2007-03-19 20:45:43
Im known as .conflict in Hellgate London and F.E.A.R 1v1 tourneys
françois_ (Fran-So-Wa) in Real Life / HL2DM
Where i'm I playing:
-TSGK's or KBH's server when i feel like killboxing.
-Moodleweb sometime.
-Put dm_lostvillage and i'll magically pop out of nowhere

Clan experience (in that order)
I may not be the most talented player in this game but i sure know how to show people and get them quickly deep into the game. I'm now at school so I play whenever i have some time (2 games a week or so)
Feel free to add me on SteamFriends ''thefinalconflict''
My goal is to try to see my environment in a creative and interactive way in order to get a style that is unique to me, so other can ''pick stuf'' from it and optimize theirs.
When Street Fighter II HD Remix goes out. I'm gone.