2008-01-14 00:34:19
Just saying hi, since you have a forum for it 
I run the mIKes ReVeNGe No-Kill Servers, hopefully you've heard of them, I've been hosting server(s) since Dec04
We don't really do deathmatch, we try to find other ways to have fun with the game. I'm going to make another thread explaining some of the stuff we do. But for now, check out some of the ingame server commands:
Walking Target, I'd be interested in getting onto your Affilate page, I'll send you some info. We are not really a clan though, but more of large group of friends who wear a tag. We've only done a few scrims..... and won them all
Main Homepage:

I run the mIKes ReVeNGe No-Kill Servers, hopefully you've heard of them, I've been hosting server(s) since Dec04

Walking Target, I'd be interested in getting onto your Affilate page, I'll send you some info. We are not really a clan though, but more of large group of friends who wear a tag. We've only done a few scrims..... and won them all

Main Homepage: