these barrels, it was great practice. Now I'm pretty good at nade cooking.