FIOS grand tournament matches


2008-06-26 10:36:22

In the Frag Videos section. Was wondering when we can expect to see more matches available for download. Or the demos?


2008-06-26 14:05:15

afaik not all of them will be available since not every match was recorded, or the demos were lost, but there must be some more for sure.... I guess we will have to wait.


2008-06-26 14:17:47

Umm, im sure plenty of ppl still have the demos somewhere, i know i still do, they dont work anymore though, thats the problem.

Jelly Fox

2008-06-26 15:01:23

Sounds like you need the demo player to play old demos..... it WAS on the steam forums but I can't find it anymore. just upload them and maybe WT can get them working :D

Walking Target

2008-06-26 21:17:46

I do plan to convert all the ones in the pack eventually. Only problem was that I ran out of HDD space recently and you need quite a few GB to export a 15 minute match and compile it (try it sometime).

Soooo many things going on it is hard to do everything, but I will see if I can get back to converting them soon. One hold up was that I was trying to do an onscreen score for the rest, but for some reason when I pulled the raw footage into my editor it was locking up on me.

Hopefully I can get a few more done soon, feel free to bug me about it sometime.


2008-06-26 21:53:11

Can I get that demo player from you WT? Could be fun watching my own old FiOS matches even if no one else would enjoy them...

Walking Target

2008-06-27 01:17:18

Yeah, I was actually planning on hosting it here but never got around to it. I have it on my home PC so let me try to remember to upload it tonight and Ill post back here.


2008-06-27 14:02:10

I do plan to convert all the ones in the pack eventually. Only problem was that I ran out of HDD space recently and you need quite a few GB to export a 15 minute match and compile it (try it sometime).
My lsd movie was 80 gb ( the rendered file on one side, and all the clips on the other, so it hogged 160 gb of my HDD). Wouldn't like to think about 15 minutes ! XD


2008-06-28 07:05:12

I have an old demo veiwer, but it only works for demos older then the fios ones.
I cant remember if anyone made one for the fios demos =\

Walking Target

2008-06-28 10:18:01

Pincus' does. Thats how I did the 4 vids that are posted on the frag vid page.

Walking Target

2008-06-28 11:53:13

Cynips wrote:Can I get that demo player from you WT? Could be fun watching my own old FiOS matches even if no one else would enjoy them...
Posted it on here...

PS Send me your FIOS demos? :mrgreen:


2008-06-29 04:10:59

Man even I am better than the play i see in those vids :) well it is relative.

Walking Target

2008-06-30 22:09:49

It was a different game back then, many things that are common knowledge now were relatively obscure back then. Things also change when you are sitting down with 7 of of the best players in NA and playing for $100k. I think winning was more about self control than it was raw skill.


2008-06-30 23:03:14

Walking Target wrote:PS Send me your FIOS demos? :mrgreen:
I'll see if I get them to work first. And you'd have to know that FiOS was what got me started again after a 10 month break. I wasn't even using nade cooking back then, lol