2008-08-14 02:28:31
Ok people, I've recently found out some stuff that might help all those movie makers out there !
First of all, my hud had one, ONE, single issue... it kept showing when a weapon was full. If you use hud_drawhistory_time 0 that won't be a problem anymore !
Use this commands to get a completly clean screen, while keeping the death notices (if using my hud remover)
crosshair 0
Will remove the crosshair, use a single dot .png file as the crosshair, which you have to add during the editining on vegas/adobe. (pm me if you need it)
hud_saytext_time 0
Will remove text messages from chat
net_graph 0
Makes sure there is no net_graph on the screen
cl_showpos 0
No position/angle/speed notification
cl_showtextmsg 0
No plug in messages poping up at the upper left part of your screen
Voice_enable 0
Will remove microphone talk, while also taking out the notifications of who was talking
r_drawparticles 0
good to remove the fire effect when recamming
r_drawvgui 0
might be useful in certain situations to remove some stuff you don't want to appear and couldn't do it any other way. Using this command will remove EVERYTHING that is additional to the 3d stuff the game renders, so no hp, suit, ammo, death notices, net_graph, crosshair, whatever.....
even console and game menu ! so be sure to bind a key to turn it back to 1 again...otherwise it can be a pain in the ass...
(only thing I don't know so far is how to remove all the server notifications/ dominating and all the stuff signs, pm if you know, will update later if I found out..)
Also, here you have a list of some commands I found out which can be used for some sexy effects by overlaying them with less opacity or masking them on vegas/premier.
r_drawdisp 0
r_drawlightcache 1
r_drawclipbrushes 1
mat_wireframe 1 mat_wireframe 2 mat_wireframe 3
r_showenvcubemap 1
r_shadowwireframe 1
r_overlaywireframe 1
r_drawtranslucentrenderables 0
r_drawrenderboxes 1
r_drawopaqueworld 0
r_drawopaquerenderables 0
r_DrawModelLightOrigin 1
r_drawleaf 0
mat_showlowresimage 1
r_modelwireframedecal 1
mat_yuv 1
mat_reversedepth 1
vcollide_wireframe 1
mat_leafvis 1 (can be good while moving, try it :] )
r_DispBuildable 1
r_colorstaticprops 1
mat_luxels 1
mat_normalmaps 1
mat_normals 1
mat_measurefillrate 1
mat_showmiplevels 1
mat_fillrate 1
r_DispWalkable 1
r_drawlights 1
mat_depthbias_normal 1
mat_drawflat 1
r_nohw 1
r_drawsprites 0
I hope this is of any use for all those movie makers out there, have fun
<3 !
First of all, my hud had one, ONE, single issue... it kept showing when a weapon was full. If you use hud_drawhistory_time 0 that won't be a problem anymore !
Use this commands to get a completly clean screen, while keeping the death notices (if using my hud remover)
crosshair 0
Will remove the crosshair, use a single dot .png file as the crosshair, which you have to add during the editining on vegas/adobe. (pm me if you need it)
hud_saytext_time 0
Will remove text messages from chat
net_graph 0
Makes sure there is no net_graph on the screen
cl_showpos 0
No position/angle/speed notification
cl_showtextmsg 0
No plug in messages poping up at the upper left part of your screen
Voice_enable 0
Will remove microphone talk, while also taking out the notifications of who was talking
r_drawparticles 0
good to remove the fire effect when recamming
r_drawvgui 0
might be useful in certain situations to remove some stuff you don't want to appear and couldn't do it any other way. Using this command will remove EVERYTHING that is additional to the 3d stuff the game renders, so no hp, suit, ammo, death notices, net_graph, crosshair, whatever.....
even console and game menu ! so be sure to bind a key to turn it back to 1 again...otherwise it can be a pain in the ass...
(only thing I don't know so far is how to remove all the server notifications/ dominating and all the stuff signs, pm if you know, will update later if I found out..)
Also, here you have a list of some commands I found out which can be used for some sexy effects by overlaying them with less opacity or masking them on vegas/premier.
r_drawdisp 0
r_drawlightcache 1
r_drawclipbrushes 1
mat_wireframe 1 mat_wireframe 2 mat_wireframe 3
r_showenvcubemap 1
r_shadowwireframe 1
r_overlaywireframe 1
r_drawtranslucentrenderables 0
r_drawrenderboxes 1
r_drawopaqueworld 0
r_drawopaquerenderables 0
r_DrawModelLightOrigin 1
r_drawleaf 0
mat_showlowresimage 1
r_modelwireframedecal 1
mat_yuv 1
mat_reversedepth 1
vcollide_wireframe 1
mat_leafvis 1 (can be good while moving, try it :] )
r_DispBuildable 1
r_colorstaticprops 1
mat_luxels 1
mat_normalmaps 1
mat_normals 1
mat_measurefillrate 1
mat_showmiplevels 1
mat_fillrate 1
r_DispWalkable 1
r_drawlights 1
mat_depthbias_normal 1
mat_drawflat 1
r_nohw 1
r_drawsprites 0
I hope this is of any use for all those movie makers out there, have fun