
2008-08-26 11:53:56

Hi everybody.

First English is not my native langage so I really hope it will be not too bad. Else sorry in advance !

Then I'm new on this forum but less in the HL2 world ^^

So I post here to introduce my frag movie but first I'm gonna introduce myself quickly.

So I'm an HL2 player for more than 2 years now. I have played in HL1 during nearly 5 years too and to Quake 3 a lot too. This is for my favorites games. Then in HL2 I'm the coleader of the French team called /P!raT\. Our team plays HL2 for more than 2 years now. We have 3 HL2 servers and 1 HL2 PRO one. Some of our members even play a bit in TF2. Our best players play now in the div 2 of Clans United but the Fun remains the main goal of the P!raTs.

So concerning my frag movie ! Download it, I think and hope you will not regret it :D

So here you can find it :
> http://www.own-age.com/vids/13659

Its my 1st one. It includes only frags from the season 6 of Clans United.

I wanted to precise it's not a quick made movie. It has been a hard work. I was working on it for full weeks. And given that it was my 1st movie and given that I'm really strict with the result I wanted, it has taken me dozens of hours. xD

So only selected frags, converted from the .dem format to the .avi one and cut. I have tried then to synchronise the more frags and fights I could with the musics. I have tried to think to everything : the way to group frags, the way to group maps, and the order of the frags too. I have added also several effects, transitions, animations and some other details : I let you discover.

A little descrition of the file itself :
Resolution : 1280x800p (for widescreen 16/10)
Time : 13'12"
Size : 485 Mo

So ok, I stop with the blabla and let you enjoy it. I really hope you will like it : it's done for that :D

Last points :
IMPORTANT : Download the file, don't watch the streaming one, it's really really really different. I insist ! (the link to DL it, is under the streaming)
Don't forget to increase the sound before starting it :D
Don't forget to drop back a comment here after watching it too :P:

Ah, another thing ! I dont know how it works but I would have been really really glad to see my movie in the links of the section where are all the HL2 frag movies :D :D :D

Finally, few screenshots from the vid :



2008-08-26 12:11:15

wow YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

ty 4 ur present im dling it now cant wait it XD


2008-08-26 14:06:19

i saw this vids its fun :D some editings r creative and frags were not bad but idk about sound track not my style :P

but u did impressive and good job keep it up

my review

creativity 7
content 6
editing 7
soundtrack 5
quality 8


2008-08-26 16:25:01

The sound track was unique but you said there was a lot of syncing with the music. I didnt really catch any syncing what so ever, maybe i'm def. I don't think the sound track was the best for this movie but then again that might just be because its not my type of music. The frags are pretty good except you ended up showing a couple that were a little slow paced compared to the others in the film, like i think there were a few clips with orbs one after the other that could have been left out. The transitions and effects made the movie fairly enjoyable though because we don't see a whole lot in the frag videos we have.

Overall I'd give this video a 8/10.


2008-08-26 16:26:40

i would give it a 5 out of 10 no real out of the ordinary kills the music was annoying and i don't think it was really all that necesary to replay and slow down every other kill.
thats just my opinion maybe some people will disagree but yea nice effort dewd.


2008-08-26 16:44:30

Thx a lot for these firts replies :D

Yeah I agree on the fact that the music is not on the taste of everybody ^^ I have posted this vid in other forums and some guys were saying me it. So I take it as an advice if I realise a new one another time.

Anyway I'm happy for those who liked it.

I dont have a huge claim with this video. It's the 1st time I realise one and it's above all for fun.

I have tried to keep only the better frags. Maybe some of them are not so impressive but its only frags from 3v3 in the CU league so frags are not so easy ^^.

When I was speaking of synch, it was above all concerning the differents acts of the games, the differents scenes. And for some shots too. I have seen frag movies were each frags are synch during the whole vid but I couldnt do such a work. It has been already enought for me :P

And it was also to show my way to play and to see this game. :D

Thx again for your comments !


2008-08-26 17:29:49

downloading it when i get back home in a while ill give you a review

Walking Target

2008-08-26 20:14:13

I will also download it tonight and check it out. Regarding the frag video library here, I decide which videos we will host here, so I will let you know after I have viewed it. Based on your intro, it sounds like it meets all the requirements.


2008-08-26 22:56:53

ok np :)


2008-08-26 23:00:32

Welcome and thanks for the Video. Curious, do you play Shin (France)?


2008-08-27 00:57:35

Nice job for a first video :)
Things I would work on: music selection (try to get a good variety and also try and get songs that are not too extreme so you will reach a wide audience), and cutting down on the slow-motions.


2008-08-27 01:10:10

i wasnt a big fan of this video
i hated the music
the audio of the frags was a lil bad
the editing wasnt that amazing but it was enough to get by
i likes the kill count but the execution for it wasnt perfect
the kills werent that bad bit to many nade kills but i understand that it was from 1 season and a first

creativity: 7/10
content: 7/10
editing: 7/10
soundtrack: 6/10
quality: 8/10

so overall it was just a average movie and it didnt appeal to me that much but it was good


2008-08-27 02:27:09

it was ok imo :)


2008-08-27 04:11:26

My review.

creativity: 6
content: 7
editing: 6
soundtrack: 5
quality: 9

first impression not flashy or creative being that this is your first video. Starting music was well not to my taste but also did not felt it did not suited well and began to be annoying. The track near the end i did like somewhat. overall vid quality was pretty good with a res of 1280*800. The graphics where not good tho and the black and white is starting to get old fast since i seen it into too many frags vid so far. Kills where not repetitive which was good some where good kills but nothing that blown me away. This is a respectable effort which still leaves u allot to improve on. So in short i liked it but i want more from frag vids now. If u want to make a better frag vid in the future my suggestions is learn how to use after effects and use photoshop these two things combined will led to a creative result if u use it right and plan it out well. Don't ask me how to use these programs learn them your self ill make useful tutorial on it when i finish my frag vid off which will not be soon.


2008-08-27 10:52:31

@ SND : Ok thx for your advices. I use Corel which is quite close to Photoshop so np. I have never used after effects so if one day I do another movie I will think of it !

@ poconut : yeah you are right. Lot of people have not appreciated a lot the music xD

@ 65 Impala SS : I don't understand what you mean. What is curious ? What you mean by shin ? o_O


2008-08-27 19:15:52

dont know u m8 but i recognise some of the other playas from ur clan. not a bad try m8


2008-08-27 20:29:53

La qualité d'image est impec' bravo.

Par contre, plusieurs bonne idées mal utilisé je crois. Le compte des corps en noirs et blanc, bon concept mal executé. La première chanson est très agressante, rien a dire sur Mariln Manson quoiqu'on percoit très bien que c'est une version longue ''faite maison'' mais c'est pas si mal, j'ai en fait bien aimé que quelqu'un se décide a utilisé du MM, judicieux.

Les corps de rebel et de combine en bas d'écran, j'ai bien aimé et c'est une première dans une vid de hl.

Pour une première vidéo... on sent le travail, mais aussi le manque d'expérience. Fais en plus (des plus courts p-e, juste pour te faire la main) et je suis convaincu que tu va nous pondre des vidéos dément dans quelques temps.

Walking Target

2008-08-27 21:18:33

I really enjoyed this video, it is definitely archive material.

1. Quality: High resolution and good clarity throughout.

2. Content: Frags were all from CU, so it is a nice view of your play in this environment. Ok, so it didn't have jaw dropping material like some other videos, but overall I thought it was solid, and some of the kills were very entertaining and unique. Was nice to see some of forgotten sanctuary vs. S-UK, don't see that map in frag vids much.

3. Music: I actually found it refreshing to have something different instead of popular rock/rap. Can't really mark people down for music as it's personal preference.

4. Editing: Some nice intro and outro graphics, funny kill indicator with the dead body graphic and overall it was well thought out and put together.

5. Creativity: I can see that you have put a lot of thought and work into this video and I think the result is very interesting and different compared to the standard formula used in other videos. I do agree that the slow motion replays were overdone, but I can also see the effect you were going for. I did like watching the different points of view, third person angles were cool, but in some cases I would have prefered just the one angle without repeating the frag. Example: the nade battle in the RPG room shown from 3rd person was awesome, but then you did it again from first person and it looked bland watching it over again from normal perspective.

Overall I think this was a fine effort. I hope you consider the feedback you have received and continue to make HL2DM videos. I see a lot of potential in your style.


2008-08-28 00:51:04

Video was good for your first time.
As mentioned above quality was really good, even though I prefer widescreen resolutions (try using that next time !)
Music wasn't really my taste, with exception of the credits song :P
Credits were pretty cool!(you gotta teach me how to do that stuff hahaha), but it was kinda long for my taste...try not to surpass the minute or minute and a half, remember every second more the video has is more kbs or mbs you make people download (which for people like me can be a pain in the ass considering the internet), so make them worth it!
I noticed lots of source tv footage. SCTV is good for 3rd cam views, but avoid it for 1st person. It's smooth but all bugged (gg and rpg beams, mag shots, etc)
sound in some cases seemed like low quality dunno why, since you didn't use fraps afaik. Maybe you modified something on the sound settings while editing the video.
Try not to do slow mo's/stop in every frag, it slows down the video a lot. if you plan to do that, check out synced 2 from www.sourceradio.com (it's an amazingly edited css video). That will give you some ideas for sure.
As said, there wasn't any jaw dropper, but considering it's ur first video and all CU footage it's fine I guess.
Wasn't a big fan of the hud kills notices at left but meh....
Anyway I hope I didn't forget anything, don't take my critics badly (me and SND will end up being the hl2dmu movie bitches hahahaha) it's just me trying to give some solid feedback for you to improve :)!


2008-08-28 03:34:40

a fellow Vegas user I see :Wave:

good video, especially for a first vid.

keeping in mind that this is from a Euro league so a lot of the rpg wraps/xbow banks/blind orb/etc. shots we yanks are used to seeing are alot riskier with friendly fire on, there were some pretty good frags. great mag and xbow work. I would avoid using slomo/recam after every frag though.

dm_forgotten_sanctuary is one of my favorite maps ever, so seeing it in a frag vid = :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


2008-08-28 03:38:34

Yes, we're using ff = on ! ;D

As I told you DDF :)

Nice vid, I didn't look like all the frag movies I saw, something is diffrent, I like that. Too much replay, etc etc, I'm too lazy to copy paste what Itold you ahaha

GL for next vids Mate =)


2008-08-28 06:56:36



2008-08-28 07:17:07

"Yo dude I'm watching I Come!"
rofl hadn't thought about the sexual connotation >.<


2008-08-28 08:06:00



2008-08-29 00:53:13

aaaah thx a lot for all your comments :D A lot of time people has said me if they like it or they dont like it but a lot of time I didnt know why. So thx to everybody for your comments and especially Walking Target & 0nti for a real complete feedback :) I will remember all the advices if I start a new one ;)

Nutri-Grain wrote:Good editing, but poor choice of songs. Wtf was that first song saying over and over? CHARLIE CHARLIE? Like...charlie the unicorn? .
LOL. I have used a French music given that I'm french and its not Charlie ( xD ) but "J'arrive". And in French "j'arrive" means : "I come" ;)
Nutri-Grain wrote:oh wait, there's one more thing. Why in the world would you name it "I Come"? "
So It's answered now ;)

@ conflict : jai bien compris le sens de ta remarque, ca roule ;)

@ onti : my vid is in widescreen lol. Why you said me to think of it ? 1280/800 => 16/10 :P

@ Darkhead : merci encore gros, j'attend la tienne ;)

Walking Target

2008-08-29 03:13:30

So It's answered now ;)
"I Arrive" might have been better. "I come" has a different (sexual) meaning for those of us with dirty minds. Unless that was the intention, then it actually works if you think about it. :mrgreen:


2008-08-29 03:34:50

Sexual meaning ? Interesting xD

NP DDF, my vid' is coming slowy ;)


2008-08-29 03:39:27

sry u r right, it is widescreen. It's just that is one of those widescreen resolution that is closer to the old 4:3 one.
I have gotten used to watch 1280x720 lately... so that's why :P


2008-08-31 06:57:51

holymoly wrote:I had to stop watching after 3 minutes because the black and white recams were really bugging me. Like, if you're going to recam- do it because the kill is like way insanely cool and you think we need to see it again to really figure out what happened. The way you recammed, it just completely ruined the flow of the movie for me. Sorry...
Yes a lot of people said me it. :/

But most of them were appreciating what follows. Maybe they were all more curious than you :)


2008-09-15 01:25:52

A little up to know if I will see my vid on your video link section.

It will provide me a true link to those who wants to DL it.

Thx !

Walking Target

2008-09-15 02:53:05

Yes, it is uploaded I just haven't updated the frag vid page because I wanted to get all the latest ones uploaded first. Here is the link you can use until I do:

http://www.hl2dm-university.com/videos/ ... By_DDF.avi


2008-09-15 13:12:51

Thx a lot !
