2009-05-02 09:28:51
So I've made like 5 tutorial videos. 2 apply only to Half-Life²: Deathmatch, 2 apply only to Source games in general, and one applies to all Steam. I think that even the most experienced among you should have a look- there are some things that very few people know! Click the titles, they are links. Or, go to the tutorials playlist, or my Channel.
1) Fast Orb
This is the one that you're most likely to know if you play HL2DM. Just punt the combine ball [orb] after you shoot to make a fast combine ball.
2) Magnum scoping
Wait! This is more than normal magnum scoping. This TOGGLES! With it, you can toggle your suit zoom to get easy headshots!
3) Playing music in any Source game
With this trick, you can play whatever music YOU want in ANY Source game. Nobody else hears the music- just you.
4) Changing the Steam message sound
Have you ever been annoyed by the Steam message-received sound? Don't turn it off- change it! It's not as simple as you think- but it's still easy.
5) Using fonts to recreate the logos from many Source games
Really, I won't be surprised if you don't know this one. You can EXACTLY recreate the logos from Half-Life², HL2DM, HL2EP1, HL2EP2, Garry's Mod, Day Of Defeat, and Counter-Strike using the fonts that came with them. By the way, this is my first tutorial video (that is still up) so it's not HD. By the way I remade it so it's nicer!
Ok I figured out the Youtube tags but the player is so small... You should just go to the URLs.
1) Fast Orb
This is the one that you're most likely to know if you play HL2DM. Just punt the combine ball [orb] after you shoot to make a fast combine ball.
2) Magnum scoping
Wait! This is more than normal magnum scoping. This TOGGLES! With it, you can toggle your suit zoom to get easy headshots!
3) Playing music in any Source game
With this trick, you can play whatever music YOU want in ANY Source game. Nobody else hears the music- just you.
4) Changing the Steam message sound
Have you ever been annoyed by the Steam message-received sound? Don't turn it off- change it! It's not as simple as you think- but it's still easy.
5) Using fonts to recreate the logos from many Source games
Really, I won't be surprised if you don't know this one. You can EXACTLY recreate the logos from Half-Life², HL2DM, HL2EP1, HL2EP2, Garry's Mod, Day Of Defeat, and Counter-Strike using the fonts that came with them. By the way, this is my first tutorial video (that is still up) so it's not HD. By the way I remade it so it's nicer!

Ok I figured out the Youtube tags but the player is so small... You should just go to the URLs.