exodus LOCKHAZARD Frag movie june 2010


2010-06-06 12:51:41

hi everybody!! i want to present you my 1st real fragmovie who's name is lockhazard!
i hope you will enjoy the slow motions !!
please let me a comment :D let it load at 480p/



exodus :twisted:


2010-06-06 12:57:06



2010-06-06 13:30:40

thanks blasphemy , i have just trying to make something new...what name can i give for my next video? mmmm "NEW FRAGMOVIE" , or maybe "VIDEOHL2DM" :lol: .....haha dont focus on the "bad ass name" i choose for it..

EXODUS :twisted:


2010-06-06 19:23:28

I must say, I am very impressed. That's an amazing frag video!!


2010-06-06 19:33:16

nice job man. very good first vid. i thought you did a great job of putting it together. look forward to more from you.


2010-06-06 23:01:23

+Good quality frags
+Ok music
+Good length

-Video quality
-Too much pubbing footage
-Editing could've obviously been better cuz most of the frags we've already seen (check Frag Videos section) so unless the frags are amazing ur gonna have to have the editing that much better.

Good 1st vid


2010-06-07 01:24:04

i bet blas has watched this about 5 times now


2010-06-07 01:24:22

hes probably watching it right now


2010-06-07 01:39:11

phantom wrote:hes probably watching it right now
Chain postin' like a boss.

The Argumentalizer

2010-06-07 02:13:42

Excellent Prop jumpin kills, Physics slinging, Physics/Mag combos. Oh Yeah, i likes it! You have style. I love it.
Keep up the good work and scrappy game!


2010-06-07 04:37:15

only watched about 2 mins after i started hearing that drag0 music

Walking Target

2010-06-08 01:16:54

Blasphemy wrote:only watched about 2 mins after i started hearing that drag0 music
That name sounds vaguely familiar.


2010-06-08 21:43:12

nice 1 m8 good video entertaining; i know you have excellent skills nice to see them on video :D

wait a minute... :o erm that frag with me was recorded the day i had no mouse and 1 hand tied behind my back


2010-06-09 00:42:23

lead wrote:nice 1 m8 good video entertaining; i know you have excellent skills nice to see them on video :D

wait a minute... :o erm that frag with me was recorded the day i had no mouse and 1 hand tied behind my back
You notice that for the most part, people from the UK, Scottland, and Ireland type like everybody else, but in person, they use all sorts of weird Lingo, and strange cliches??

"That yellow tosser, is wearing a white Jersey! Let's give him a jolley good kicking" and so on...


2010-06-09 01:51:51

markymark wrote:
lead wrote:nice 1 m8 good video entertaining; i know you have excellent skills nice to see them on video :D

wait a minute... :o erm that frag with me was recorded the day i had no mouse and 1 hand tied behind my back
You notice that for the most part, people from the UK, Scottland, and Ireland type like everybody else, but in person, they use all sorts of weird Lingo, and strange cliches??

"That yellow tosser, is wearing a white Jersey! Let's give him a jolley good kicking" and so on...
I say, thanks we never noticed that before old chap, any way jolly bloody good show 1966 and all that jumpers for goalposts, back into the spitfires and strafe toronto then to quebec for a pimms and a game of rounders...johnny foreigners

The Argumentalizer

2010-06-09 04:05:55

I told you you can't understand anything a Scotsman says!


2010-06-09 05:31:10

Yea, thats because a scotsman is allways drunk.


2010-06-09 10:21:39

Pernicious wrote:Yea, thats because a scotsman is allways drunk.

nothing wrong with that :D


2010-06-09 19:59:01

:party: Hahaha! really? i have trying one time it was almost impossible to make a frag!!
scotland whisky? or beer lol
lmao :barf:

oh no, my keyboard...