2008-08-14 22:39:45
Hi all i am James Bullock and my clan is [007] i am [007] Bullock 007 clan leader and servers owner. We have 4 servers and we have been going for just over 3 months now my website is http://www.007-clan.co.uk and my servers ip's are and and and so please have a look and any one is welcome. We are a very friendly clan and we are getting bigger all the time but now we have come to a standstill regarding our training, we desperatly need to take the clan forward to the next level. i am appealing for a leet player to train us and if possible to join our clan. if there is anyone out there that could help us please let me know. My email address is [email protected]
Thank you for taking the time to read this. James
Thank you for taking the time to read this. James

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