video march 2010 007 exodus


2010-03-22 22:32:50

hi there is a new video from france ...
i not expected congratulations but maybe objective comments to make it better again....i have found how to disables weapon scrolling for next project ...quality is not perfect im working on....maybe can you help me? :wink:
bye bye
007 Exodus :twisted:

The Argumentalizer

2010-03-23 05:32:59

That music works really well with DM.

Your skill is improving all the time.
I enjoyed it.

Typically you will get "PUB kills" and such.
Doesn't bother me.


2010-03-23 23:04:58

Also sign out of friends so you do not get "player X is playing" in the botom corner.

I use this script to remove the black bars when in spectate mode.
//Spectate bars on or off
alias specbarsoff "hidepanel specgui;bind F9 specbarson"
alias specbarson "showpanel specgui;bind F9 specbarsoff"


2010-03-24 22:16:23

Oooh thanks mate i was searching how to disable these spec bars.....great.
if i understand what you say i can use this for disable spec bars...
But i have to... write this into console or..? how to use (hard to be a french on english forum) :lol: .
Can you explain me how to delete players names too?
i would like (if possible) to have just like aka1 master in the movie "hl2 more than a game"..what i mean is i want to just see the weapons pictures when there is a frag.not the names.
I hope someone maybe can help me. :D :?:


2010-03-24 23:14:57

Here you can have my autoexec just right click save as goes i n hl2mp/cfg ... toexec.cfg
Dont forget to bind it to F9 in your config

You will want to delete exec keefy.cfg form the bottom otherwise everytime you atart game it will say "couldnt exe keefy.cfg"

Paste this into hl2mp/scripts to remove the names of the players and jsut have weapons ... Layout.res


2010-03-25 19:02:26

With hidehud you can hide all your hud or some parts of it.

Try from hidehud 1 to hidehud 9 to see the differences (and go back between each test to the default value of course).

If I remember correctly I was using hidehud 9 to hide the health and ammos without hiding the frag picture.

By the way you cant do like the video "more than a game" with only the weapon icone without the nicknames with a simple command. I'm quite sure it's impossible. In this video it has been done by adding in Vegas some gif/png custom picture for each frag ;)

About your vid, we can notice you need some more experience in vid editing but I see a lot of potential and good ideas, it's appreciated :)

And I like players who prefers the crossbow frags rather than all those 357 frags :D


2010-03-25 20:50:03

thanks Keefy and thanks DDf for explain me .cool :wink:
Yes this vid was a crossbow trying....some nice rebounds, this weapon give me good sensations, but my best still mag.. XD
Im trying to make one video per month, i have found how to disable this weapon scrolling (hard at beginning :mrgreen: ) i need practise
thanks for all and cya!


2010-03-27 02:05:00


If you want some quick helps and faster in french, dont hesitate to ask in the forum of my team. We are several to have some knowledge in vid editing and everybody would be pleased to inform you ;)

In this site you will have good advices too, and if you are curious you may be able to find some good tutorials too here :P

Here was a quick bind I had :

bind v "hud_saytext_time 0;hidehud 9;net_graph 0;voice_enable 0"

With saytextime and voice_enable @ 0 you disable both the text and voice, it could be usefull for your next vids :)


2010-05-07 16:23:00

Wow, some older frags in there, too, saw myself but not as a victim ^^ It's a fun vid, just like it's intended. Could do a bit shorter, with some less special frags or jumps removed (no point in prop jumping if it doesn't result in a kill) I love the main song, even though at times it gets too repetitive, ceiling ricochet after ceiling ricochet on the same music pattern hehe I'd love to hear more songs like that. Since you like bounces so much, try it also with orbs, even grenades :!: And yes, the spec`in bars must go, and so does most of the chat, imo anywayz. Annoying to have that big corner of chat blocking the view. Any way to remove that? If not, just play against less talkative players