Thanks to all of you

! it's good to know you could enjoy it.
@ Holy moly. Thanks for the feedback, I'll certainly take it into account...
At 2:56 there is an artifact where the walls become transparent so you can see a guy getting killed by an orb. I thought the idea was cool but it ended up being distracting.
I knew there was something wrong with it ..=/. I mean ..I saw it and thought maybe it was like too..... all of a sudden or something, but left it anyway.
At 3:11 you transition and the screen is red because you were just hit. Since we didn't see you get hit, and since it makes the transition a bit harsh, I would have transitioned in a second or two later in that clip.
Yeah...the reason I did that was because some people like WT for instance, told me that they liked to see a bit before the frag itself, so they could understand more the situation in which I was before doing the actual shot/frag. So I thought I would show myself fighting with ninjins, and then him moving to the ar2 section, so you could understand why I moved that rpg in there.
For me, the crossbow ricochet kills are cool to watch but, since a lot of those shots didn't require the ricochet to get the kill, I wasn't impressed by them. On some of them, you had to ricochet to get the kill and I was impressed by those, but only because a straight shot wouldn't have worked.
Yup I think that depends on the person. I personally prefer more improvised (in the moment) ricochets, than those planned ones... but some others like you and Briggs for instance (afaik) have told me that they don't see a ricochet being that good if it wasn't really necessary.

Also... I logically believe that making it ricochet allows you for a wider range of error (if that's how it is said). Dunno how to explain it, there should be a mathematical ecuation. D:
About the x264 being flawless... I think I used 5200 on the lsd one, and as I saw that your finality video ended up having a really nice quality, I tried with 5400. Regarding the quantifier...I didn't touch that, so it should have remained the same as the one in your guide.