2008-01-30 19:00:12
I think I did a good job in general, taking into account this was my first time doing a frag vid :O
I would only have liked to do a bit better intro, but meh.

Length: 10:48
Size: 412mb
Resolution: 1280x768
Codec: x264
I'll copy paste the readme ;D
Clan {LsD}* is proud to present their first Frag video.
All the footage shown is from the Cyberathlete Amateur League seasons 1, 2, and 3. So not a single shot was staged

=LSD= --> 1st season \
=LsD= --> 2nd season > In case you were wondering =P
{LsD}* --> 3rd season /
We apologize for the fact that some parts might seems jerky or some shots weird (like the rpg moving late, and magnum shots that aren't aimed properly.)
This is due to us being from South America, and playing the league with pings from 180 to 230 or some times even more =/
The movie was produced by myself

However, clanmates really helped (they gave me their demos with the tickrates of each frag)
Also, dark soul made the custom hud, and s0iz helped me with the music selection. Thanks guys <3

Speacial thanks to:
* For lending us their servers for the matches in the different seasons. Otherwise we couldn't have played, thank you !
* For creating the pack with the guide and everything on how to make a good frag video.
We would also like to thank every single person in the video, because the matches were freaking good ! :]
Note that if you are in this video is because.
1) We played against you in CAL
2) A frag against most players in the video is concidered "relevant" (at least for us), because lots of the players fragged are great and respected ones.
This is why we showed the death notices. We didn't want to make a video against random new and "unnamed" players.
3) Some players are shown more than others, because we have played more matches or rounds against some teams.
In NO WAY, this video intended to humillate someone or prove we are better than anybody. Some of the matches shown were won, others were lost, and the video shows just frag highlights.
I hope you can all enjoy it

*****Additional thanks to Briggs for uploading it

http://files.filefront.com/CAL+Highligh ... einfo.html
http://files.filefront.com/CAL+Highligh ... einfo.html