Community Frag Video


2008-01-14 16:12:20

wow that's an awesome project, i'll browse through my demo whenever i have time, thanks alot!


2008-01-14 17:54:33

this just a single project your doing holy?


2008-01-14 18:57:07

As soon as you answer s0iz/my question on the steam forums, I'll see what I have =P.
Oh....great idea btw..... It will be great to have something like this, and I really appreciate that you are gonna spend time to make this ;)


2008-01-14 21:29:16

This is a great idea. I'm rummaging through my demos now to see what I've got :D


2008-01-15 00:36:54

awesome project holy, I'll look through my demos and see what I have


2008-01-15 02:12:14

wow, those textures seem to have a good resolution, looks great!

The idea is also very good. Have to watch some of my demos to find something which could be worth putting into a fragmovie.


2008-01-15 02:12:24

looks amazing!

will the HUD/crosshair be removed like it was in Yes Way?


2008-01-15 02:30:51

Same question ^^

(I came when I saw the new textures 0_0)


2008-01-15 04:43:50

z0mg h4x !
those textures own.
Plus the resolution you are planning to use...this video will be great :D


2008-01-15 07:02:57

Just a question you mind if we email the demos instead of uploading them to filefront?


2008-01-15 07:12:46

my jaw literally dropped upon seeing those screenshots

not even kidding.


this video will be amazing


2008-01-15 09:49:31

Wow. Just wow. :D 8) :twisted: :P :) :lol: :o :D


2008-01-15 15:52:06

First ar2 IMO


2008-01-15 16:44:22

I gotta say I like the second one better. The first is cool, but doesn't really fit with the "gritty" feel of the game. It would be more in line with Unreal or something like that.


2008-01-15 17:22:31

k holy I already sent some demos.
I still have a loooot more to check, so I hope it doesn't bother you to have me sending so many =P


2008-01-15 19:29:26

I liked all of them. However, I prefer the original little medkit. the green one....
Just wondering ....who has sent you demos so far?


2008-01-15 20:10:26

just got a question...on demos that we're played on sv_pure 2 servers, won't that make it so the skins won't work?


2008-01-15 20:39:28

I'll have to record some of me playing. Can you edit my deaths out? lol

Walking Target

2008-01-15 20:52:17

Yeah holy, I like to see a single dot for the crosshair. It gives a point of reference for the shot while minimizing tearing and distraction.

That and the kill notification, as you know. :D

Onti released a HUD that only has the kill notifications:

In the end it's a creative decision, leaving HUD items in reduced quality slightly in my experience, but if anyone has the ability to overcome that issue, it's you.


2008-01-15 22:04:42

have you seen anything worth to use from those demos? =P
I hope you find a workaround for the sv_pure thing....otherwise you need to use default stuff right?
and do all the magic i need to.
lmao xD

EDIT: I remember that you didn't use much recamming in your video.
I would really like to see some good use of this if you are planning to include ricochets or that kind of awesome frags. Specially those in which you can't see the enemy.
I don't really mean that you gotta show the camera moving, maybe you could do what modal did on his latest video, just place the camera in a different angle to show the frag.
I think I recall having read something from you, in which you adviced not to use that much, cause it got boring, but I think that if used in the right and necessary momemts, It isn't boring, it's even better.
For instance, your rpg kill on overwatch.....I would have loved to see that from a different perspective. :wink:

Jelly Fox

2008-01-15 23:28:06

w0w @ those textures :shock:

old time no.7

2008-01-16 00:02:08

Jelly Fox wrote:w0w @ those textures :shock:
yah me too :D


2008-01-16 19:14:38

The sv_pure thing is really a problem, cuz most of my demos have that =/.
Whenever I scrim, play a 1v1, etc, sv_pure 2 is enabled....


2008-01-17 01:07:40

yeah all the demos I'll be sending are from sv_pure 2 servers

hopefully there can be a workaround


2008-01-17 04:07:14

I trying to send all my sv_pure 0 nice footage right now.... but I have a lot better footage in my sv_pure 2 demos =(


2008-01-17 04:09:59

i have a ton of pre pure update stuff... gotta find the notes on it thou


2008-01-17 08:04:26

I never cease to be amazed. The new lock, lost, and ow textures are amazing. I'm not so sure about avalon though, some of the 'happy' quality seems to be missing. Maybe it's just the still and I have to see it in action :/

Walking Target

2008-01-17 08:55:39

These rock. Valve should add these as an official option when they move to orange box.

Walking Target

2008-01-19 02:02:18

Sounds good man, can't wait for this vid, gonna be so cool to have HL2DM community vid.


2008-01-19 02:07:17

Sounds really tight. Let me know if you need more footage. I've got a couple not-so-great-but-almost kills that I can try to locate.


2008-01-19 21:25:19

What your doing is amazing holymoly! All of those textures are outstanding, I've never seen hl2dm look sooooooo good.

Have you set a deadline for when you will stop accepting demos? I really want to send you some demos but can't yet so just wanted to know what your timeframe was looking like.

I absolutely can't wait to see the end product of this project. From what i've seen from the screens you posted and your opener ideas this seems like it has the potential to set a new standard of excellence in hl2dm frag vids.

Great work man!


2008-01-19 22:12:04

lol @ me in screenshots.


2008-01-20 06:24:00

will you accept demos from any map?

also, has it been determined what will be included as far as HUD goes? crosshair? kill notices? I personally liked the way Yes Way was done with no HUD, gave the video more of a cinematic feel.

either way this vid is going to be amazing. big thanks to Holy for doing this.


2008-01-20 12:09:59

Question. Do you want funny stuff? Like the avalon nade toss in your video?


2008-01-20 21:11:17

Will you accept sv_pure 2 demos? the sv_pure 0 demo of you and me didnt work cause i crashed :(


2008-01-20 23:38:49

i got a few x bow shots that are blind. are you recamming anything?

i'll send em anyways. x fire, or i can e-mail them to you. ARGS i forget which ones they are, but i find em sometime today.


2008-01-22 07:29:43

I need to get off my butt and upload them demos sometime...just gotta remember. :(


2008-01-22 07:47:18

lol do you like ppl getting crushed by doors becuasse ther are typing :) i gott hat but i dont have anything good that is good enough to go on there i never recorded my games i just started to now and i doont think i have gotten anything amazing :)


2008-01-22 15:00:35

Also, the frag video and the texture pack should both have downloads in torrent form if possible :P


2008-01-28 06:30:59

wo0t I can still send you more? :D
Still looking for only sv_pure 0?

Edit: Like last time...who sent you demos so far?


2008-01-29 21:25:00

I'm pretty sure Jelly (and I know I) sent him demos. I sent him 2 so hopefully both my kills will be in there. Also features dm_caverns and dm_lost arena so the map contest winners will have their maps featured in the vid. :D

Jelly Fox

2008-01-29 21:41:23

I've still to send the extra special Cyber pwnage demo to him but I will, I'm trying to make a decent demo but every time I record I play like shit :cry: I guess I'm just camera shy :oops:


2008-01-29 23:22:19


2008-01-29 23:28:07

blas, the idea is to email him the link =P.
Hopefully he will see it and download it anyway ^^.


2008-01-30 01:40:58

0nti wrote:Hopefully he will see it and download it anyway ^^.

Along with me....hehe. N1's ^_^


2008-01-30 05:43:05

0nti wrote:blas, the idea is to email him the link =P.
Hopefully he will see it and download it anyway ^^.
:( I emailed it to him also just to be covered. :D


2008-01-31 01:13:49

holymoly wrote:Attention all pwnerers! I will stop accepting demos in 7 days.
:( :cry: :cry: :( :cry: :( :cry: :( :cry: :( :cry: :( :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

*long sad sigh*
Comp won't be here by then :cry:
Guess I'll have to wait till next community vid :cry:
Money is a BITCH :evil:
:evil: Expenses always like to come out of no where :evil:
Oh well what can you do :roll:
.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... :cry:


2008-01-31 01:29:19

meh.... too bad =(.
Don't you have ANY demo stored somewhere else?


2008-02-01 02:26:26

I've just always wanted to be in a frag vid, ever since I was playing CS back in the day. And no I wiped all the stuff I put on my parents comp back in VT. So even if my dad could figure out how to find and send my .dem files it would be no use. *sigh* Oh well next time. Really im just excited to play again after so long. It'll still be really great seeing the final porduct even though I'm not in it lol.

Don't get me wrong I still support the project whole-heartedly, I think its great that the community is being showcased. And Holymoly still kicks some serious ass for undertaking such a labor intensive project.


2008-02-03 02:12:47

lolz demos emailed, a mere 6 hours before deadline..procrastination ftw! :D


2008-02-03 17:32:36

Onti was the biggest contributor with about 90mb worth of footage
And you didn't accept my sv_pure 2 !! :evil: (j/k haha)
Thanks for all the effort you are doing Holy, I know this video will be one of the best hl2dm has ever seen.


2008-02-03 20:07:30

Theres still a chance! Huzzaaaa! :D Now I just need to record some haxor frags lol. Cmon fedex don't fail me now!


2008-02-05 18:39:30

Hey holy, how you doing with the vid? Are you near finishing it? or far away from that?


2008-02-05 23:19:04

0nti wrote:Hey holy, how you doing with the vid? Are you near finishing it? or far away from that?
With all the damn footage he has he has to edit most of you out and put other people it. zOMG he could make 14 vids of just you! :P 8) But just give the master time, it will be awesome.

Yes Onti, I'm just like you, I can't wait! (For my whole 2 kills to be in there :D)


2008-02-05 23:39:46

Ha yeah i can't wait to see my 12 seconds of fame :lol:


2008-02-05 23:50:44

well, at least I know that you should be near finishing after 2 weeks more ^^

Walking Target

2008-02-06 10:30:56

Single white dot is my preference.

Can't wait for vid!!!


2008-02-06 14:24:37

Well yeah, I used my hud remover on my vid, but just used one of the two files I created ( didn't use the clientscheme.res)
Can't remember why, I think I wanted to show when someone picked up a weapon, that's why I didn't use the black xhair I included in my pack.
Single white dot is really nice, as WT said :)
It doesn't raelly need to match the hud.
BTW, I'm glad my remover was useful for someone that isn't me =P
ps: i've seen every video in hl2dm and i can tell you right now that the quality of some of these frags is really nuts. you're gonna shit balls.
I bet you are right :D, taking into account that great players from different places sent you their best recorded sv_pure 0 frags, I expect to see something insane ^^


2008-02-07 03:00:17

would it be too much to ask for a status update? :D


2008-02-07 08:17:16

yay i iz in ur videos, fraggin ur doodz :D


2008-02-07 15:10:58

yay i iz in ur videos, fraggin ur doodz :D
Good to know I'm on it too :)


2008-02-07 21:28:37

D; !
You bastard !
Then I'll make another community video and I won't include you!! :twisted: (?)


2008-02-07 21:52:23



2008-02-08 01:57:08

I are teh fails :(


2008-02-08 02:25:54

i've recorded from pincus, onti, {WANK} son of dad, zman, nerevar, and i just finished your stuff, poconut, about half an hour ago
Doubt that ma friend :)


2008-02-08 04:25:29

onti, was referring to this:
holymoly wrote:i think i'm going to make this video 30 minutes long and only have me and my l33t self in the vid. sorry :D


2008-02-08 04:53:25

:o:o:o:o:o hehehe


2008-02-08 16:05:51

0nti wrote::o:o:o:o:o hehehe
I wonder how much of your footage has me in it. OR we could make a community vid of that 1 on 1 where I kicked your ass. tee hee :oops:

Holy don't worry, even with out the status updates we're still excited to see the video. Even if I don't get to be in it, I can say "Hey I know those guys!" lol 8)


2008-02-08 16:09:59

OR we could make a community vid of that 1 on 1 where I kicked your ass. tee hee :oops:

Yeah I've heard how half deathmatch world knew that in almost one day.... I wouldn't have done that if I were you D;
I'll make sure to not go easy on you next time............I'll have my revenge :twisted: !


2008-02-08 16:12:35

0nti wrote:
OR we could make a community vid of that 1 on 1 where I kicked your ass. tee hee :oops:

Yeah I've heard how half deathmatch world knew that in almost one day.... I wouldn't have done that if I were you D;
I'll make sure to not go easy on you next time............payback !
I mentioned it to at the most maybe 1 or 2 people...and TRIED to make it sound like it was close (1 kill) lol. But seriously I tried not to brag, and I get like 30,000 messages saying, "So you think you're good because you beat Onti?" or general stuff like that. I said, "No I was just lucky 8) :lol: " Haha You're ping sucks and I took advantage :twisted: I still love you onti and know you can whip my ass :D


2008-02-08 16:47:32

So you think you're good because you beat onti?
LOL !!!! Funny shit hahahah.
Haha You're ping sucks and I took advantage
haha yeah I had 260-80 that day...way above average =O
I still love you onti
haha <3 u 2 mate :D

now back to the topic ...
Status update holy :D?


2008-02-08 16:55:35

0nti wrote:
So you think you're good because you beat onti?
LOL !!!! Funny shit hahahah.
Haha You're ping sucks and I took advantage
haha yeah I had 260-80 that day...way above average =O
I still love you onti
haha <3 u 2 mate :D

now back to the topic ...
Status update holy :D?
You're in it. Now just be patient and wait. He's working on it. :p


2008-02-08 16:59:29

holymoly wrote: I am trying to keep posting status updates so people keep their anticipation levels high and don't just forget about me :D .


2008-02-08 17:01:07

0nti wrote:
holymoly wrote: I am trying to keep posting status updates so people keep their anticipation levels high and don't just forget about me :D .
You can anticipate an rpg up your @$$ if you don't quti doing that. 8) He said he is TRYING to post status updates, so when he has an update he'll post it. Just simmer, I'm as excited about the vid as you are. LOLz


2008-02-08 17:03:02

hahahaah I'm laghing so hard here >.<
I guess just you and me understand why xD


2008-02-08 17:09:26

0nti wrote:hahahaah I'm laghing so hard here >.<
I guess just you and me understand why xD
I dunno what it is, but me and you have just been on our own page since you started training me. lol I'll send ya a message with some ideas I have.


2008-02-08 23:04:30

oh and my clanmate have a funny death ...he nades me from a place in overwatch, while I make a bolt bounce on the wall.... we both die =P.
Maybe if you put both players at the same time showing what's going on, It would look really nice....after all you can't recam once the player is dead =/
We will just send em to you....and you see if it is worth adding it or not ;D

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2008-02-09 09:53:57

I hope for a part two :)
I must get in the second one. xD


2008-02-09 20:05:14

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0 wrote:I hope for a part two :)
I must get in the second one. xD
There is probably enough footage from everyone to do 3 or 4. 8) Holy promised to try to get everyone in it that sent him footage.

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2008-02-10 03:08:54

holymoly wrote:
cyber_clash wrote:Holy promised to try to get everyone in it that sent him footage.
It was harder than you might think!
Which is why I think that there will be more parts to this in the future.

Son of Dad

2008-02-10 03:34:52

Hey holy, just wanted to drop by and say how great you are for doing this.

Can't wait to see the results.


2008-02-10 06:08:50

cool ...downloading now =P.
Just an advice holy ....don't post anything else ....I mean ... any other little video showing how the project is going.
Obviously, it's nice to see, but at the end it's not the same.
It's way better when you don't know anything and see it finished all of a sudden.
just my opinion ;)

Son of Dad

2008-02-10 06:27:15

Agree with 0nti.

Great intro holy, shame my comp has trouble playing it.


2008-02-10 06:30:39

haha ... anyway... for those interested....the intro is sexy ;D
Well done so far I gotta say holy ...keep it up :D
Briggs: you said the intro was sexy?
Briggs: lol
onty: :)
onty: in a ... metaphorical way lol
Briggs: haha
Just in case =P.


2008-02-10 18:19:54

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0 wrote:
holymoly wrote:
cyber_clash wrote:Holy promised to try to get everyone in it that sent him footage.
It was harder than you might think!
Which is why I think that there will be more parts to this in the future.
Yeah that's why I keep telling Onti to be patient. 8)


2008-02-10 18:40:19

well i am glad i didnt get to see the intro, but disappointed a bit, then again it will just be better to see the whole thing in it's entirety not knowing a thing about it.

if there are going to be more "parts" to this community vid, maybe we could just use sv_pure 2? since you need to obtain new footage on servers set with pure 0 just to make the deadline for handing in a clip or maybe all draft night servers could run sv_pure 0 and get footage from there? just some ideas we could try in future....


2008-02-10 19:13:13

maybe all draft night servers could run sv_pure 0 and get footage from there?
Yeah holy had already said that to WT, which I guess it's fine...I don't think University people will go there and use any weird texture just to have an advantage....
And maybe the next community vid could be sv_pure 2 also, cause if we are gonna make another sv_pure 0, I will surely be without any footage ...


2008-02-10 19:55:22

yeah same. i didnt have any footage for this video. me and zman had to play on sv_pure 0 settings just to get a clip.

but if it's pure_2 i've got plenty :D


2008-02-10 20:07:16

I had mostly ricochets on a sv_pure 0 server I play, or from the 1v1 we play on listen servers with my mate. But all my scrim's footage, cal, and even some pub footage is sv_pure 2 now ... I'll surely use it for my vid though ...


2008-02-10 22:41:53

0nti wrote:I had mostly ricochets on a sv_pure 0 server I play, or from the 1v1 we play on listen servers with my mate. But all my scrim's footage, cal, and even some pub footage is sv_pure 2 now ... I'll surely use it for my vid though ...
I'll whip your ass a couple times for a vid if ya want some footage. :lol: 8)


2008-02-11 00:31:18

Well, I already have something against you if you were wondering =P


2008-02-11 04:15:17

WOOT!!! Can't wait! I have no doubt this will kick ass.


2008-02-11 05:23:46

damn it i want it now now now
is it here yet
is it here yet
is it here yet
am i getting on your nervs?
good hurry up ;)


2008-02-11 06:00:22

ladies and gentlemen......we have a link.


2008-02-11 07:04:32

downloading! :D

Walking Target

2008-02-11 07:11:52

DLing...oh so exciting!!!


2008-02-11 07:13:35

Thank you holy! 8) Way cool of you.


2008-02-11 07:30:15

where is the download link?


2008-02-11 07:37:40

Oh man, that was spectacular! I'm hoping there will be much more where this came from, because I'm in sweet bliss right now.


2008-02-11 07:37:41

holymoly wrote:It's still uploading, but go here at 10pm to download.
Where it says "here"

{Rx}Crowbar Ninja DJ Z3R0

2008-02-11 07:38:13

Wow that was nice. I'm gonna have clips for yer next one. ;D


2008-02-11 07:59:59



2008-02-11 08:07:54

omgomgomgomgomg downloading!!!!!111onweoneoneone :D :D :D :D


2008-02-11 08:33:53

Very nice job Holy! makes me want to make a vid :D

Walking Target

2008-02-11 09:27:35

What you mean?

Awesome Holy, very cool seeing all those players together in one vid. I didn't want it to end!


2008-02-11 09:32:47

lol, that was one of the "FAQ" questions. I lol'd. :D

Walking Target

2008-02-11 09:42:09

Oh I forgot to read it...guess I was too anxious to watch the vid.


2008-02-11 11:27:22

good stuff :D

Walking Target

2008-02-11 11:28:43

Was one where u puts nates name and then u kill him? :shock:


2008-02-11 14:33:31

Great vid holy, I loved it :D!


2008-02-11 15:24:27

Dude Poconut and Onti rock ass! Some great players in there, very cool vid! :D


2008-02-11 15:56:49

Dude Poconut and Onti rock ass!
Thanks mate ! I'm glad u liked my footage ^^


2008-02-11 17:32:34

Thx Coke. :D I personally thought that Pincus, Onti, and blas had the best footage.
That pincus jump from the lockdown control room finished by a headshot was pure sex.


2008-02-11 17:53:19

Great video, some good xbow shots in there =)


2008-02-11 18:29:40

That pincus jump from the lockdown control room finished by a headshot was pure sex.
I liked nate's shots ...and how yard_guy distracted modal with the nade....that was really cool too. Might wanna try that :)
Poco's headshot at 5:12, and his gravity gun jump were sweetl.
Also, I liked Blas' sequences.


2008-02-11 18:39:23

omg this is going to take 2:30hrs to download at 50kbs lol and i got 2mb broadband connection. If u got the time can up load this to stage6 so i don't have to waste time away play from hl2dm. If no one uploads it then i guess i might but i prefer somone that has it on there computer already to do it instead me waiting to download it.


2008-02-11 22:42:38

nice video i enjoyed it, hopefully there will be more and you could get someone else to help you with it.

but zman i thought you were contributing clips too, what happened? i didnt see any of yours in there. =/

Jelly Fox

2008-02-11 23:15:52

Awesome video,cheers and well done Holy!

I'd like to add, that that's the only 2 times Cyber has ever killed me...and I'm now gonna make a full length movie of me pwning Cyber in response :D (b4sturd)


2008-02-12 00:01:00

Jelly Fox wrote:Awesome video,cheers and well done Holy!

I'd like to add, that that's the only 2 times Cyber has ever killed me...and I'm now gonna make a full length movie of me pwning Cyber in response :D (b4sturd)
I'm happy, I got my 6 seconds of fame, and holy made me look damn good. 8)


2008-02-12 00:23:35

thats a damn shame. me and zman had a simultaneous kill on each other too.


2008-02-12 00:40:53

im damn slow i just got done extracting lol :(

Jelly Fox

2008-02-12 01:15:42

holymoly wrote:haha jelly, i actually had another kill he did on you, so he's killed you at least 3 times :p
2...3... same difference :P

If you ever make another one, let me up and I'll hook you up with some Cyber_Clash pwnage!


2008-02-12 02:31:50

hehe yeah my clips sucked, i put like 0 time into picking demos lol
I like everything i saw by all players, especially some of onty's stuff :)

Son of Dad

2008-02-12 04:10:11

Great video holy, thanks for all the effort you put into this.

I'm glad i made a little cameo in the video,

Nice frags from 0nti and Pincus


2008-02-12 05:14:41

I like everything i saw by all players, especially some of onty's stuff
Nice frags from 0nti and Pincus
Thanks guys ! I'm really glad you liked my frags...
@Son of dad.... your mags weren't bad either ;)
@Zman....dude I would have loved to see u on that vid ! You gotta send more demos next time :D


2008-02-12 06:42:57

Jelly Fox wrote:
holymoly wrote:haha jelly, i actually had another kill he did on you, so he's killed you at least 3 times :p
2...3... same difference :P

If you ever make another one, let me up and I'll hook you up with some Cyber_Clash pwnage!

I really hope I can get some more and better footage for another one. I did like the two he put in and made them look really good. Like I said I'm happy. 8) Thanks for making me look good holy :D


2008-02-12 10:51:44

I'ma wait ^^


2008-02-13 02:11:49

Thanks for squeezing me in last minute, very nice vid overall - looking forward to more of your work!


2008-02-13 18:41:34

HOLY SHIT ONTI!!!!!!!!!! :shock: *bows*

edit: Something about Onti and his demeanor reminds me of an Uncle. Hence, Uncle Onti... and an Aerosmith tune springs to mind. Uncle Salty. The following is a rather juvenile revison of that Aerosmith tune in tribute to Onti's skill.

Caveat *eyeroll*: Not an accusation in ANY way that ANY of the players in ANY frag vid ever made depicting Uncle Onti's mad skillz... is a h4xz0r.

Sung to the tune Uncle Salty...

Uncle Onti told me stories of a lonely
n00by with a lonely kind of life to lead
for h4x the n00by lusted, h4xz0r he was busted
Onti could be trusted to make the h4xz0r bleed
the n00by cried at night, no one came
the h4xz0r cried at night, went insane


2008-02-13 19:40:38

just seen it Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet


2008-02-13 19:47:49

hahah thanks Cellar... anyway, those are just good moments, don't think I'm flying all around the map with explosions and killing everyone >.<
I have those kind of frags cuz I love trying out that shit..... I'm always looking for a nice ricochet, an rpg move, whatever that can look nice :)
Sometimes I miss, sometimes I die, and just a few sometimes, I get the kill.
Those are some of those few sometimes ;D
Hopefully I'll be able to show some more another day =P

old time no.7

2008-02-13 19:54:04

saw this over a cup of coffee whilst the engine warmed this morning.

wow is about all i can say.

onty those smg nade launch on aim arena are pretty nuts.


2008-02-13 20:04:53

[GoTg] old time no.7 wrote:
onty those smg nade launch on aim arena are pretty nuts.


2008-02-13 20:05:05

well give it a try ;)
You won't lose anything ... worst case scenerio, you end up getting killed.
Every player gets killed every day anyway so ... why not trying something different once? =D
Besides, it kinda surprises your enemy =P
Just be sure to have suit, and it's better to use it when you know your enemy is already damaged. When I did that smg nade jump to nic0, I had already hit him once with my magnum.
haha I enjoyed the class proffessor =P.


2008-02-13 20:25:04

holymoly wrote:you guys better watch it...when i met onty he didn't have an ego but by the end of this you're going to give him one.
LOL you're right.

And ^^ up at Cellar....You stole my sig dude. 8) I'm officially a trend setter now. 8)


2008-02-13 20:44:33

holymoly wrote:oh btw, welcome to the longest thread on hl2dm-u by over 5 pages.
And I remember you double posted this thread so for maximum "reading abilities." (Or something lol)


2008-02-13 20:45:57

when i met onty he didn't have an ego but by the end of this you're going to give him one.
D: he is right xD lol.
Besides ... my frags might be the most ...uncommon ones ...but I saw some really skilled shit on that vid. Mine is easy, just try 1000 and you will get one like that me.
But for instance....nate and yard_guy had a really good mag. Pincus had great movement, he also showed some nice work in prediction (his nade was sweet). Blas gettting those consecutive kills against top players like those in $W and VDuS also called my attetion. I even went to $W site to see the results of that much, cuz I couldn't believe they kept rushing the toilets while blas stopped them.
I believe those things are way more skilled than a smg nade jump kill on a 1v1/pub , against a player which I'm still training.
I just try to go out of the normal limits and show how dynamic this game can be, but I'm far from the best, and I know that some frags on that video required way more skills than mines.


2008-02-13 20:49:05

Holy, what do you think about doing a part 2? or another vid completely?
The first one got so much buzz and was so well liked.

Encore I say, Encore!

What is everyone's favorite part?
I can't stop watching the slow-mo grenade that pincus has during the breakdown of "Me Against the World." 2:26 -2:38


2008-02-18 18:25:51

Any low-quality versions?


2008-02-18 19:09:55

low quality? D: what for?
I know you can watch it in you tube =P.
Can't get worse than that xD


2008-02-18 19:13:08

well I up loaded it to stage6 but i have not mastered this encoding stuff so the quality is not as good as it should be. ... 0/Finality


2008-02-18 21:01:39

10 pages's it feel? 8)


2008-02-21 04:58:10

ARG the x264 codec wont install on my comp, I've tried dling from multiple mirrors...GIANT sad face I really wanted to watch the high quality one. This is like torcher lol that first track is SOOO eery I wanna see picture that goes with it!! Any help or suggestions would be VERY much appreciated!!


2008-02-21 05:09:12

nvm I figured it out woot foir insane quality!!!

You rock holymoly I don't know why its taken me this long to watch the vid but it definately sets a new standard for hl2dm frag vids BRAVO!!


2008-02-21 18:44:13

Epoch wrote:nvm I figured it out woot foir insane quality!!!

You rock holymoly I don't know why its taken me this long to watch the vid but it definately sets a new standard for hl2dm frag vids BRAVO!!
I would seriously recommend VLC player if you don't have it. I don't know how many thousands of file formats I used on it but it plays damn near everything, and everything I've ever tried to play on it. :wink: