hl2dmu movie contest?


2008-08-28 01:33:21

well first off i think this would be a good idea to really show who can pull off making a great hl2dm vid we already know that a few vids are like flas's,grain's (not sure if thats gonna be done ever though),i think i heard briggs is doing a vid im not sure though, and i myself would like to do either a comunity vid or wait it out and get more frags for one just for me, im sure this would bring a few more possiblities. This could also raise the standards of hl2dm videos which i must add arnt that high. As for anydate to get this thing started or whatever im not sure,for prises im not sure either cuz if its money from the comunity we would have to wait probably a while after the map contest. so just let me know your opinions and i think we could make this happen


2008-08-28 01:44:23

Hmmm, this is a good idea. Me and Onti were just talking about something like this, so maybe the time is right. Maybe those with exceptional editing skills could take frags from the whole community, just the best ones, and create a killer movie. Like finality, except with very competitive frag selection and alot of cool effects and time editing, instead of 1 week or however long holy spent on it.

Walking Target

2008-08-28 02:57:34

Very nice idea. You are probably right about waiting until the map contest is over though.


2008-08-28 03:25:48

yea unless everyoen can agree on a alternative prise besides money its best to wait


2008-08-28 04:06:46

yea I hinted about having a comp in the movie vault topic im actual pretty jealous that css get really good frag videos done for them. Im sure if we had a video comp it will increases the overall quality of frag videos that is made.

Yea hold it off after the mapping contest gives me time to learn more about editing and effects. There is three video that i know of that is being made I think if u say this comp will be a defo after the mapping contest im sure that they will spend on time on it and hold off releasing it.


2008-08-28 05:45:15

wait, if this is gonna be done SOON, then I'll wait till the date and release my video, otherwise I'll just release it whatever date :P