

2007-06-02 01:18:12

Played HL2DM for a while now - still have more days when I can't hit a barn door with both barrels of the shotgun point blank :D

Not good enough to join a clan but play just for the fun of it.

I enjoyed reading through the Official Curriculum and have been having a go at the advanced moves - thanks to those who took the time to share and type out their techniques, this player appreciates your efforts - who knows it may even move me from just being a poor player to being reasonable :twisted:

Also play as the cat ==^_^== on occasion - but still just as bad.

Nice to meet you all.


2007-06-02 02:06:22

haha nice introduction dude very modest and the hope to get better is all it takes!
welcome aboard!


2007-06-02 20:23:43

Thanks for coming. ^_^ :lol: