For Mother Russia by Sentre

The Dog

2010-04-17 17:59:30


2010-04-18 23:37:14

Sentre is a beast.



2010-04-20 03:45:30

i'm heartbroken about nin jlyi being used. even if only for an intro or outro. :cry:

well, thats what i get for sitting on my ass and procrastinating about making a movie. :oops:

very nice first effort. i watched the youtube version. good frags and decent music. some of the clips were too bright and some too dark. im sure that has to do with optimizing or not for youtube. not overly "edited" for special effects. bit of a blank gap between songs that could be cleaned up a bit.



The Argumentalizer

2010-04-20 04:20:45

Impressive Maggery there! I'm going off to change my underoos.

Nice Job.

Walking Target

2010-04-21 05:57:34

V. nice. Thanks for re-posting.


2010-04-22 08:35:22

7/10. Good frags. Bad intro - boring. Didn't care for the music but didn't mark you down for that because its a matter of taste. Didn't like your transitions from frag to frag. It seemed like you just went through every possible transition in the list, from the scroll-up to the scroll-down, to the box, to the wipe. It was either a complicated transition or there was none. I would have prefered a more simple fade-in-fade-out, which doesn't detract from the frags but still gives the viewer a heads-up that its a new scene.

Overall, well played.