2008-03-08 03:33:47
I'm making a video that is ALL about movement in hl2dm. Like this game has potential for "trick" movies just like quake 3. If you have any ideas or suggestions or want to help please let me know. ALL ideas/ w/e's are welcome.
Ghost Dog_TSGK
2008-03-08 05:18:04
I've been thinking about this also for about 2 weeks now since I replayed some of the old quake vids you refer too, and I agree this game has potential to make an awesome vid solely based on trick jumps etc etc.
It won't be easy but I like the idea I'll share with you some of the jumps, and possible jumps I've been looking into.
you might wanna add some of the ones I'll show on my frag video ... Hopefully you like them ^^
2008-03-13 23:27:24
I was thinking the same thing, iwas thinking we could have something where you shoot teammates with orbs to send em flying, maybe some mid air shots and some team stunts
2008-03-13 23:45:36
Oh man this is an awesome idea!!! Finally people into trick jumping in this game WOOT! I'm alll over this one gas_mask! I think amplitude has a lot of potential for interesting orb boost jumps. WOOT this rocks who wants to look for jumps with me tonight?! lol I'm syked!!
2008-03-27 05:10:30
I've been getting demos of some cool stuff. Someone hit me up whos interested and we can look for new original jumps in custom/stock maps.
2008-03-27 07:26:02
I'd like to "donate" some king_air betas for some crazy jumps.
Walking Target
2008-03-29 00:00:56
How's this going gas? I think Team Fusion might be able to add a few tricks in, but I need to talk to Ko first and see if he has time to record them.
I can add to this ... but I need to know what people have been sending ... just for me to have an idea...
..this a US only thing? =[
if not, im down. giv me a 'long rad' n i can get jst about newher >xD
2008-03-29 05:22:16
im in if you need me for anything
edit: and why would this be a us only thing? D: !
the only bad part will be the pings, but maybe you can get a friend to record stuff with and we can all compile it into a fun vid
2008-03-29 09:30:56
There could be many "movement" trick things for the vid:
- Very long jumps in popular maps or long jumps executed perfectly in the thick of battle. Unlike ptrain 15, which noobs do not know, making long jumps in maps that many people know may surprise and entertain some.
- Jump pads, of course. Very bouncy, very strategic, and very fun. Also enhanced by SMG nade to go extraordinary heights to reach special areas, such as king_air's RPG platform.
- "Speed ramp" jumps. I haven't seen this in any map other than king_air, mag_surf, and ctf_connectors, but circle jumping or doing some kind of movement before getting launched can hurl you GREAT distances.
- SMG/Nade/RPG jump -> kills are always neat.
- Transversing through terrain with grav gun jumps is always neat, especially in live/unstaged matches.
- Speed pipes, which I've really only seen in my own map ctf_revolution. Those things can send you launching. Teleporting from speed pipes into speed pipes allows for some pretty insane bunny hopping, going over 1100 velocity and literally zooming in way too fast for any defense or SLAMs to stop you as you go for the flag.
- Speed lines, as seen in king_air and ctf_revolution. These things give at least +100 velocity for every bounce you make on them and can allow for some insane travelling or long jumps.
- Trimps, simple but can reach some tall heights.
- Lockdown jumps, meh. Everyone's seen them already.
- Too bad that swot's clan vid intro jumping got nerfed or is hard to duplicate on a typical server.
I guarantee you guys that king_air will allow for some neat and insane aerial combat and travelling, hopefully in a similar manner to the old-school Quake maps (I've never played them, but have seen some footage of their outer-space maps). Jump pads, speed lines, ctf_dirtwork-style walls to allow for bhop roaming on roofs, a very fast speed ramp, numerous routes, and other things you wouldn't normally imagine to be possible in HL2DM.
Walking Target
2008-03-29 11:33:16
How certain are you that you will release this? If you are 100% then Fusion will contribute some demos.
I know a trick few can pull off I can only do it after at least 50 tries lol i think i made a demo of it. Its a lockdown jump from the place i call bridge where the two barrels are that lead to th xbow. it basically jumping from the rails on the bridge into the window charger room it damn hard to do timing your jump and getting enough velocity is key to it. How many have done this im sure there players better than me that can excute it perfectly. personal record was 3 in a row....I do have 2 in a row recorded though.
And now after some practice I can usually get it after some minutes if you ask me to do it ^^
As WT said....If the creation of this video is A FACT...I'll send some stuff...otherwise, there would be no reason for me to.
Walking Target
2008-03-29 17:55:04
Yeah post back gas, give us an update please.
2008-03-29 23:43:21
J7m, I think the ping isn't a problem, you do your tricks on local server and if you need one or more players, you just ask Cartel's members and go to the server. =)
(then oyu send your demos to gas :p)
Ghost Dog_TSGK
2008-03-30 00:34:38
I'm going to start putting mine together, I'll make it as simple as possible I figure you have your hands full, but look forward to this soon.
2008-03-30 06:28:13
when referring to the ramp jumps on aim arena....if those are in there (getting rpg, ar2 etc) (any map with jump pads, aim arena is example) be sure to let people know that jumping off the lifts and crouching immediately typically screws your jump up/make you not jump as high. just like bunnyhopping, crouch at the max height of your jump. It took me a while of jumping off those lifts to realize that i shouldnt hit crouch until im near the height of my jump or at least after im no longer on the lift.
Just a little tidbit that should be pointed out.
2008-04-01 21:49:19
It's going to take a while, but ya i am goin to make this video.
2008-04-29 08:12:05
this video is post poned. (sp)
2008-04-29 09:13:48
If theres a movement film made, please include Bobadin! I don't think he spends any time in game actually touching the ground.
{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0
2008-05-01 08:12:08
65 Impala SS wrote:If theres a movement film made, please include Bobadin! I don't think he spends any time in game actually touching the ground.
Thats because if he does touch the ground I'm instantly on his ass. I emerge from under the ground like something out of Tremors.