Dark Soul
2009-03-09 03:43:28

FINALLY I UPLOADED MY VIDEO!!!!! (after 8, yes 8 failed attempts to upload)

Short Info (copy-paste from the readme file rofl):
Well, i decided to make the second part of my video because (personally) i didn't like the result of my first video
so i said "yeah lets make dark files 2".
All the footage are from Scrims, 1v1 and CAL footage (only the credits lol, i had so many "meh" frags in CAL so i
didn't want to show them). There is no Staged or Pub frags in the video, also some frags can look laggy, that's
because i dont have servers to play in my country, so most of the frags in the video are from American servers

Basically i made a Clean editing After ALL the problems with sony vegas (i couldn't mask coz Vegas crashed every time
i want to do that, i couldn't put a crosshair img file due a weird problem with vegas) so the editing is not the most
impressive u've seen, but i still thinking i made a huge improvement since my first vid. so i hope u enjoy
the frags

Special thanks:
all the guys who appeared in the vid

kamelot - On the Coldest Winter Night
Clawfinger - Two Steps Away
Battlezone OST Track nÂș3
U2 - One
Video Info:
Resolution: 1280x720
Size: 370.706
Lenght: 9:53
Codec: X264 HQ
FPS: The video was recorded @ 500 FPS in game (except the credits) and rendered in Vegas @ 30 FPS to get a nice "motion blur" effect.
Made In: Chile
X264 Version : http://www.hl2dm-university.com/videos/ ... HQx264.rar
Xvid Version : http://www.zshare.net/download/5678522576016f71/
Youtube Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4I2T5kC2O_k&fmt=22
Sourceradio HD: http://www.sourceradio.com/modules.php? ... ch&id=1587