Unwonted 2


2008-09-15 14:06:31


meh it's 6:59 in the morning I don't feel like wrinting much now, I guess I'll edit later ;P , if u want more details read the readme hahaahah.
Idea was to mantain frag quality while concentrating on the editing, frags only from 1v1/scrims/leagues, mostly local.
I hope you guys enjoy!
PS: Xvid version coming hopefully tomorrow.

x264 ---> http://www.hl2dm-university.com/videos/Unwonted_2.rar
Xvid ---> http://www.hl2dm-university.com/videos/ ... 2_Xvid.rar


LENGTH 5:24 mins
CODEC X264 @ 6100 bitrate
FPS 30

This project started when during a month I played some 1v1s and got some footage I felt I really wanted
to show, so I said "ok lets do a short 1v1 vid concentrating on editing". After starting it, I
found some old footage laying on my folders from CAL 2v2 matches and 1v1s. Apart from that I played
some scrims with my mate and got some more frags (including the ones playing for EC on the warzone
league). That's when I said "meh, lets just do unwonted 2 and include all these frags!"
(main reason why the first part has mostly 1v1 frags ;P )

As said, this video is supposed to surpass my "unwonted" in editing (which still isn't great, but I believe
I made a huge improvement!) while mantaining the frag quality ;)
I hope you enjoy!

(yeah just copy pasted lmao)


2008-09-15 15:14:49

wow. cool dling it now cant wait it XD

Jelly Fox

2008-09-15 15:18:21

wow wow wow...I wasn't expecting this, downloading :shock:


2008-09-15 15:49:29

woot movies from nowhere are awesome :D

I will try to download x264, but i can bet it will lag on my crap pc :cry:

Waiting Xvid version :)


2008-09-15 16:01:12

WOAH... THIS IS AMAZING! mid-air impact_grenade and xbow ricochet frags are sick!

quality 10/10
edit 10/10
soundtrack 8/10
contents 9/10

I wish it was little bit longer!

impressive ! 8)


2008-09-15 16:26:56

ok i watched it, only i had problems with in game audio, it was delayed, but i will watch xvid version too :D

Well, this movie was awesome! Editing is really cool! I think 1st HL2DM movie which has such editing! Really nice job Onty! :D

Everything else was cool too! :mrgreen:

You have to upload it to some fragmovie webpage! :wink:

Again, nice job Onti! i liked it alot


2008-09-15 16:30:20

nice weapons hud. :wink:

Jelly Fox

2008-09-15 16:45:09

Creativity: 10/10
Content: 8/10
Editing: 10/10
Soundtrack: 8/10
Quality: 10/10

Overall: I loved it...actually, I think I love you Onty :D

I don't understand the frag at 2:30, what killed him, the barrel?... the death notice says grav gun :?


ah ok, you changed the death notices, I don't like the one for physics...well I do, but in that frag it was confusing :P


2008-09-15 18:16:31

wow, that's the best hl2dm-vid I've ever seen before ! :shock:


2008-09-15 19:36:19

Well this was out of the blue where you getting the time to do this man. Aren't u doin a other vid as well or have u finished the clan vid just have not released it.

Creativity: 8.5/10
Content: 8/10
Editing: 8.9/10
Soundtrack: 8/10
Quality: 10/10

went thro it twice and overall i like it. Intro was good not sure if u used smoothing for the camra but still it came out k. Some more graphics added which is nice to see and that a specific style is keep thro out the vid. Starting sound track it did not like so much not sure why maybe repeats to much. But the others that follow where good but i think it would of been better to use that last track allot more in this since its a quality and could of been used in some unique way. kills where good and was syc to the track. Also like the crossbow shot down the tunnel at lockdown where u can see thro the wall would like to know how to do that.

So I believe u have archived what u went out to do is get some good editing in a frag vid which i must say from recent frag vids has been lacking.

blutonium boy

2008-09-15 20:02:28

would you please add another host, this one takes 15 hours to download ^^


2008-09-15 21:29:22

ONTI!!!!!! You told me you were going to announce it today, I didn't think it was done! lol. Well, downloading now, I'm hysteric :D

Edit: Anybody care to mirror? I'm going through hell to download this :/

Walking Target

2008-09-15 21:52:34

I wont mirror until I get my xvid version dammit! :joke:

I will try to put it up by the end of the day.

EDIT: Hmmm doesnt want to download for me, will have to try from home.


2008-09-15 22:11:00

I've got it, and can upload it if necessary. Took me 4 hours!!!!

Walking Target

2008-09-15 22:28:09

If you can drop it in the videos directory here Keep, that would save me some time doing later at home.


2008-09-15 23:10:12

It can be downloaded from here as well:


Walking Target

2008-09-15 23:16:21

ty sir.

Dark Soul

2008-09-15 23:44:25

DLING NOW!!!!!!!!!

man, i'll piss myself after watch this :O


2008-09-15 23:46:17

Oh sick lol
Best editing ive seen in a vid so far, very nice sir!! frags were good too!!


2008-09-15 23:47:35

wo0t! just got from school, Xvid version was supposed to be able "RIGHT NOW" but I'm such a dumbass that I compressed it without sound -.- sooo I'll compress now and upload tonight, therefore posting the Xvid link tomorrow morning ^_^

@ Blas: yeah I love them dude, thanks a lot seriously for giving them to me, and thank ahungrymidget for doing them ! <3
@ Jelly: yes rpg went all around the back part, damaged him, and later the barrel finished him off. :]
@ SND: apart from the intial frag in the intro which was source tv, everything else was smoothed. (can't smooth with sctv demos!)
the effect on the xbow shot isn't hard, record exactly the same with r_drawothermodels 2, then mask it (rectangle shape in this case) and overlay it.
any doubts PM me ^_^
and well yeah, I felt the 2 first songs weren't that good too, but I didn't know if I was right thinking that, or it was just the fact of listening them over and over again lol. IMO the 3rd and 4th songs are way better. I wanted to include more "funny" stuff or simultaneous kills, but I just couldn't found the frags! =/
@ Keeper and WT: Thanks for the mirror ! <3
@ everyone else: thanks a lot for the comments, and glad you liked it :D


2008-09-16 00:34:33

Rev wrote:wow, that's the best hl2dm-vid I've ever seen before ! :shock:

Verrrrrry slick. Some minor glitches, overall a 9.24878971/10 ( lol, random FTW ).

Definitely the nicest frag vid I've seen.

Dark Soul

2008-09-16 00:36:13



man, this video is pure win.....but mine will be better heheheheeheh :D

i <3 u dude ;)


2008-09-16 01:17:51

Some minor glitches, overall a 9.24878971/10 ( lol, random FTW ).
haha lmao xD
thanks for the comments both dark and keep!


2008-09-16 01:25:19

great vid onti!!!! some very nice frags and the best editing a hl2dm vid has had to date


2008-09-16 01:45:14

Just wow. Best frags I've seen in any hl2 video, by far best editing in any hl2 video, and best quality of any hl2 video. Oh man, I need to sit down a minute, lol.

Great work, Onti. This is great time to be making frag videos, but also a hard time because you keep setting the bar higher and higher!


2008-09-16 01:52:50

You have nothing to worry about poco, what you showed me is seriously amazing, you know what I'm talking about. :D
thanks again for the comments btw !


2008-09-16 02:23:56



2008-09-16 02:27:00

hahaha thanks grain, I'm sure the ewR. vid will kick ass :twisted: :wink: you know I can help you with whatever you need :D <3


2008-09-16 02:27:35

downloading now...


2008-09-16 02:40:30



2008-09-16 02:44:14

15 minute download?!!! fuck that.



2008-09-16 03:05:38

Briggs wrote:15 minute download?!!! fuck that.

I lol'd


2008-09-16 03:09:29

it's on the readme, uncompressed file of the final render is 35,6 GB. But that's the final render, single clips were about 60 gb +/- , so I needed around 100 gb free to do the video... thing I didn't have and had to use another HDD ahahahah


2008-09-16 04:14:29

how can i see through the wall? is that console commands?


2008-09-16 04:38:37

wow... frags, quality, and editing are all amazing. 10/10 from me!

the editing style with the music reminds me a lot of some of the Quake 3 CPMA videos I've seen.


2008-09-16 04:43:27

Nutri-Grain wrote:omfg. i just came a little when i saw the title Unwonted 2
:lol: :lol:


2008-09-16 05:35:33

how can i see through the wall? is that console commands?
check my "onti's advice" thread... there are plenty of commands to do that :]


2008-09-16 05:39:54


editing PAOOOOWNNNZ! :woah: :woah: :woah: :woah:


2008-09-16 05:59:57

tyvm it's nice to know I achieved that ^_^


2008-09-16 08:02:25

0nti wrote:check my "onti's advice" thread... there are plenty of commands to do that :]
mat_measurefillrate 1
mat_fillrate 1

i found this looks similar as u've done is this right?

blutonium boy

2008-09-16 08:12:14

uhm, ok. perfect. could'nt be done better. thats now "the best hl2dm fragmovie" in my opinion. i've joined the onty fanclub :)


2008-09-16 09:12:33

This is just the best hl2dm movie ever made, great editing and great frags. Well done onti !

btw get this shit uploaded on sourceradio ! :D


2008-09-16 13:42:52

mat_measurefillrate 1 on the biohazard rpg.
r_drawothermodels 2 on the lockdown ricochet.

Xvid is up http://www.adrive.com/public/828548bce4 ... acad0.html
hopefully it will be uploaded to hl2dm university soon :]
Thanks for the comments! and yeah I already posted on the sourceradio.com forums ^_^


2008-09-16 14:42:16

thanks~! 8)


2008-09-16 20:40:17



2008-09-16 20:53:14


Walking Target

2008-09-16 22:15:39

3 hrs to download and then file corrupted. Still waiting to see this... D:


2008-09-16 22:25:28

omfg. what a nice frag video. Perfect edited, and so many cool and skilled frags. I just love theese xbow walls :o amazaing. well done.


2008-09-16 23:47:31

@ WT--> W T F, file is corrupt!?!?!?! jeez... wasn't expecting that ...I'll upload again I guess D;

@ Nutri : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NER0o2RZ1Qc --> weapons of mass distortion :] google it if you want ;P
about the xhair ... you could try overlaying it... but I should see the size of your xhair to be sure that's gonna look good... maybe your best option is just leaving it like that, as long as every clip has the same crosshair it doesn't matter ^_^
Thanks for the words too! and to everyone else of course :D

EDIT: yeah WT, got someone else to download it and they got the same, freaking file is corrupt ='( I'll upload tonight and post tomorrow again :]
thanks for letting me know WT !


2008-09-17 00:38:37

if anyone wants the hud here it is http://files.filefront.com/weaphudrar/; ... einfo.html

made by ahungrymidget aka stinkmyster :lol:

all the weaps are transparent except for the little skull hud that he couldn't find, so if anyone finds that little skull file maybe you can make it transparent and upload it. :wink:


2008-09-17 01:04:03

as long as the crosshair is small then it should be all good, the main point of exporting with a small crosshair is to minimize tearing and compression noise around it during the compression stage. my small white x that I used in my vid had a lot less tearing around it with XVid compression (I used twopass with a 5000 bitrate) than say a default xhair with hud_quickinfo 1 on would have. just make sure the xhair is as small as possible, ideally the size of a dot.

edit: I tried initially exporting and compressing some clips where I was using my regular xhair at the time which was a smallish red square, and when I compressed them, the crosshair was flickering noticeably and had a lot of tearing/compression noise around it. you may want to try compressing some of the clips in question with the codec and bitrate you plan on using for the final video, and see how you like the results before exporting anymore. if you don't like the results you may have to re-export those clips (as I ended up having to do with a lot of mine) with a small dot or something similar.


2008-09-17 01:51:02

yeah that hud kicks ass...
I did a little modification though, since the weapons on default hud settings are kinda small, I changed a value in the clientscheme.res file.
on the typedeath part or whatever, where it says tall "32", I changed it to 38, made the images a little bigger, ended up cool :)


2008-09-17 05:41:36

so wait...how'd u make ur weapon icons and stuff look cooler?


2008-09-17 05:59:03

weapon icons are fonts, stinky just modified them, and I used those modified icons ^_^
about other stuff, I dunno for certain if you don't tell me hahah


2008-09-17 06:37:51



2008-09-17 06:58:22

lol the follow thing is easy hahah, unless it is a sctv demo, then it's more a "innacuarate" just to name it somehow ;P
check "infected productions" site, google that, and watch for the tutorials, one called "demo smoothing" that's the right now....if you can't find it tell me and I'll link you to it :)

Walking Target

2008-09-17 07:16:24

I can haz xvid soon? :cry:


2008-09-17 13:32:36


2008-09-17 17:05:47

Downloading it now, to upload it to the U. Will post a linky when I'm done.

Oh, and ADRIVE = epic fail.

EDIT: 2 hours later and it still won't download for me. I will keep trying.

Walking Target

2008-09-17 20:07:19

"Downloading at 0.4 KB/sec. 158 hours remain" :|


2008-09-17 23:51:15


2008-09-18 00:01:57

lmao.... it's weird, some people seem to download really fast (15 minutes for briggs, 13 for SND, etc), others freaking slow.
Reason why I used it is because I always get problems with filefront, and besides it deletes big files after some time without them being downloaded, and I hate that =/

Walking Target

2008-09-18 08:42:45

Very nice Onti, very nice indeed. Only one minor complaint, it looked a bit dark in some scenes, but other than that loved the editing, quality and the frags.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2008-09-18 12:59:57

Finally watched, it was epic onti the smoothing/editing was awesome and the frags were crazy.

Source Radio noaw?


2008-09-18 13:42:13

Only one minor complaint, it looked a bit dark in some scenes
Yes I know, I tried adding more contrast to see how it ended, but I didn't like the final result =/ It's fine though, you learn from mistakes ^_^
Thanks for the comments :) and... yeah I tried with sourceradio, but they guy that saw it said he had some problems uploading the video, so now I PMed Jinxed, so hopefully he will get it up there soon...


2008-09-18 23:43:44

I think that effect on screen shot number 3, is superbly done. It would have been cool if you had more instances of that effect and actually give the viewer more time to view and say wow.

All in all, time well wasted. No seriously...good job man!


2008-09-18 23:46:54

thanks! and yeah I thought maybe it was a bit too fast and a slow mo would have work better... but I had already most of the video done and I couldn't (and didn't feel much like doing it to be honest) change everything just to make that part look better =/
You learn with every video you do, so hopefully any next project I do will be even better :D


2008-09-18 23:48:08

I've been without power the since sunday afternoon. I will download it when I get home.


2008-09-20 03:24:45

I've been without power the since sunday afternoon. I will download it when I get home.
got the chance to watch it yet? if so leave feedback :D !


2008-09-20 21:01:57


that was amazing... i love all the effects, the kills were facking awesome the whole vid was beautiful...

very, very, very good job


2008-09-20 21:10:09

tyvm sir ! :D


2008-09-21 04:43:46



2008-09-21 05:02:38

yup I'm a happy person :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) :lol:


2008-09-21 19:00:31

its up on source radio everyone go there and add your comments pls.
http://www.sourceradio.com/modules.php? ... ch&id=1235


2008-09-21 19:04:43

yes just checked it out, they finally added it yay ! I'm waiting for a sourceradio guy review. I'm really interested on that :]


2008-09-21 19:57:54

I think some of your bounces are pointless, lol. I guess they make it look good though. The one I saw in particular was the xbow when you were on the top level of bio and they other guy was on the bottom. You bounced it on the ceiling. What? Was just shooting him not good enough for you? ; D


2008-09-21 20:53:20

haha, same holy moly said last time ;P
Dunno I just do them, i don't think twice before shooting them, but as long as the other guy gets killed what's the problem ;]


2008-09-21 22:55:31

@BI: It's all about style. That's what I love about this game; you have the freedom to do things your own way and you have so many choices while being good at the game. I'm pretty sure that if you showed me games played by modal, onti, and mario I could tell you which was which.

mamãe querida

2008-09-22 08:15:08

great video onti, congrats!
i loved the effects and the editing, really awesome. i'm glad i'm in there lol :mrgreen:


2008-09-22 08:53:49

ggz mamae ! <3


2008-09-22 17:58:35

poconut wrote:@BI: It's all about style. That's what I love about this game; you have the freedom to do things your own way and you have so many choices while being good at the game. I'm pretty sure that if you showed me games played by modal, onti, and mario I could tell you which was which.
I guess I just go simple.


2008-09-26 14:17:39

This vid was short and really sweet, the quality was amazing and I really liked some of the effects. Very nice touch on the hud also, I think you have conquered the frag video and you have inspired many with this masterpiece.


2008-09-27 03:44:34

thanks herb! I really appreciate it :D <3!


2008-10-11 21:47:17

9.9 from me :]


2008-10-12 15:45:47

At some places, I felt like you wobbled the camera a little too much. also, you should have used a much higher capture fps rate in the scenes where you fast-forward. those are only two small complaints, however.
Yeah... the biohazard recam ended up kinda skippy (I did do the smoothing properly D; ! surely some kind of demo bug) and in the caverns smoothing, I had added motion blur but at the end of the video for some reason I deleted (dunno how) the final video of the version, so I had to re-do the final "thouches" I had done, and forgot about that one. But as you say, it should have been higher fps (I used ..60 iirc, later I learnt that recording at 500 fps for instance and rendering in vegas at 30 can give a pretty good motion blur effect).
About the custom textures, no they are default, what I did though was adding contrast to the whole video with magic bullet (awesome vegas color plug-in) Which in some cases like biohazard I should have, cuz it ended too dark.
Anyway, thanks a lot for the feedback, very much appreaciated :D


2008-10-24 07:13:58

i think i cried when i saw the credits rolling, heh. this was a truly AMAZING video, i really dont think ANYONE will be able to even match that for a very, very long time. keep up the good work, its people like you that keep hl2dm going...i give it a 100000000/10


2008-10-24 13:50:25

thanks mate! I really appreciate your words.
But I do think people will not just match, but even do better than this. Many are already getting some sweet editing skills, learning after effects and stuff, and there are plenty of very talented players out there.
There are a few videos on the making, we will have to wait :)


2009-01-03 08:10:35


best frag video i've EVER seen

you're a sick frag vid editor.

make mine lol


2009-01-03 09:50:46

Oh gosh... Tiggy has to go around bumping old posts because he missed these vids when he was away.

O _ o

: )


2009-01-06 18:50:22

Thanks ninjins !
I really appreciate the comment ^_^