Battle Scars - frag vid by O-dog


2008-09-03 10:08:09

well, here it is. I submit to the community my humble offering of a frag movie, Battle Scars.

XVid - 449.5MB (streaming vid up on that page also)

X264 version hopefully coming soon

all frags are from 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, 5v5, 6v6, and 3v2 matches and scrims. some frags are older, most are fairly recent. some are from this past season of CAL and the current season of Warzone.

hopefully nobody is offended at being in this video - I don't think you should be. I definitely wasn't trying to embarrass anyone or make anyone look bad, and wasn't trying to say I'm "better" than anyone... most of the peeps in this video can kick my ass at this game I have no problem admitting that. just trying to make a cool video showcasing some of my awesomer moments of the past 8 months or so thats all.

well nothing else to say, hope you guys enjoy!


2008-09-03 11:35:22

wowowowowowowowowow YAY! :D :D
i always big fan of new released frag vid :p
dling it at home ty 4 ur present 8)


2008-09-03 15:29:49

ill download it after school today and then ill tell ya what i think :)


2008-09-03 17:39:12

Nice man! I really liked the music and frag syncage, and anything with the beasties is a plus :D good frags good recams, good vid! :)


2008-09-03 18:27:10

great video! :D I can tell you put alot of work into the editing, which turned out really nice. There were definitely some ns's in there. My fav was at 4:00. Nice throwbacks ^_^ Also 5:05 where you hit him with the propane tank and he flies into the air :mrgreen:

Thanks O-dog, keep up the good work!


2008-09-03 23:10:32

Sweetass film! I just watched it on my new 24" Widescreen and it slams.

Great Job.


2008-09-03 23:46:33

Watching now, one thing I love your first song! Staind is good! "All your promises, you promise only pain" :D! O-Dog I'm a fan now.


2008-09-04 00:25:38

Good vid i liked it.


2008-09-04 01:46:06

yeah enjoyed that m8 :D


2008-09-04 06:01:16

i liked this video and i saw alot of potenial as a moviemaker. This vid reminds me alot of metamorphosis for some reason both are very fun to watch. The soundtrack was good i enjoy probably every song but the syncing wasnt all that but still at some points it was very good. The frags were pretty good also i saw a few that meh and then i saw a few that just made me think "very nice" overall it was a good movie and i say 8/10


2008-09-04 14:08:59

You had some pretty nice frags and sequences, but should have been more picky in some cases when frags seem to be totally common.
Try using a widescreen resolution next time, preferably 1280x720 or 1280x768. Please compress in x264 ! it's way better ;P
Try looking for some cool fonts on the internet to use them on your videos, it gives a nice touch ^^
Sync'ing was good on some parts so I could tell you tried to sync stuff, but it lacked on some others, and the credits were a little too long for my taste.
Try recording at 90 fps (at least) when doing slow motions, otherwise it doesn't seem smooth at all.
Anyway, nice that you made a hl2dm, I always <3 'em, and it's a good video for being ur first one ^_^.
Hope you have learnt stuff from doing this one and try to do a better one on the future (every time you make a new one it has to be better :D !)


2008-09-04 18:15:16

nice vid O! my favorite was at 4:08, the double kill on lv with the nade. very nice!

you really showed some strong gg work. i've always known you to be strong with the mag, but very nice gg work in there.

i was also glad to see your success with some of those nade tosses, bow banks, and rpg's over walls. i know how hard you worked at trying to find some of those during practice.

well done my friend. :)

Walking Target

2008-09-04 20:09:10

Fun vid, I agree with Onti's comments that it is not really up there in terms of the latest and greatest resolution and editing, and it kind of followed a fairly standard formula, but overall it's a fine addition to our library of HL2DM videos.

Great music choices, resolution and clarity still definitely watchable, lots of entertaining frags. I would will likely watch it a few times. Im giving it a solid 8/10.


2008-09-05 00:14:59

What if you gave it a flimsy 8/10 WT?

BOT, I haven't watched it yet, but when I get my computers up and running, I will.

Walking Target

2008-09-05 00:54:53

badinfluence wrote:What if you gave it a flimsy 8/10 WT?

BOT, I haven't watched it yet, but when I get my computers up and running, I will.
If it was a flimsy 8/10 I would have said that it barely scrapes in with an 8 and was almost a 7.


2008-09-05 01:30:33

I agree.

this is how i mark it up

creativity 6
content 7
editing 9
soundtrack 9
quality 7

First part from a editing view was not good. I had these words running thro my mind ohh no not another rip off game over. As we all know from the black and white footage from it. But then i heard the track and was happy with it the tunes suited the gameplay very well. On orginality well there nothing in here in terms of effects that i have not seen before and there was syncing which i tho was pretty well done rather than those frag vids where footage is just placed in any random order. Overall it was good but not bad effort pretty good what i say for a first frag vid. Content was not jaw droping but decent but yea there was some that where average.

You got the basics now now all it needs now is that spark of creativity and of course those insane frags that should put it right up there.


2008-09-05 09:44:55

thanks for the good words guys, it is all very appreciated! :) :D :mrgreen:

thanks Onti/TG/SND for the critiques also... I kind of wish I had used a higher/widescreen resolution... definitely will try to next time if my system allows for it (which it should).


2008-09-05 11:40:00

nice dewd i liked the last song on the vid they sounded like the cro-mags. 8)


2008-09-06 00:00:47

yeah they're a local band (well, 2 hours south of me, local enough right?) and Cro-Mags are definitely one of their main influences.


2008-09-06 05:06:04



2008-09-08 15:24:26

It's hard not to repeat whwat the others above me mentioned so I guess i'm just gonna say ''it works''

as in

It does not fail at keeping you entertained from point A to point B. SOme vid has nice songs and frags but they miss a lil something and you sir, have it!

I wish to see more of your vid as you definately know what you're doing. Kudos


2008-09-09 02:01:37

what was that version of overwatch with the booster pad?


2008-09-09 03:15:55

dm_overwatch_bounce iirc