U gotta be kidding me?

Dark Soul

2008-11-19 01:46:30

man i just found this in youtube:


just let me know what u think

can u smell: unwonted 2?

also he put pub frags as 1v1 2v2

this is why this game is dying :(


2008-11-19 01:56:47

Onti looks like you have a dedicated fan. Very...dedicated 0_0


2008-11-19 02:06:33

hahaha I know him, he is pretty cool and I helped him a lot with all the movie making questions he had.
I wasn't expecting to get such similar results though hhahaahahah

Jelly Fox

2008-11-19 02:34:08


laawl, you've only got yourself to blame Onti. props to the guy for trying to copy one of the best video out there, better luck next time tho :?


2008-11-19 04:23:04

Haha thanks for giving me big laugh dark :D

btw he seems skilled player, some frags on that vid were cool unwonted 2 parody tho ;)


2008-11-19 04:32:33

wow... thats bad...


2008-11-19 04:35:09

oh and btw the guy did parody onti quite alot in places, but in general, the techniques onti used in uw2 are common among frag videos of better quality, so ppl doing cams/masks/fx etc will tend to somewhat similar =]


2008-11-19 06:23:51

Indeed, being original in a frag movie is hard, it's basically just piecing together small vdeo clips.
I dont care if frags are in pubs, if its good its still good.


2008-11-19 06:37:17

yea exactly. for example in css vids a very common 'frag'/clip which is considered good is where they show the player getting 4-5 kills on the scoreboard at once.

if you want to get a similar sequence in hl2dm usually ur best bet in that case is pub, although obviously it is possible in 4v4s


2008-11-19 07:01:19

0nti wrote:LMAO !
hahaha I know him, he is pretty cool and I helped him a lot with all the movie making questions he had.
I wasn't expecting to get such similar results though hhahaahahah
LOL woops, i read dark soul's post then i posted some shit over youtube and THEN i cameback and read your stuff. my bad. :D


2008-11-19 07:10:35

Nice avatar Con :D


2008-11-19 09:33:20

mate........... i just found that guys other frag videos.... :sketchy:

http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=t-zObGzZ7 ... re=related urgron or whatever the fuck it is 1


http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=izQl5GCYY ... 60&index=2 a video response to finality

the person is from the planet estonia wtf is that >.<
i think someone should enquire to youtube to remove the worst video i have ever seen?


2008-11-19 11:38:15

Dear lord what the hell.

I know in the past i have riped into guys for not being orgainal such as sound track and stuff but this sort of stuff rely takes the biscuit.

ohh and sunnyboy you can be orgainal all you have to do is look at other frag video take bits of it that you like from like 20 or so mix them together and edited in a way that there is no eveidence that it was sourced from others that a sign of good editing.

Plus yea pubs or ok for frag video but you get better respect for having good hl2dm players in frag movie. As well anyone can get like a string of kills in a pub so in not very special.

but back to topic damn onty I would be pissed at the guy like you helped him out and he thanked you with this rip off.

Jelly Fox

2008-11-19 13:43:55

Wow same frags same editing...just done badly, I don't have a problem with pub frags but I suspect some of them are setup...thats just lame!
shunnyboy wrote:the person is from the planet estonia wtf is that >.<

Walking Target

2008-11-19 21:09:09

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery?

I can understand wanting to emulate the most cutting edge of HL2DM frag vids...but yeah this is a bit too similar for my taste.


2008-11-19 22:46:16

hahaha nah I don't mind, I don't take it too seriously ;P
and I used not to care about pub frags, but now I somehow don't like them much :|
Unless you kinda state that you did a little video with a mix of pub frags, but please don't ruin a video which has good quality scrim/league/pick up frags mixing it up with pubs :/
Anyway, I definitely don't like people claiming frags being from 2v2s and stuff when it actually was just a pub rofl.


2008-11-20 00:28:40

SND wrote:ohh and sunnyboy...


2008-11-20 01:06:55

your name is not important to me i type it as i want :mrgreen:


2008-11-20 18:57:29



2008-11-20 19:53:58

sign my mouse pad plx?


2008-11-21 03:21:18

carry my babies


2008-11-21 05:49:39



2008-11-22 18:45:39

I wouldn't criticise a woman for looking too much like megan fox, lol the vid looked good, just not as polished as Unwonted it clearly shows how good a teacher onti is...

Don't hate on someone for playing the game and enjoying it...It's only a video

Walking Target

2008-11-23 00:46:57

Yeah but its not just that, whether they are or not, some of the kills look staged.


2008-11-23 04:07:23

yea and using all the same effects basically ripping of a ontys video style and graphics. This is what many call plagiarism at it worse he did not have the originality to come up with stuff for him self so he ripped of onty wonted 2 frag movie from a-z.

How would you like it if you spent allot of your time coming up with a good frag movie that has taken your time and effect and then after releasing it someone comes along and rips it apart and makes a frag movie with your materials and ideas calling it there own. I don't care how good the frags are or how good it is (in this case very bad) you will still get allot of stick and be made out to be lame.


2008-11-23 16:56:21

some staged vids look good like the XE (?) vid where it was mostly on overwatch they were staged but looked amazing... this one yeah does not.

well about plagiarism the only analogy i can think of that shows my viewpoint as to why you shouldn't get all hot under the collar is the Watchowski brothers, after they made the first matrix movie perfected bullet-time cinematography they didn't complain when EVERYONE started using the same technique basically ripping off their IP for that movie because it made people think of the Matrix, all this frag vid did is made you all think of Unwonted2 so go and watch the better one, forget the other exists and if it happens again and someone copies someone's vid don't berate them over it just remember they didn't delete Unwonted2 from existence you can still watch it whenever you want. Onti seems fine with it as he helped make it...


2008-11-23 17:54:06

emm I don't think you can compare matrix bullet time with this this. One that its one bit out of a movie that others used but in this case he used everything from the font to the same sort of intro with the same color scheme. If you look at them side by side you can see he ripped of as much as he could out of the vid.

Now I don't mind people taking inspiration from material and using it as long as they do something new with it in this case he did not you could easily see where he got it from.

As for onty he ok with it because that's the person he is but I dare this guy to try and post this on source TV their will be guys that will be more harsh than me.


2008-11-23 21:37:09

I guess you mean sourceradio not source TV right? haha
Anyway, I didn't know he was making something like this. I just helped him with his random editing questions, and well later on we have a similar video to mine. Not something I pay much attention to though ;P


2008-11-24 01:01:58

LOL source TV damn how the hell did that get past me


2008-11-29 07:23:52

While on the rip off's topic look at this!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGcRV5zL ... -fresh+div


2008-11-29 07:51:21

cool vid!


2008-11-30 16:40:07

Blender wrote:While on the rip off's topic look at this!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGcRV5zL ... -fresh+div

Walking Target

2008-12-02 01:42:47

Oh man. Great minds think alike? Sorry dingle just kidding bro... :lol:


2008-12-03 08:14:02


was that really done by hl2dm-university? :sketchy:

Walking Target

2008-12-03 08:59:07

Yes it was, I made that video. It is just one small part of the course on advanced movement. I call it tuck jumping, not duck jumping, but whatever.

Basically the drill is designed to teach you to keep your feet up when in the air and after you jump.


2008-12-03 14:19:52

oh kk, can't blame me for being a bit suspicious hahaha.

Jelly Fox

2009-01-13 14:39:19

Now this...........


hmm, sure I've seen that ricochet somewhere before :?