2008-09-15 14:06:31

meh it's 6:59 in the morning I don't feel like wrinting much now, I guess I'll edit later ;P , if u want more details read the readme hahaahah.
Idea was to mantain frag quality while concentrating on the editing, frags only from 1v1/scrims/leagues, mostly local.
I hope you guys enjoy!
PS: Xvid version coming hopefully tomorrow.
x264 ---> http://www.hl2dm-university.com/videos/Unwonted_2.rar
Xvid ---> http://www.hl2dm-university.com/videos/ ... 2_Xvid.rar
LENGTH 5:24 mins
CODEC X264 @ 6100 bitrate
FPS 30
This project started when during a month I played some 1v1s and got some footage I felt I really wanted
to show, so I said "ok lets do a short 1v1 vid concentrating on editing". After starting it, I
found some old footage laying on my folders from CAL 2v2 matches and 1v1s. Apart from that I played
some scrims with my mate and got some more frags (including the ones playing for EC on the warzone
league). That's when I said "meh, lets just do unwonted 2 and include all these frags!"
(main reason why the first part has mostly 1v1 frags ;P )
As said, this video is supposed to surpass my "unwonted" in editing (which still isn't great, but I believe
I made a huge improvement!) while mantaining the frag quality

I hope you enjoy!
(yeah just copy pasted lmao)