2009-02-05 22:49:25
Hey all, I've been lurking around this forum for a while and thought I should introduce myself by now, so I'm Punky, member of the »Яąẅ« clan, I'm 16 years old, and my main hobbies are playing hl2dm, and making maps, I have played hl2dm since I was about 13-14 years old and have loved it ever since
I've also made some hl2dm maps when I was bored, but I also make more 'serious' maps for mapbattles over at interlopers etc.
I'm also taking part in the hl2dmu mapping contest (II) and I hope you're all going to like the map
»Яąẅ« Punky

I'm also taking part in the hl2dmu mapping contest (II) and I hope you're all going to like the map

»Яąẅ« Punky