2011-05-23 16:54:49
It's not the first time I recorded stuff and put it together with VirtualDub and so far I didn't have any issues - framerate wise, atm not interested in quality and editing, I just want proper frames. I'd just record a demo, play it and record the movie then idk what magic tutorial on youtube I followed but worked like a charm! I'd open the first tga, change audio and video to full processing, select Audio from other file.., change video->framerate to 30 ( I think that's what I did last time) and it would just WORK!
Now I twist and turn it, play with different framerates and nothing.. I get a slow choppy vid with a choppy sound. If I remove the sound, it's still a crappy vid. I tried host_framerate 30 in console and made no difference.
I then tried to decimate the frames, by 3 or by 5 (by 2 was still crap) and finally it was at normal/slightly higher speed and sound was good except, of course, it skips some frames so now the flow is gone like I'm lagging in game.