What up everybody......


2009-04-21 00:54:01

So some of you may know me i have been playing for about 5 years now...
My in game name has changed and is now )[StN]( BO$$ HAWG formally THE INK$LAYER but for shits and giggles i have kept inkslayer on here until everyone gets used to it.
I am the clan leader and now co-founder of the StN clan Second to None... Suck these Nuts...SacTowN...Whatever you want to call us its usually Second to None though,We do now have a great running server now in the west coast server list.I have gone through EVERY sound in the game and custom made them all, our tech. advisor is toe tagger who performs all the tech. aspects of the server.Our founding fathers of the clan are....
StN Toe Tagger and
StN Picj9
If anyone wants to contact any of us we do currently have a websight under construction at http://www.str8killers.com or you may contact me directly at [email protected] talk to you all sonn l8tr.


2009-04-21 02:16:33

You finally applied on the forums! :P
Whats up man? And I'll have to check out the new site when its done!


2009-04-21 02:17:00

sup man, i think i remember seeing you in the 911 LAN party photo, since you are from cali, im guessing that prolly was you........am i correct? anyway. welcome to the drama show. also, im assuming that you have some work done or do some yourself(based on your name) i have some really nice tats, im always up to swap pics of nice work. hit me up. chemicalburn16


2009-04-21 02:56:49

WOOHOO ola angel of death lol so ya i finally got off my ass and got this here page going....and ya the sight is up we are just tryin to figure some of the tech. crap out lol. i would say frag u l8tr but i never do its always me getting killed lol.See u soon for some more trainin right??


2009-04-21 03:02:01

And yes chemical that was me the big fat bald white dude all tatted up lol ya i was up there getting my ass handed to me lol.And ya i am a tattoo artist and i have roughly 45 pieces of art on me the ones that ppl are like ohh shit is the one on the side of my head and the whole front of my throat (i now have both sides of the neck done to) but those where BY FAR the most painful ones ,my head was done with a single needle to which kinda feels like a razorblade cutting you FEELS GREAT lol but ya we can trade some pics anytime im also on myspace under painful fixations...WOOHOO l8tr bro.


2009-04-21 10:32:41

Haha yea, I'll shoot some tips your way whenever your up for it.

Walking Target

2009-04-25 23:29:16

Hi Ink, welcome man.


2009-04-27 00:37:36

ZOMG is Inkie Dinkie :o

WElcome to da U! :cheer: