dingle's vid


2007-05-07 21:04:07

I had some ppl i wanted to dl this vid and watch it but i can't find it anywhere, anyone have a clue?


2007-05-07 21:42:43

I planned to add it to the site anyway, so give me some time to upload and it will be on the frag vids page by the end of the day.

Eventually I hope to have all the major HL2DM frag videos hosted / mirrored here, I just havent had time to upload them.


2007-05-08 00:40:06

ah very cool.


2007-05-08 02:38:05

Done. You may direct them to the following page:



2007-05-08 08:36:00

i thought it was cool till heard nickle back


2007-05-08 09:25:28

ninojman, MODaL's fragvideo and a ton of others are found here:


Click Videos,

Click view all games/types,

Then click Frag Hightlights, under Half-life 2.


2007-05-08 15:49:06

i found that link on ownage which leads to the Filefront link which is dead.

for modal's anyway


2007-05-08 15:53:32

nvm i guess he fix'd it

Walking Target

2007-05-08 20:21:24

That's a good place to get vids from, but sometimes good videos go MIA. That is why it will be good to have archived them here. Example: Clerics vid with the three minutes of movie footage at the end removed.


2007-05-08 22:33:35

I have his vid, just frags, if you need it.

I've got close to 8GB of frag vids and clips.

Walking Target

2007-05-08 22:50:41

That would be awesome. Only question, how do I go about getting it from you?



2007-05-08 23:14:01

I could upload it to filefront and send you the link in this thread or if you don't want people downloading it from that, I'll give it to you in a private message then you could upload it to the site.


2007-05-09 00:30:58

Well I sent it to you in a PM.


2007-05-09 01:05:57

School is finally almost out for me, and you know what that means! Finally starting editing/exporting on my fragvideo... Been meaning to for a while now, but got busy lol...


2007-05-09 08:17:37

Scar wrote:I have his vid, just frags, if you need it.

I've got close to 8GB of frag vids and clips.
8 gigs? as in footage you've extracted for a vid?


2007-05-09 09:46:31

No. It's mostly frag videos of other people (Cyn, drag0, modal, yours, etc.) But yeah I also did export some clips from demos, those are under 1 gig though.


2007-05-09 16:30:55

starting to capture mine thrusday or so


2007-05-15 04:22:18

Yay nino's making a vid.


2007-05-15 17:23:11

it's gonna be bonkers

right know i have 7 pages of ticks


2007-05-15 17:24:54

LOL bs... The only good thing you ever did within this game, nino, was leave it behind a couple months ago...!1 :D


2007-05-15 23:22:21

lol gatman


2007-05-16 02:15:11

ninojman wrote:lol gatman
Well hello... ! All joking aside now, can't wait to see it... Told you on msn, just holler if you need any help mate.

Mario 64 Master

2007-05-16 02:26:06

Walking Target wrote:That's a good place to get vids from, but sometimes good videos go MIA. That is why it will be good to have archived them here. Example: Clerics vid with the three minutes of movie footage at the end removed.
Hah. I remember I thought the video was decent until I got to the end, when I realized he had the ridiculous audacity to add a massive retarded waste of space. Then I just deleted it immediately.