ZakAtak's Youtube


2008-07-12 04:26:45

Because I am so dam lazy, I havent posted the link. But it will give you great comfort that my account on 'Tube is the same name it is here. Most videos are Portal, but theres a couple HL2DM vids. No frag videos because im not good enough (I cant gravity jump or strafe jump, that says enough).

I'll upload my new video for my map DM_HIGHWAY tonight.


2008-07-12 06:11:59

ok ^^
now stop playing portal, sharpen your skillz @ DM a show us some good quality fragging :D !


2008-07-12 08:08:32

0nti wrote:ok ^^
now stop playing portal, sharpen your skillz @ DM a show us some good quality fragging :D !
Quality? I dont know about that, but ill try. One problem though. I don't use Demo's (which is a form of video I guess). I use Startmovie <insert> Avi. Which records in AVI, since you cant view/upload Demo's (not that I know of). You need to type in sv_cheats 1, and then host_framerate # which would probably kick me off VAC servers, when you do it my way.


2008-07-12 18:36:05

ZakAtak757 wrote:
0nti wrote:ok ^^
now stop playing portal, sharpen your skillz @ DM a show us some good quality fragging :D !
Quality? I dont know about that, but ill try. One problem though. I don't use Demo's (which is a form of video I guess). I use Startmovie <insert> Avi. Which records in AVI, since you cant view/upload Demo's (not that I know of). You need to type in sv_cheats 1, and then host_framerate # which would probably kick me off VAC servers, when you do it my way.

try recording a demo, then exporting a movie from the demo later :idea:


2008-07-12 20:47:10

Zman42 wrote:
ZakAtak757 wrote:
0nti wrote:ok ^^
now stop playing portal, sharpen your skillz @ DM a show us some good quality fragging :D !
Quality? I dont know about that, but ill try. One problem though. I don't use Demo's (which is a form of video I guess). I use Startmovie <insert> Avi. Which records in AVI, since you cant view/upload Demo's (not that I know of). You need to type in sv_cheats 1, and then host_framerate # which would probably kick me off VAC servers, when you do it my way.

try recording a demo, then exporting a movie from the demo later :idea:
:?: You lost me at the "export a movie from the demo later"
What was the code for demo vids again? And how do I watch it?

And going off topic, how do I get that counter showing FPS/Ping/Velocity off?

Walking Target

2008-07-13 01:14:53

The course I don't seem to be able to ever finish...


2008-07-13 02:32:23

ZakAtak757 wrote: :?: You lost me at the "export a movie from the demo later"
What was the code for demo vids again? And how do I watch it?
And going off topic, how do I get that counter showing FPS/Ping/Velocity off?
To get the counter out, cl_showpos 1 , and net_graph 0.
What zman said is, when you are playing, record a demo. A demo is a "Kind" of video, but it does record in images, but rather information (players positions, actions, speed, props, map, etc) which the game later repeats, so with a demo you can see a complete match that you played while it being about 20 mb ( more or less, depends on other things) compered to the possible GB and GB that recording everything in images would be.
To do this type record "demonamehere" (without the " ")
Then when you are done, type stop.
To watch it type playdemo "demonamehere" and there you go.
Then use holy's guide to finish ;) -> ... f=13&t=917
ZakAtak757 wrote:Quality? I dont know about that, but ill try.
plenty vids here can give you an idea :)