Frag logging


2008-11-16 18:45:13

I want to hear some advice on logging and recording frags. Looking thro loads of demos and spotting the frags is the most time consuming and boring part of making a frag video. So i think it best we we share methods that help speed up and better organize how we do this.

K so what I do is look tho all the demos at 149% speed and stop at each frag I like and put it into the note pad with tick and demo name. Then max out all the setting and start recording the frags and try and get as many done as possible then convert the screen shots into a avi clip. I Name the frag by first map name in brackets then weapon used with description of the kill. Then placing the clip into a folder with structure like this Player> Kill type.

Now when it comes to editing and putting the frag video together I have come across the problem of finding out where frag is in my demo collection. Like you see a kill but you think it best to record it again in a smooth or in slower motion. Yes i know i could of wrote it down in the frag name but its pretty late for me. But is there a better way can the demo name be put automatically put into the screen shot name?


2008-11-16 19:31:32

But is there a better way can the demo name be put automatically put into the screen shot name?
wut? sry can't understand what you are asking D;

Anyway, 149% is too slow imo.. I usually try 300 or if the match is slow paced 600 for the no action moments.


2008-11-16 21:15:30

0nti wrote:Quote:
But is there a better way can the demo name be put automatically put into the screen shot name?

wut? sry can't understand what you are asking D;
I mean like how the file names are put like a,b,c as screenshot names (frames recorded every sec as tga files). Would like it if it put for example a_rawvses_001 then when in virtual dub I can name the frag clip (lockdown) magheadshot rawvses. So in the future when im looking at a clip and i want a different angle to the shot I know where to look.

and 300% more likely I will miss the frag and give my self a headache at 149% its a 30fps at 300 will be 5fps not sure if has anything to do with how good your system is mine is pretty crap.

blutonium boy

2008-11-16 23:46:16

i agree, watching the demos is the most time consuming part in doing a fragmovie.
i watch the demos on 185% speed and do my notice (time, maybe type of frag,using smoother or map) on paper. after getting enough frags together i start recording to avi.


2008-11-17 00:26:59

I watch em on 300% speed, saves a lot of time and I can pretty much always tell what's going on.


2008-11-17 01:09:21

I use 600% @ 30fps until i spot the frag i want.


2008-11-17 02:09:22

lol started to use 300 as well 20min match only 5mins to watch but i surgest don't jump and and play a game eveything is so damn slow may be that's a good thing :).


2008-11-17 03:33:23

This is what puts me off making afrag video, alll the time watching the demos :(

Walking Target

2008-11-17 03:35:05

Not much advice here, I named each demo with a date and then used an excel spreadsheet to keep track of each and what I needed to do with it next (export, resize, slomo etc)


2008-11-18 16:20:21


bind keys several keys (F keys) bind 'F1' "record one" bind 'F2' "record two" bind 'F3' "record three"
and a key to stop ( bind "0" "stop")

Start playing, type

record 1v1

When you record and get a cool kill press and when the heat of battle is gone, press your STOP key then immediately press F1

repeat the process

At the end of the match you know that at the end of


there will be a cool kill sitting there, at the end of every demos
make sure to rename one.dem two.dem three.dem or delete them if you extracted your frags.

This sound very complicated but it will allow you to get a fragvid of footage extracted in a full day. I'd be curious to hear if anyone has a better technique as it is by far the easiest/fastest i've developped over time.


2008-11-18 19:03:23

Actually I tought about it and I tought about another way, wich I might start using.

What would also work is having a pen and a paper not too far away from your keyboard, when you get a cool kill and you have an opportunity to note how long you've been playing, let's say it's a 20 min game and timeleft says 12 min, that means that at 8min on DEMOUI you'll get a cool kill.

So on your piece of paper write like, DEMONAME.DEM -8min, 13min, 19 min

and so on until your sheet is filled with demonames and times.


2008-11-18 23:21:56

No actually you should type down the tick the kill happened so you can just type it in and jump to it rather than running thro the demo to the kill point. A time is little use since the demoui does not play in sec or mins but ticks.

Also the other way I already use binds from one made by a movie maker which just has one key that uses a script for the amount of time you press it during a game think you can record upto 27. It pretty much the same way you said but you have one or two keys for all.

What i used to do was do the over the top method get a note pad open in the background and play the demos at low settings (because my pc can not handle the max settings i use to record the footage) go thro each demo stop on a good kill and right down the demo name then player name then tick which i minus 1000 tick from what i see after the kill and write that down but i had like a I had like a 100 demos to go tho and pretty much scraped the idea.

I was thinking if there was a way to make a script that did not name the screenshot batch for the avi as a,b,c but rather the demo name it is recorded in with a,b,c depending how many you took in that demo. What i was hoping is that this will enable me to be more flexible when it comes to editing I don't have to worry about looking for that frag if i feel a different angle or shot take would be better to best fit in a part in a frag movie. But i doubt it can be done since the a,b,c is basically simple but with the demo name you might not be able to use a script to find out what demo you are recording on other than the map name i think.


2008-11-19 01:36:19

I sometimes look for the frag/tick as soon as the match is finished, or at the end of the day.
Lets say I play a 1v1 and get a cool ricochet, as soon as I stop playing I open it and look for it fast. After all, you kinda have the match fresh in your mind so you know when and how it happened, so you can easily watch the demo @ 600% more or less without missing the frag.
Then just compress it into a .rar file with the .txt file and the ticks. You can upload it somwhere to keep it as a backup or whatever....


2008-11-30 06:10:09

SND, there is an image viewer called ACDSee that can rename a whole folder at once.
I know it's not exactly what you're looking for, but it may be helpful, since you want all the files from a frag named to that frag.
The program allows you to rename all the files to something like rpgheadshot####.tga :mrgreen:, being #### the number increment.
The only issue is that you must do it externally.