2007-06-18 06:20:02
Hello as you may have noticed my name is Rentacop(009) {not real name}
I've been playing hl2 dm for awhile... but i havent rellay got to competitve. I would say im pretty good but prbly no where as good as ppl in those frag videos. I can bunny hop understress and my avg kill to death ratio is 2.5. I usally play on sever called Social sever #1 or something like that. I enjoy this game alot and wish to become better at it through this site... So hello all!
I've been playing hl2 dm for awhile... but i havent rellay got to competitve. I would say im pretty good but prbly no where as good as ppl in those frag videos. I can bunny hop understress and my avg kill to death ratio is 2.5. I usally play on sever called Social sever #1 or something like that. I enjoy this game alot and wish to become better at it through this site... So hello all!