2007-04-06 16:06:38
I know theres a way, but what is the easiest way to do it? I have so much old school footage I would like to use but i'm not sure how. 

2007-04-06 16:06:38
2007-04-06 18:22:08
That's from the admin over on the Speed-jumping thread in the Athletic Center. =) Should do the trick.Head on over to the steam forums and read this thread:
http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/s ... p?t=539729
The demos are pre-patch and therefore dont work unless you download the HL2DM launcher program by Pincus. Read the entire thread before downloading so you are sure to get the latest version and all the info.
Included in the thread is a post by L2K linking to a place to download the demo pack.
2007-04-13 21:01:46
2007-04-13 21:50:18
2007-04-13 21:59:23
Walking Target
2007-04-13 22:58:24
Oh shit, that's gold right there. I would help but I'm busy converting the FIOS finals. Not to mention my own frag vid is delayed.ninojman wrote:thank you pincus!!
now i have 50 fios matches and 50 sta 4v4 matches to go throu
anybody wanna help? lol
2007-04-14 05:03:56
2007-04-16 20:24:51
Walking Target
2007-04-17 09:02:45
Walking Target
2007-04-19 00:41:10
2007-04-19 18:37:39
2007-04-25 18:21:13
2007-05-08 19:03:02
Walking Target
2007-05-08 20:18:25
Absolutely, If you don't mind them being posted. I am particularly interested in "classic matchups", ie. top players and top clan matches in hard fought rounds.ninojman wrote:WT would u want any just straight up matches?