2008-08-26 11:53:56
First English is not my native langage so I really hope it will be not too bad. Else sorry in advance !
Then I'm new on this forum but less in the HL2 world ^^
So I post here to introduce my frag movie but first I'm gonna introduce myself quickly.
So I'm an HL2 player for more than 2 years now. I have played in HL1 during nearly 5 years too and to Quake 3 a lot too. This is for my favorites games. Then in HL2 I'm the coleader of the French team called /P!raT\. Our team plays HL2 for more than 2 years now. We have 3 HL2 servers and 1 HL2 PRO one. Some of our members even play a bit in TF2. Our best players play now in the div 2 of Clans United but the Fun remains the main goal of the P!raTs.
So concerning my frag movie ! Download it, I think and hope you will not regret it

So here you can find it :
> http://www.own-age.com/vids/13659
Its my 1st one. It includes only frags from the season 6 of Clans United.
I wanted to precise it's not a quick made movie. It has been a hard work. I was working on it for full weeks. And given that it was my 1st movie and given that I'm really strict with the result I wanted, it has taken me dozens of hours. xD
So only selected frags, converted from the .dem format to the .avi one and cut. I have tried then to synchronise the more frags and fights I could with the musics. I have tried to think to everything : the way to group frags, the way to group maps, and the order of the frags too. I have added also several effects, transitions, animations and some other details : I let you discover.
A little descrition of the file itself :
Resolution : 1280x800p (for widescreen 16/10)
Time : 13'12"
Size : 485 Mo
So ok, I stop with the blabla and let you enjoy it. I really hope you will like it : it's done for that

Last points :
IMPORTANT : Download the file, don't watch the streaming one, it's really really really different. I insist ! (the link to DL it, is under the streaming)
Don't forget to increase the sound before starting it

Don't forget to drop back a comment here after watching it too

Ah, another thing ! I dont know how it works but I would have been really really glad to see my movie in the links of the section where are all the HL2 frag movies

Finally, few screenshots from the vid :