hey people


2009-08-03 22:55:18

hey hl2dmu
im Simon:P
ive been playing half life 2 deathmatch for about a year now a friend of mine got a good server and he made me admin on it, im really enjoying the game
ive also started to learn a bit of scripting, im not really good yet so you'll maybe see me asking for some help :P



2009-08-03 23:00:20



2009-08-03 23:19:13

Nutri-Grain wrote:
SimonTheOne wrote:ive also started to learn a bit of scripting
lmfao wut?
you know...
creating fancy artwork by rapidly executing console commands on a sv_cheats enabled server
or something like that


2009-08-04 03:48:15



2009-08-04 05:23:38

Ahh, step on into myworld, creative science.
Dont get many scriptorz round here.
Grain doesnt even know wat ur talking about? :S
Sick sad world.


2009-08-04 06:02:26

looks like a small world ;)



2009-08-04 06:51:43

Welcome to the U.


2009-08-04 06:54:23



2009-08-04 09:36:10

Nutri-Grain wrote:
Pernicious wrote:Ahh, step on into myworld, creative science.
Dont get many scriptorz round here.
Grain doesnt even know wat ur talking about? :S
Sick sad world.

Haha I do:

ent_create npc_rollermine
ent_setname fire
ent_create env_alyxemp
ent_fire env_alyxemp settargetent fire
ent_fire env_alyxemp startdischarge
ent_fire beam noise 5
ent_fire beam width 120
ent_fire beam color "232 195 104"
ent_create env_explosion
ent_fire env_explosion setparent fire
ent_fire env_explosion addoutput "iMagnitude 200"
ent_create env_ar2explosion
ent_fire env_ar2explosion addoutput "material effects/blueflare1.vmt"
ent_fire env_ar2explosion explode
ent_fire env_ar2explosion kill
ent_create point_tesla
ent_fire point_tesla addoutput "targetname tesla1"
ent_fire tesla1 addoutput "m_soundname music/HL2_song23_SuitSong3.mp3"
ent_fire tesla1 addoutput "sprite sprites/physbeam.vmt"
ent_fire tesla1 addoutput "m_color 239 31 31"
ent_fire tesla1 addoutput "m_flradius 999999"
ent_fire tesla1 addoutput "beamcount_min 1700"
ent_fire tesla1 addoutput "beamcount_max 1700"
ent_fire tesla1 addoutput "thick_min 70"
ent_fire tesla1 addoutput "thick_max 70"
ent_fire tesla1 addoutput "lifetime_min 14"
ent_fire tesla1 addoutput "lifetime_max 14"
ent_fire tesla1 addoutput "interval_min .0001"
ent_fire tesla1 addoutput "interval_max .0001"`
ent_fire tesla1 addoutput "rendermode 3"
ent_fire tesla1 setparent fire
ent_create point_push
ent_fire tesla1 setparent fire
ent_create point_push
ent_fire point_push addoutput "targetname noob"
ent_fire noob addoutput "radius 600"
ent_fire noob addoutput "magnitude 8000"
ent_fire noob addoutput "inner_radius 2000"
ent_fire noob setparent fire
ent_fire noob enable
ent_create env_smoketrail
ent_fire env_smoketrail addoutput "targetname real"
ent_fire real setparent fire
ent_fire real addoutput "lifetime 14"
ent_fire real color "90-40-0"
ent_fire real addoutput "startsize 90"
ent_fire real addoutput "endsize 90"
ent_fire real addoutput "startcolor 255 255 255"
ent_fire real addoutput "endcolor 255 255 255"
ent_fire real addoutput "spawnrate 40"
ent_fire real addoutput "spawnradius 50"
ent_create logic_timer
ent_fire logic_timer addoutput
"targetname timer13"
ent_fire timer13 toggle
ent_fire timer13
ent_fire logic_timer addoutput "targetname timer13"
ent_fire timer13 toggle
ent_fire timer13 addoutput "refiretime 2.5"
ent_fire timer13 enable
ent_fire timer13 addoutput "startdisabled 0"
ent_fire timer13 addoutput "UseRandomTime 0"
ent_fire timer13 addoutput "ontimer fire,kill,.1,1"
ent_fire timer13 addoutput "ontimer timer13,kill,.1,1"
ent_fire timer13 addoutput "ontimer real,kill,.1,1"
ent_fire timer13 addoutput "ontimer env_alyxemp,kill"
ent_fire timer13 addoutput "ontimer beam,kill"
ent_fire timer13 addoutput "ontimer noob,kill"
ent_fire timer13 addoutput "ontimer env_explosion,explode"
ent_fire timer13 addoutput "ontimer env_explosion,kill;"
ent_fire timer13 addoutput "ontimer tesla1,dospark"
ent_fire timer13 addoutput "ontimer tesla1,kill,.2,1"
ent_fire timer13 addoutput "ontimer tesla1,dospark"
ent_fire timer13 addoutput "ontimer tesla,kill,.2,1"
ent_fire timer13 addoutput "ontimer tesla1,dospark"
ent_fire timer13 addoutput "ontimer tesla1,kill,.2,1"


2009-08-04 14:09:21

Ahh actually, at closer look, thats one the pwnettia or wateva posted, but it was'nt finished so i told him/her to fix and post again but they never did.
Unless it originated at fpsbanana, lame scripts but then i dont post anything of value here either:D


2009-08-05 06:21:17

I remember getting a base script somewhere and mess around with it with blas or someone else..

It creates a giant explosion, pushes people around and play music