Framerate v Sound Sync


2007-03-26 20:31:05

I played around this weekend with trying to keep my sound synced with my video. When I used host_framerate of 30, the sound became more and more out of sync the longer the video ran.

I changed my host_framerate to 27 (don't ask why :D) and it's almost perfect by the end.

Has anybody else encountered this problem and come up with a solution (other than manually syncing it in the video editor)?


Walking Target

2007-03-26 21:26:47

What app are you using? Virtualdub has an option to adjust the framerate to synch perfectly with the .wav file. Dunno about other apps, but this works quite well.


2007-03-26 21:40:10

Umm wav file?

I use the startmovie <<moviename>> AVI to export my movies.

It goes straight to whatever encoder I want to produce the AVI file. I don't have any separate wav file.

Walking Target

2007-03-26 23:53:17

Oh right...I dont use the AVI keyword as it crashes me, so I get a series of .TGAs and a .WAV instead which I then compile into a compressed .AVI with virtualdub.

Of course that uses up a crapload of space relative to compressing it down right away, but for smaller clips it also allows you to get slightly better quality by exporting at a higher resolution and then resizing the images down.


2007-03-27 00:18:11

Do you use the AVI keyword in a windowed game, or full screen?

Walking Target

2007-03-27 00:24:33

Hmmm I dont recall. I think I tried it windowed at 640 x 480.

Does it make a difference then?


2007-03-27 00:59:01

Dunno. I know if you have it full screen, you won't see the codec dialog box.

I thought maybe that would cause a crash of some sort. I'm going to try uncompressed tonight to see if I can get the sound any better.

[KBH] Chapeau Noir

2007-03-27 01:30:27

I gave up and started splitting the audio at every spawn and then using the a/v offset tool on each.
Godawful tedious, but 100% on the money. can even tailor the delay and echo on those long rpg shots