Hi there!


2009-06-11 08:56:45

Hi there, I'm Fairly new to the HL2 DM scene and bit late to it. I'm addicted to this game and I spend a lot of time on the AFB server. If i'm not on there you can find me at the GU RP 1 & 2 AFK or killing noobs.

I'm looking for training so I can play CAL memebers better. I know some people from some clans and would love to fight them without them going easy on me. LOL! If you are looking to train someone serious about this awesome game leave a post! Thanks.


2009-06-11 22:39:14

Hey ya L2K. We met last night on the socal server. You kept thinking I was that jediscum guy. Stole his name for a bit after I ran into him in the KF server, actually it was like a week ago and for about an hour. that was the last time I played the game until last night, so I forgot about the name.

Any event man, names Rachkir. I suck de nutz at this game now. If my steam wasn't gay as fuck playing HL2dm and would show me the players I'm playing with I would/would've added you to friends.

So if you can send your steam accnt name I would be happy to search and add u to friends. I would also be willing to help you out a bit, if possible. Seen your playstyle a bit last night on that uber noob server, looks like you got a decent bunnyhop!

happyface23 if you want to add me to friends.


2009-06-11 23:18:28

Nice name :sketchy:

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2009-06-12 03:48:42



The Argumentalizer

2009-06-12 04:48:47

Only one Punk though.

Please consider just Genocide or Ciderhead or sumfin.


2009-06-12 08:26:18

Um, about my name. I orignally come from a small clan on the Halo 3 multiplayer called L2K. We have about 5-8 memebers. I don't play there anymore, i'm retired from it for now. Soo, I had this name before I met the other L2K. lol. No impersonation intended. :wink: Anyway, yeah, My steam name is L2K_GENOCIDE, Rachkir. I was almost convinced you were him, because I see him regularly on AFB. Your fighting style is very similar. I will try to find you on steam and add u.

Any other help would be appreciated, i'm looking for Briggs also. I don't know if he still trains, but if he does, can someone let me know???? The 911 guys are pretty cool, i've been getting some training with a few memebers of that clan. Anyway, thanks guys. :D


2009-06-12 09:02:35

Hah no worries man, I don't use that name in game anymore. I'm known as Punk now I only registered that name here because that was the name I used in FIOS tourny when I first started this game. I too got the name from a previous game (soldier of fortune2) where my clan name was <ltk>Punk.


2009-06-12 09:03:30

kewl im in 911 ,im not a good player but i think i could find a way to train ya , teto back in the day trained me and he was pretty good at it too , just hit me up if you want for some quick 1v1s and tips steam name is chuy1992.


2009-06-12 20:27:33

Welcome to the U! :D


2009-06-12 20:32:35

welcome to the sideshow!!


2009-06-12 21:07:36

lol! @ Chem

oh and L2K_Genocide



2009-06-16 01:21:38

Hey Gen, glad to see you stop by! Look forward to playing with you some more you are cool peeps. :mrgreen:


2009-06-17 09:53:14

Welcome to the U! I'm also in 911. Id be happy to train you. I'll try looking for you and add you.


2009-06-18 19:37:54

I used to train people, I'll help you get better but you have to put in some effort. Simply adding me will not magically make you better. Oh and since it seems to be all about clan-name dropping in this thread, I'm Zman, from $W. You can add me on steam : zman42


2009-06-19 03:03:20

Sweet, i've added Zman and Death-Angel. U guy's r cool. I still get pwned by u, but when i go back to my old fav servers, they call me a hacker sometimes! LO-freakinL. 911 & $W r cool with me :). the more trainers the better.


2009-06-22 21:53:24

You can add me too, I'm from Sweden. <--- Tomsalt is my steam name.