Adobe Premiere problem


2009-01-18 17:31:34

I am wanting to import footage at 1280*768 resolution but it is automatically snipping it to 720*480 and it isn't letting my change it?
When I go to Project>Project Settings>General, the frame size is just grey scaled out so I can't change it..
This is how it looks for me:

Hope someone can help, cheers.


2009-01-18 18:09:41

adobe has a nack at over complicating stuff. Reason why i did not bother to do any editing on it. So I have not much help here. May be look under a different project settings there should ne pal, ntsc and should allow you to create your own at 30fps with custom settings. My suggestions is to look a bit more it might be hidden some as usual. You can also look on u tube there always a tutorial for these basic stuff.

blutonium boy

2009-01-20 00:15:43

uhm what version you have?
maybe you selectet the wrong settings at startup. did you select a predefined profile like dvpal,/ntsc or hdv?


2009-01-20 00:55:05

It's Adobe Premiere Pro v7 and that could be a possible reason why...
Is there anyway of resetting these kind of settings?

blutonium boy

2009-01-20 01:07:05

i will take a look tomorrow, im on my laptop now, but i think its not possible to change the settings if you cannot change the options in the export window. ill try that tomorrow