Export resolution

Walking Target

2007-05-25 19:44:52

Research for my upcoming course on video creation...

What resolution do you export in? Do you export at a lower resolution than your computer screen is at? Do you have game running full screen or in a window? If you export at a higher resolution, what do you use to resize the footage?

What have you found to be optimal?


2007-05-25 19:50:17

I haven't done too much experimenting, but exporting from a 640x480 window works great for me.


2007-05-25 19:50:51

I do the same. I use VDUB or my encoder to resize the images.

Walking Target

2007-05-25 20:02:04

poconut wrote:I haven't done too much experimenting, but exporting from a 640x480 window works great for me.
That's how I have been doing the FIOS demos. I get better looking vids by exporting at a higher res and resizing down, but it is a much slower process and not practical for large exports.

I am also interested to find out how the XE guys got that nice widescreen look. Is is as simple as just setting the game to widescreen before exporting??


2007-05-26 00:12:56

I get widescreen clips from using Windows Media Encoder.


2007-05-26 01:10:42

it would probably be easier just to export in widescreen.

[KBH] Chapeau Noir

2007-05-26 02:50:27

i both play and export from 16:10 widescreen (windowed 1280x768 play, 720x480 export), which btw is fov 90 ("differences" in console)
i'm on a 1920x1200 res notebook
also, if you edit with adobe after effects, the magic bullet plugin offers various letterbox options.