Classic Demo Archive

Walking Target

2007-06-22 02:23:45

Ok, here's the deal. I want to add some of the best demos for HL2DM I can find to the site.

I am looking for HL2DM "classics", which are good matches between known clans and players. They can be TDM or 1v1s, STA, FIOS, CAL, clanbase, scrims etc. just no pub demos please.

If you have demos you think are of "historical" interest, please let me know so we can figure out the best way to transfer them. If you also have friends you can hit up for good match demos, please feel free! :wink:



2007-06-22 05:39:30

i have sta s1 finals

Cyn vs WRW

it's on pro version 1.51

3 rounds on lockdown

Walking Target

2007-06-22 06:14:18

Great start nino, umm only thing is, how do I get that version of pro to convert em?


2007-06-22 07:24:28

i have the installer...their are still a bunch posted up on file front

Walking Target

2007-06-22 08:04:52

If I install it, it will install as a separate instance of the game, or will it wipe out the existing copy?


2007-06-22 08:43:10

I have alot of fios demos.


2007-06-22 11:17:40

I think I can probably dig up some really sweet and fierce European action. Me and rh!deon used to play 2v2's versus European clans all the time, I'll see what I can do.

I've also been with this game since day one, and probably have some great 4v4 action aswell versus topclans from back in the day...


2007-06-22 17:34:43

Walking Target wrote:If I install it, it will install as a separate instance of the game, or will it wipe out the existing copy?
if you still have a later version of pro i would move the folder or w/e

i still have my pro 1.6 folder in some random place...i guess i can delete it now.

I guess i can upload it to filefront?

Walking Target

2007-06-22 19:27:48

Awesome, thanks guys.


2007-09-03 19:47:23

I could dig up old sta matches, or any cal matches if anyone's interested ... r=CAL|4on4

if there's any requests :wink:


2007-09-03 23:12:48

I'd really like to see the jan 25 cal 2v2 championship against < >. That seems pretty historic.


2007-09-03 23:31:25

I didn't play in that one so you'd have to ask fearsome heh

Walking Target

2007-09-04 04:36:20

That'd be awesome TLC. Imma browse the list. Seeing some STA stuff from your POV would be cool.


2007-09-04 05:52:37

I have some old CAL 2v2 matches with LsD, against good teams tho :D


2007-09-04 07:05:13

Walking Target wrote:That'd be awesome TLC. Imma browse the list. Seeing some STA stuff from your POV would be cool.
Yeah, I'll probably just find some matches from CAL against good teams where I did well :wink: :wink: but if there's anything specific you want post them here

is it okay just to put them on megaupload or something or is there a specific place I should put them

Walking Target

2007-09-04 09:52:27

Yeah man you can upload them anywhere you like and I will grab them and upload them here. Plan is to have everything you need to view them also, Pincus' demo player and old pro installs etc. If there are any matches that stand out in your mind as being classic match-ups, don't hesitate to post them.


2007-09-12 12:50:03

I have some old dgc team footage buried somewhere im trying to dig up! 8)

Walking Target

2007-09-12 21:35:04

Sounds good.

This page is next on my list.


2007-09-13 17:48:07

Here are a few :D

Very First match 911 ever played. :D



Second match.


Third Match.


Those are just a few, no demos tho i didnt know how to record back then =P


2007-09-13 19:22:57

:P good stuff dal

screenie's are fun too!

P-man deleted mine off the war room site :(