fragvid by despised icon

blutonium boy

2008-10-12 22:19:13

hey,ive uploadet my vid here: ... 41d7892915 it´s a torrent, i think this site is good.
don`t expect a progame or nice effects, but im interested what you think :) and yes some parts where inspired by ontis unwonted2 effects ;)


2008-10-13 05:30:37

yay :D i'll dl it later cuz.. im at work right now :(


2008-10-13 11:19:43

I'll have to wait for mirror, cuz torrents are blocked for me.

Jelly Fox

2008-10-13 13:43:24

Nice one, I love torrents only took me 3 minutes to download.

Cool video, pretty enjoyable.

missing textures though? thats not so cool

blutonium boy

2008-10-13 19:07:16

Jelly Fox wrote: missing textures though? thats not so cool
yes it really sucks, it`s as far as i know only on this server from a friend. i honestly don`t know how to solve that problem :?


2008-10-13 19:52:44

nicely done! quailty is great <3 some effects soundtrack is not bad
but IMO at 2:53-56 that would be better to put intro =)

cool i enjoyed it 8/10 from me :D keep it up !


2008-10-14 00:10:06

can someone upload this to other site? cuz im downloading whole day and its only 25% :( If no, np, i can wait

Dark Soul

2008-10-14 07:02:49

i downloaded it very fast, and i watched has a very good quality.

for me:


1- the video quality
2- the effects
3- a few good frags
4- i liked the music, but i listened that songs a lot in many frag vids.

cons (constructive critics :P)

2 - the syncing, its good for a first try, but i think u could did it better.
3 - some useless frag parts. i mean..asi onty said on my video, the best thing u can do is put the Frag itself isntead wasting a lot of video part with unnecesary footage, unless if was a frag sequence.
4 - repetitive transitions. i know u was testing them, but...well u know lol
5 - try to use the Onty's hud remover, and hide all the other stuff and u'll have a clean hud showing only the death notices.
6 - the missing textures
7 - the custom textures, yeah i know they can look awesome or whatever, but personally i like the default ones.

btw it was a good video frag, very funny...i think everyday the hl2dm frag videos are growing up. Kepp em' coming.

peace ;)

PS: im just wating for my new GPU to start the second part of my vid "dark files 2" :O

Walking Target

2008-10-14 07:46:25

Just saw this, I'll take a look and if it makes the cut I'll upload it here also.

blutonium boy

2008-10-14 08:17:17

thanks for comments guys :). i know i've made some mistakes for example missing textures, the logo at 2:53 and hud, some of them were maybe laziness ^^. i'll try to make it better next time. there are so much great hl2 movies and i hope we will see many more in the future.


2008-10-14 14:05:28

First the bad stuff :P

1:16 -> ammo hud cut
-crosshair while dead (at least in the bloopers)
-You repeated a song from another cyn's video (was good though)
-I wasn't a big fan of the "play" button
-Work a bit more on transitions, learn masking! that's really helpful

Now on the good side, quality was a-mazing! maybe it's just the custom textures, dunno what... What bitrate did u use?
Frags weren't bad, but can be better the next time right? ;D
I liked the soundtrack, worked fine with the video, and nice use of after effects !
Keep it up man :D


2008-10-14 15:15:41

ok i watched it, good movie, nice job! :)


2008-10-14 18:48:47

Can someone mirror it on filefront or something that's not a torrent?

blutonium boy

2008-10-14 19:52:46

0nti wrote:First the bad stuff :P

1:16 -> ammo hud cut
-crosshair while dead (at least in the bloopers)
-You repeated a song from another cyn's video (was good though)
-I wasn't a big fan of the "play" button
-Work a bit more on transitions, learn masking! that's really helpful

Now on the good side, quality was a-mazing! maybe it's just the custom textures, dunno what... What bitrate did u use?
Frags weren't bad, but can be better the next time right? ;D
I liked the soundtrack, worked fine with the video, and nice use of after effects !
Keep it up man :D
hey :)
i used a bitrate of 6100 kbit/s i guess it looks good with the custom textures. masking... yeah that's what i aspire to learn next, i had some ideas but not the knowhow to do it... ^^


2008-10-21 00:27:07

I sry a little late on my review just reformated and have not installed program to download the torrent which was a pain in the arse since i wanted to look at the the frag video from the first day so lets get down to it.

k first with the good.
quality is good really good
some nice frags
u tryied to syn the footage
your tried at editing with after effects notice u did the tuturial on the flying glowing line in a box
I like the custom textures

K now with the bad

first track is from a well known css frag video that was done by a really good producer. This is bad thing to do many new guys that make there first frag video make this mistake and just makes them look bad.

Then track from art of war sorry but this is unforgivable its a big tabo to use music that has been used in other frag video it shows lack of creativity on your part and also ruins our assosation with the frag video like cyn which is very well done. My rule is don't use a track that has been used before unless you can do it better in this case you did not.
Try and avoid putting in footage where you miss the guy 3 or 4 times.

there was times in the frag video where it cuts to some random footage this distrurb the flow of the video.

Creativity: 5/10
Content: 6/10
Editing: 6/10
Soundtrack: 4/10
Quality: 10/10

I know im a bit harsh but I really want to get the point across go find your own tracks and make them your own rather than hijacking somone elses. But overall not a bad attempt work on the editing and keep in mind what i said.

Walking Target

2008-10-21 03:26:20

I agree with that SND, but sometimes it is also hard to know of or remember every track used in other frag videos, especially if it's from a different game. I don't know a single song used in a high profile CSS video for example, because I've never watched one.


2008-10-21 03:33:29

yea i let him off the first track because he might of not seen it used before but having one of the tracks from art of war was just wrong.


2008-10-21 04:00:52

still waiting for mirror :((((((

Walking Target

2008-10-21 09:39:18

Sorry, I'm mid PC changes and haven't been able to upload. Will do so as soon as I am done with this project.

blutonium boy

2008-10-21 21:27:27

hey snd, thx for your critique. after redading this i watched the art of war vid again... what a shame ^^, i love this vid and i watched it 100 times but i could'nt remember they used this song :oops:
it's really hard to find a good song for a fragvideo, i could have used a different soundtrack but then someone would say: use music who everybody is listening to! xD


2008-10-22 01:11:19

You don't need did to pick music that people know or like. You got to look around at frag videos and see what music works.

From what I have picked up, usually good rock and industrial rock works very good since some tracks have very good tempo and varies the speed. Look for tracks with punch lines which works well for frag shots. What I do is look at a range of frag videos pick tracks I like and then search other tracks that the artist has made you might somthing very good that someone has not used.

ohh and also you don't need to use the whole music clip I see allot of people doing this which is fine but keep in mind you can also use just bits of it. like I have a 6-8min track I really don't want to use it all so i pick a part of it i really like that i think suits what i want to create a example would be the trailer I made. So try and think out side the the norm and inject your personality and style and creatvity anyone can put a bits of footage together but it takes that special somthing that makes it stay in your viewer mind that makes it all worth the days of hard work.

Plus using tracks your audience does not know is even better than tracks they do know since its like watching a movie for the first time with tracks u have heard before you can tell what coming around the corner so to speak so it lack the special suprise. But yea if you find a track u really like use it but remember you got to keep in mind two things one can I work with it there are tracks that you like but are just unworkable for a frag video and second please do you homework and avoid making u look bad when the track you used has allready been used in a well know frag video especialy art of war which most of us hold dearly as one of the best hl2dm frag videos ever made ( Yet :twisted: ) you using the track from that was like pissing on somones grave.


2008-10-22 01:46:27

in a well know frag video especialy art of war which most of us hold dearly as one of the best hl2dm frag videos ever made ( Yet :twisted: ) you using the track from that was like pissing on somones grave.
don't trying to be rude, but I think you are overreacting ;o


2008-10-22 02:11:58

yea sry but I like using colourfull lanuage get the point out as clear as day.


2008-10-22 17:47:22

SND wrote:you using the track from that was like pissing on somones grave.
I do this all the time? What's wrong with that when you have to urinate?

Obvious troll is obvious.


2008-10-31 00:43:52

Hey, just got a chance to watch it. Good video, nice effects, good frags mostly, I liked the music. However, I think that some of the editing was done for its own sake, and not for the betterment of the video. There was one title screen that was good, but it was just stuck in the middle of the video.